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Everything posted by ZDProletariat

  1. It sounds like you keep up on current news and additions to the game. I commend you on being so informed.
  2. Is this the same simulationcraft that I saw a guy claim the gunslinger SS spec regularly should be pulling 1950 DPS in operations? That was humorous.
  3. Sorry, but you are in fact very wrong. It's simple to do the math, but some people apparently have troubles with percentages. If you do 1000 damage, then apply the 22% damage buff of expertise, then apply the 18% damage reduction of opponent's expertise, you do 1000 damage. (1000)*(1.22)*(.82)=1000.4 Before, expertise reduction did more than the damage boost. It was not even. Now it is.
  4. Are you an operative? Operatives always look like they are moving faster than they are, especially if they get the speed buff from their stun in the third tree it looks like speed hacks.
  5. *cough* Kephess Hard Mode *cough* Even the Rakata level ones are worth using.
  6. Because kids 12 years old is the major drinking demographic, right?
  7. What's so bad about this idea, folks? Can you guys make actual arguments instead of your emotional knee jerk reaction?
  8. So because you are such an individual being in the minority, you think other people shouldn't be able to be individuals by defining their characters the way they want. Right on. That obviously makes sense.
  9. So your argument against the origin/destination system is that you can't imagine any server being used except the fatman? I'm sure other servers will be selected as the destination servers. You don't think so? yeah?
  10. Giving more accuracy does nothing to our already 100% chance to destroy sorcerers. Their dead bodies are already piled high, and being able to deal with tanks will not affect that.
  11. I was assuming the OP is talking about War Hero and Campaign level gear since the old stuff is so easy to get. In that regard, neither the mainhand nor the offhand have power mods. I'm not sure why you even brought up Guardians though. Our two hits increases proc rates for your defenses and increases our need for accuracy since the offhand misses more. The only skill the Gunslinger gets that benefits from an offhand is speed shot, and that only to proc the reduced cast aimed shot which only the people using the first tree would use. In 1.3 you will be able to augment your Focus as well. This discussion wasn't about comparing offhands of different classes. It was about comparing the need for us to spend a lot more time PVPing to get the same stat distribution we want that snipers will get much easier.
  12. It's a buff to the MM spec to allow them to deal with tanks better. It's not hard to understand why they were needed.
  13. If by easily moddable you mean we can farm 2000 more rated warzone commendations, then sure! It's sure easy! Also, anybody can buy our boots and rip the enhancements out of them. This is still a disadvantage for us.
  14. Those who never give up and never surrender.
  15. I don't want to see dangling danglies dangling in my face when I PVP.
  16. We demand MORE Huttball. More maps, more configurations, and have it be a random Huttball map whenever Huttball pops.
  17. Or that people don't know what they are talking about.
  18. People are simple minded. They vote for whoever has the most medals, the most damage, or the most healing. Tanks get MVP votes all the time if you got the most medals because of your protection. But to do that you need to stance swap after getting a few medals and then go for damage. to get the most medals.
  19. There's nothing wrong with the strategy they use. My guild does HM with that strategy as well, and we clear it just fine. The fearful is 30m, so it's very easy for a gunslinger to situate himself outside the 30m range when they jump. You should know when they will jump as well. It's fine if you like your strategy, and if it works, it works. But from my experience, both are viable and there's really not a problem with either.
  20. I think you guys need to realize something. The new Burst Volley is on a 45s cooldown. The old Rapid Fire was on a 90 second cooldown. They are giving you the same amount of "free" speed shots, the new skill just gives it to you in two blocks instead of one. So no three back-to-back, but you still get what you had before. I don't think three back-to-back is even that great anyway if you choose to reduce aimed and speed shot cd by three seconds. You don't need the speed shot spam filler as much.
  21. Do we actually know that debuffs are additive, and not the more rational multiplicative? I doubt all it takes is to apply 5 20% armor debuffs to make an operation boss have 0 armor.
  22. No it doesn't. It pops a slinger out of cover, but if they remain perfectly still they will still retain the effect of the scrambling field and the hunker down. They just can't go into cover for 6 seconds and can be leaped at.
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