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Everything posted by Pingonaut

  1. Thank you very much for this reply, Eric. I'm happy to hear something official and know what the state of it is. It's good to know that it is still thought about, even if it isn't being worked on right now. That's how Starfighter and player housing began!
  2. When was the last time he went to a cantina? I mean how long ago?
  3. The armor of that pink Twi'lek is also a hood-down version of another set, too. That would also be something to have.
  4. "All wanting things like this to improve their immersion." You're really exaggerating with that, "I doth declare what they all desire." If you read it in an extremely literal way I suppose you could see it that way. The general idea is that things like hood toggle, an immersion improvement, is what people want to improve their immersion. I'm sorry if I offended you in some weird way. "Things like this." Was this an officially posted video or a video of a live Q&A?
  5. There's quite a few that are almost exactly the same, it's just standard trooper armor. You're probably missing them because they have a different color scheme.
  6. Seems to me that they plan to. They've been slowly releasing these old set models.
  7. "Mummy, Daddy, I want more stories and content. You suck, Mummy and Daddy! You're completely useless! I still want more stories and content. Thanks."
  8. One of the most important rules for role playing is to keep your character low-profile, just another person in the galaxy. You're not some hot-shot Jedi with ties to the Jedi Council, and you certainly aren't so special that the Council would allow you to marry.
  9. I'm sorry, but that post didn't make any sense to me. The post you quoted never gave any indication that I or someone else was attempting to speak for you or anybody else, and I couldn't even make out what you were attempting to say toward the end. I think the story of Makeb was the spiritual successor to the class stories, or something like that.
  10. I'd say things like color unification and hood toggle would be QoL, but that doesn't mean it is any less necessary than any other suggestion. It seems to me that they really don't understand how important RPers are to the game and their business, or they really don't understand what they want. When I say RPers I also include those who try to get immersed in the game without RPing outwardly. Including them in the term RPer it becomes a much large audience, all of them wanting things like this to improve their immersion.
  11. I'm not so sure they chose to ignore it, more that it became less of a priority and didn't officially tell us. It depends on what kind of player you are, the point of view. There's no good reason to say it is unnecessary, though.
  12. SWTOR is C-canon. There are a lot of companion customizations and mounts that break lore. It's considered a game mechanic and would not affect the lore of the game.
  13. I think a person running at that speed would look really unnatural, and not in a Force-user good way.
  14. The people calling devs lazy don't speak for the majority of players with legitimate ideas and suggestions. If the devs only listened to what the majority wants we wouldn't have color unification, dyes, GSF, player housing, or a majority of what makes this game enjoyable. We would have a game that was made with the vocal community in mind, leaving the rest of the players without, and forced to leave. My point: A portion of the community not being interested in suggestions that another portion wants does not make the ideas any less relevant.
  15. You make it something you buy on the CM. I don't know what's so hard to believe that you'd pay for a hood toggle. You could also make it like the color unification works, subscribers get it and everyone else pays for it. Color unification came with color dyes, and those were on the wall of crazy. Perhaps in the most basic form. It seems to me that those hood-down armors were actually separate models, they weren't using a toggle, just a different armor model that other NPCs use.
  16. I think the problem is the bad variety of dyes. Everything is very extreme, to one side. We have no earthy tones, or the ones we do have are very few. The majority of the colors are all very one-sided, really bright or really dark.
  17. Color dyes, Galactic Star Fighter, player housing, guild housing were all on the wall of crazy for a long time. You say "seeing all these threads" but there aren't that many. Hood toggle has always been at least a possibility, while cape clipping doesn't work with the engine and day/night cycle would damage story quest continuity. It's not "teeth gnashing," either. We're bringing up these topics because if we don't bring them up BioWare won't even know that we want them. Here's an example: BioWare has to use resources where needed, and things get put on the back burner. Okay, but those things on the back burner will eventually get worked on, like GSF (no matter your opinion on it). What if nobody ever expressed any interest in something like GSF? What if people never brought up the idea because they were afraid of being put down by those who are not interested in it? Then GSF would never be on the back burner, or any burner for that matter. It would never even be on the idea list because BioWare didn't know we were interested. The same goes with things like hood toggle. If we do not post threads expressing our interest in having a hood toggle, reminding them that we still do want it eventually, BioWare will not even put it on their to-do list. Your personal tastes do not reflect the entire player population of the game. Not everybody who plays the game does the same thing. Some raid, some PvP, and others are more focused on the story or RP. Each has their own agenda, and each one gets their ideas and wants bashed into the ground because the other population of players don't feel that it is necessary. Don't be so quick to call something a "waste of time" or a "waste of resources" just because it is not your personal priority, or your personal idea of what would make the game better.
  18. Yes, and some of the replies to the topic of a hood toggle proves precisely this. Because they are not interested in the option they believe it is a waste of time and resources, and that people who do want the option and who do push for it are beating it to death. Of course I understand how few people there are on the development team, and what problems proceeded this Q&A, it's very clear. The point I'm trying to make is that it is still something players want, and not something we've forgotten about. If we don't bring up suggestions and make it clear that we want something they won't even take it into consideration because they don't even know we want it. If they have forgotten about it, we can show them that we haven't and that it is still something we want. Didn't know this. What was it they said?
  19. I have yet to see any game even get close what SW:TOR's done in that field. Not even close. If you have only one reason left to play the game it is the story.
  20. I appreciate the good read. I think the reason that leveling is less tedious in SW:TOR is because it is interesting with the voiced, interactive cutscenes. The ability to hear your character interacting with the NPCs with dialogue that YOU chose is fantastic. Glad to see some positive stuff on the forums.
  21. How is hoping for a hood toggle when they said they were working on it two years ago getting "carried away by it?" The point of the matter is, if you need to use the resources elsewhere and postpone the update tell us. Two years is a long time to wait for any bit of information.
  22. Main character does have a voice set, actually. Typing /hello, /hi, /greetings, /bye, /goodbye, /farewell, /introduce, /helpme, /healme, etc. will make your character say things. They have yell, grunts, and ouches that they say when in battles, too. You would use the companions more as a novelty than as actual battle helpers.
  23. I agree, having to push the button every few seconds to continue dancing is a pain, plus it changes the dance each time.
  24. We would have heard it if they had mentioned ending it at all. I can't think of any mention of it after 2012, which is ridiculous. Say it's delayed, say it's canceled. Just say something.
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