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Everything posted by parmie

  1. Theres a crafting gap between 22s which are the highest grade schematic you can buy from the vendor and then the next craftable grade which is 26 i.e. you cannot learn tionese or columi schematics (although you can learn some items from schematics dropped in operations). For 26 or above enhancements/hilts you would need to buy a Black hole or campaign item from the vendor, rip out the enhancement and reverse engineer it with the standard 20% chance. It's pretty easy to get BH commendations now but you'd be better served gearing yourself up with Black hole gear to then go on operations to get campaign items which you can then try to reverse engineer the hilts from. Something you would need to discuss with the guild you are going on operations with first though, they may not be too impressed if you won a campaign item to start reverse engineering the components of it if someone else also needed it.
  2. Just to add he will never be able to share the class quests but you'll be able to enter after he goes into the instance.
  3. There is sometimes an interface bug I get, a relog should clear it, otherwise the reasons for this which are valid could be: max amount of companions doing something, 5 items can be queued for one companion at a time, you cannot craft items on a particular companion if he's currently otherwise busy i.e. gathering or selling junk.
  4. With the festive period fast approaching and a number of officers away. Please allow for some additional time in providing replies from website applications and our availability online. I'm very pleased to say we've swelled our ranks by another 10 members recently (we are still recruiting), we've still to progress on TfB HM so the guild is still very motivated towards content while focus stays on just having good 'ole fun.
  5. You've been told twice and still not getting it. Stop buying mats from the GTN, advertise free crafting, if you crit sell it for whatever you want. As you haven't made any outlay, whatever you get for crits is pure profit for you. Don't try to complain that 1m credits which would undercut current prices isn't enough in that scenario.
  6. Agree with the previous poster, they can afford to craft at their prices because their customers provide the mats and they will market the crit results, which is quite likely and easy to achieve if you have the ship droid equipped with the cybertech crit bonus. If you want to compete you need to find a strategy as competitive.
  7. There is a way around the BoP for upgradable items such as rakata, columi etc. If you visit the legacy vendors on your relevant capital world you can purchase orange shells for the character, you can then strip out the upgrades from the bound item, add them to the legacy and mail it to another of your characters - where then you could either equip the item or once again strip out the upgrades and fit them to the gear you want. (so you if you like the legacy gear send him to the vendor to buy the item and mail it empty to the one holding the upgrades you want). I think some of the cartel items are also Bound to Legacy so could act the same way. Finally keep an eye out for events and the items offered by the event vendors, for the last one for example you could buy bind to legacy rifles making barrels transferable, I think everyone is on the look out for a bind to legacy lightsabre.
  8. I really like space missions as a levelling aid. You don't need to go anywhere but sit in your ship, you get credits and xp with no penalties for failues. Fleet comms are useful (500 for the grade 7s, or you can trade in for mats boxes when you get to 50).
  9. Anla-Shok Guild Website For those who know their sci-fi, our guild is named after the rangers from Babylon 5. We are primarily a social guild with members from across Europe and most evenings we will have between 10-20 members online and an active group of officers with alts to fill all raiding roles (so generally speaking, raids will get going with minimal fuss). Most members are in their 20s and 30s although we have some exceptions both older and younger, being a nice sociable person is our primary criteria (rage quitters need not apply ) We operate an organised but no obligation raiding schedule with 3 operations in our calendar weekly to help people gear new 55s and complete end game content - we are still working our way through TFB and S&V HMs so welcome applications from people still looking to that content.. The guild bank is well stocked with crafting mats and levelling and some end game items available at a discount from GTN prices. We also have several crafters and who do so for free if mats provided, We have one or two hard core pvp'ers for those who like to participate in WZ's, we have a casual affiliation with a similar but independent Imp guild who are also a very friendly bunch and many members from both guilds have brought alts into the opposite side. Application form available on our website or contact me on Zeerse, Jesrebi, Xanckur, Zarnod, Zor'rex in game
  10. Hello, I'm just about to post about our guild Anla'Shok where you can read more about us. We're a medium sized social guild, we have between 10-20 members on most evenings. We have a schedule to cater for as many people as possible - so there is a weekly EV/KP run to help people who need gear and we are regularly doing TfB story and although we've not done Kephess, are working our way through EC HM. We mainly run these Tues-Thurs so that other evenings can be free or be kept for continuations before the reset. Going on raids is entirely optionable for everyone in the guild. To be honest we would probably look to take you into the guild and have done this with 2 small guilds before, rather than have an association. What we've done before is organise a 50/50 raiding group with ourselves and the other guild just to see if we get along, have a chat etc. In game I am on any of these alts: Zeerse, Jesrebi, Zarnod, Xanckur, Zor'rex. You can also contact our guild master: on Mimz, Laranita, Ceylena, Teeoni.
