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Everything posted by mavsynchroid

  1. Ok I actually just saw these pics and that's ridiculous. I have to say something lol. You give the guy mutated shoulders and then try to compare? That's such a bad argument.
  2. true, but disagrement on opinons turned into debate and so on. I'm actually proud that for the most part no ones gotten nasty about it and kept it a lively debate. I guess trying to tell someone their opinion is wrong is just as bad as forcing an opinion on someone... or maybe its the same thing lol. Anyway I don't really have a worst animation. I love the seethe animation for inqs but 2 things about it bother me. 1 is that I can't turn in circles while doing it. I like using the arrow keys to look around while channeling instead of the mouse sometimes. Also once I wasusing seethe and my char walked off an elevator..-_- I'm assuming if u ere close to a mob u could aggro them by doing that too. If you were that close ayway.
  3. Part of that second fact is merely opnion. As for the third fact, my reasoning hasn't been successfully proven wrong yet, unless you're referring to the nose picking thing which is a ridiculous what if scenario which proves nada. Srry for typos using phone
  4. I'm going to assume you're being serious here... There is no such animation in the game so its a moot point. Anyway, when you see the character do the animation that he currently does you think rage and anger and what not. If you saw him do what you just wrote, you wouldn't think that. And I kno you're going to say, "I don't think that when I see that", but you're the 1% here. Everyone else seems to see it rght away. What it comes down to is you don't like it, but most people who have posted have disagreed with you. Nothing wrong with a difference of opinions, but there really isn't any point in trying to convince others of what you see. Just won't happen
  5. From ship droid "I've decided I can be more useful by following you around and narrating everything you see on the planets, master! Won't it be fun!!??"
  6. Where do you see mystical force powers surging through a persons body whilethey try to harness it? Comparing this to real life photos is silly. Tbeyre portraying an evil force user. Its pretty understandable
  7. Your first sentence is a bit unclear. Which is a sign of aggression? The relaxed or the raised?
  8. Yup. The right one doesn't look sith at all. Infact if anything it looks more jedi. Jedi's don't feed off emotion. Sith do. Makes perfect sense and looks good. It's said that Sith are not good at force healing, that it's more of a Jedi technique. So I guess using the emotion of Rage and also pain to heal themselves works perfectly. If you really can't stand it, re-roll a sith inq. They have the Darth Maul pacing back and forth animation. Looks great when there are more enemies near by to kill. Though it looks kinda silly when there are NO enemies around, and he's pacing back and forth looking at a wall like he's gonna murder it.
  9. Thank you very much for this info. The night I asked about it on the fleet, people were in the insulting mood without giving much info.
  10. Wait are we talking AC's or skill specs? Technically you could say for a jedi knight, there's 2 AC's and then 3 diff pure skill trees. That's more like 6 pure builds per class. (I say pure build meaning filling up a specific skill tree instead of throwing points in all three or splitting between 2) So that's what.. 8 classes. 2 AC per class. 3 pure specced per AC? Did I get that right? So 8X2X3+luv =48 diff types of chars? Kinda? This isn't an exact science but you see where i'm trying to go with it.
  11. I was wondering what tionese, columni, and rakata meant gear wise? To clarify, is it just another way of saying centurion, champion, battle master? Is one set PVE and one PVP? I suppose I'm a little confused still. Thanks in advance!
  12. Still not grasping the point. They could be the biggest moops in the world and you could be completely justified in calling them morons, but the point was is that it's not professional to use words like that in a review. Is this supposed to be an attempt at a professional review? Not flaming you, it's a serious question. If so then language like that doesn't help the review look well thought out and properly criticized or praised. That's all I'm saying.
  13. Whether or not they ARE morons, the point is that it is unprofessional to insult people like that during a review. Sigh.. the fanboy vs whiners drama never stops.
  14. Sarcastic? Lol you misunderstood me man. I really was unsure of myself. I forgot whether or not the sent built focus first before spending it. I was calling myself sad for not remembering even though I lvled the guy to 50. On a BH now so it's all different.