  11. I was really looking forward to space missions, but with cybertech I was looking at something like 350 dailies for the schematic and item from daily vendor, 300k from the credits starship vendor for another piece and a staggering amount of fleet comms to get remaining pieces. I thought the cartel market with its many adaptive sets and end game crystals for level 10s will kill off quite a bit of demand for craftable items. Disappointing this wasn't better balanced.
  12. Social points are just cosmetic, don't worry too much about them while levelling. When you get to end game you start earning them at a much faster rate as you'll need to group up to keep things interesting and complete content. You should however, be considering doing a flashpoint on most days as you'll get xp and credits from the daily mission at fleet as well as the chance to drop gear - and learn your role better. On HC4s, if you play prime time for your location it should mostly not be an issue, just don't either sit and wait for a group or leave them until you've completed solos, i.e. when you pick one up, start asking for a group then still go off doing your questing.
  13. Upgradable gear, either orange bordered or prototype purple items are entirely dependant on the upgrades within them. While you should maximise the upgrades in your preferred item, extracting an upgrade charges you credits, I'd say best practice is to save some commendations and buy a suitable upgrade from the relevant planet item modification vendor. If you're picking up the daily for flashpoints something you should be able to do as soon as you complete the flashpoint.
  14. For Rich grade 5s then yes, far more Investigation missions drop than any other type and I'd anticdotaly put the order in something like - Investigation, UWT, Treasure Hunting, Diplomacy, Slicing, Archeology, Bioanalysis. This seems too obvious to be an ignored bug. For lower grade missions then I get a more even spread.
  15. For cheap crafting ten armormech with scav and slicing is a good option I've found, theres more interest in orange armor sets rather than RE'd purple items nowadays and you can produce augment kits and several useful augments (aim primary stat, plus 2 tanking ones). If you're not crafting towards purple armor you really don't need UWT, the only gap you have is companion gifts. If you want the least effort approach to gathering then I go for treasure hunting, slicing and diplomacy - TH lockboxes give either cash, items you can use or relics, slicing gives lockboxes for cash or missions to sell and diplomacy for gifts and if you slice a diplomacy mission you could run it and sell the mats. Crafting is expensive only if you take a grinding approach, if you craft to quality i.e. to obtain a few reserve engineered tier 2 schematics and then sell as you level the craft. It pays for itself.
  16. Biochems have always been implant makers. Artifcers can make themselves relics at 50 (and learn campaign ones for BoE through reverse engineering) and cybers make armorings which are the corrections I'd make to your post .
  17. I think the point is sound. I've got a couple of enhancement drops for my artificer, nothing has been designed in for armstech for raid schematics. Perhaps as even as simple as some vanity crafting e.g. a blaster than comes with an unusual crystal colour even if the other mods are no big thing, or something looking cool that people would want to buy. But I guess player generated vanity crafting will contra the cartel coins where Bioware are looking to make money.
  18. Probably biochem, quite often you don't even get the right compound materials come back that you need for green item recipes and once you've got yourself a reusable stim/medpack theres not much incentive to keep grinding at it until you gain several experience levels. Not sure what is mean by working a skill, they are all the same mechanics, some people say Armstech is the hardest to make GTN money from, I think it's just a matter of learning your purple schematics and making money from them no matter what the skill.
  19. For a guildee? Assuming we're talking someone who is established in the guild, and you give them the mats, then it should really be zero tip and you should be given the crit duplicate. You're in a guild together right? Raiding will be easier the more people have better gear. If the duplicate's not required then stick it in the guild bank and some other guildee will come in for it - and if you're like ours, you charge a reduced price for items taken out - hey, a contribution to repair bills/stims etc. Your guild rules should cover nefarious behaviour though, if said guildee takes and then is found to be selling them, should be a matter for the guild master, hopefully you've got good and trustworthy guildees though.
  20. I'd mostly agree. The area is large yet packed with mobs (is that to offset respawn times?). I certainly wouldn't do Section x more than once a week.
  21. parmie


    As long as you're maximising your chances - highest affection possible and using a companion with crit bonus if they have one then theres not anything else you can do. I guess it's about why you're after it. Toons at that level quickly level out of grade 1 items and if you're a high level toon crafting low level toons, the small fees for grade 1 shouldn't really be felt i.e. spam them until you get what you need.
  22. My internet cut out while playing a new toon with just gathering skills, when I logged back in the first time it was as if I was f2p asking me to remove 2 skills or buy them with coins. Relogged again and although that issue went away, certain parts of my characters profile seemed to revert to a previous point, I lost any titles I'd gained, the pets you get when rolling a new toon and a speeder, some abilities I'd assigned to quickbar 2 were no longer there. Wondering if this is the same or related issue.
  23. I think some acknowledgement of what the community debates amongst itself would help this blog gain credence. It's all very sunny side up stuff. The placement of the HK parts within Outlaw's Den caused problems on PvE servers. Be good if that was actually referred to or commented on .
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