  15. "When I would mention in the game’s general chat that SW:TOR played almost exactly like World of Warcraft, aside from the morons who responded with “How can it be like WoW, when it’s in space?!”" As for focus/force, doesn't one add up as you use certain attacks and another one just act like normal mana? Thought focus builds. Sad that I don't remember since i lvled a sent to 50.
  16. Gasp!!!!! Resident Evil!?!? Wash your mouth out!!! At least the originals were gurrrrrrr RATE!
  17. "Another aspect that can really damage immersion is the fact that, aside from mini-story Flashpoints, there is no instancing. " What? A LOT of quests are instanced into story areas that only you are allowed into. Thus these mobs can only be killed by you unless you have group members. I don't mean to be, well... mean, but I thought this was a terrible ignorant review. You completely left out combat strategy including heat for BHs, ammo for troopers, force and focus for sith and jedi, etc. Also, calling other people moron's, regardless of if they really are or not, is not really professional. You have potential, but please learn more about the game before you write a review or atleast before you expect it to be taken seriously. G'luck in further reviews.
  18. I figured they were busy fighting giant alien bugs in a purposefully cheesy video game.
  19. So there's been a lot of arguments/debates/bloodshed/murder between these two groups of people. The "Fanbois" are mostly people who like the game, and who are patient for it to be fixed and improved. The "whiners" are people who demand fixes and new content be implemented immediately, or that it should have been done before launch. I can see the reasoning to both sides, but I have to say personally I don't think whining about it will speed anything up. I also don't think jumping on every "whiner" who makes his case is helping either. It is turning players on each other like rabid dogs. I know this is bound to happen in any game, but it's just kinda sad to see the forums polluted by this. I propose a summit meeting between the leader of the "fanbois" and the leader of the "whiners" to discuss these matters and to bring peaceful solutions to the forum world. If that is not possible, i DEMAND a fight to the death between the two on a mountain of ewok skulls using Bo staffs and slings filled with the tears of the rest of us forum members. It will burn, I promise. On a serious note, I hope by you guys reading this silly post, maybe you'll all lighten up and start enjoying life, both virtual and real, once again. BE CONSTRUCTIVE!! B-E CONSTRUCTIVE!!!
  20. Santa here's my wishlist, do it or else. I'll be short on this since it's been discussed a lot, Space combat please. Even if just to start off space exploration or even just optional space travel from planet to planet. If any of that worked, let us actually control our ships as we take off and land. You'd probably make it our own instance anyway so it's not like we'd be full up in the hangers. At the very least let us have pvp space combat even if it's using the engine we have now. Have us make passes at each other over and over firing shots. Give us more ship mods and abilities to make it more interesting. Any of this would be better than shooting ships that float infront of me or carriers than never seem to explode or stop moving even after i destroy their engines. P.S let me hover my ship over Illum and burn sith to death with my thrusters I'm a moop if I haven't heard of this yet and it's actually out there, but "dyable" gear? Don't know if we'd actually call it dye except it would make sense for robes. Either way I don't think this includes giving me the same piece of armor 5 levels later in a quest that's the same but just a different color. We want Customization!! Different textured blades for the lightsabers. I'm guessing a lot of people might disagree, but I liked the different blades you could get in Star wars the force unleashed 2. Not just different colors but different textures, for instance a slightly pulising blade. Again, just a personal one I'd like to see. A planet filled with lvl 50 mutated ewoks who spit acid and squeal /fin
  21. Although I like the mount idea, new Star Wars influenced mounts could be fun, I don't think it's the speed that needs change. I think it's the maps to be honest. You go almost twice the speed on mounts at lvl 25, but the maps are so friggen huge and empty that it doesn't feel like it. On a side note, a flying mount (aka a speeder or small hover bike type thing would be very interesting. Would love to have quests and pvp on the rooftops of nar shadda that you say when taking a taxi. Wait a min.. Why is it some of the speeder taxis can pretty much fly and then our speeders can hover a foot off the ground?
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