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Everything posted by DubFanahtic

  1. No doubt the next class will be "Developers" where the storyline is about how you try to fix the game but can't in the end.
  2. Truly it must be from the intelligence of a minor to assume that I'm saying that EVERY SINGLE AC in this game was nerfed. Do you see pyrotechs of tank assassins complaining about marauders OPness? No you don't. And what I'm referring to is the people that are constantly QQ'ing on here, they most likely DO NOT play pyrotechs or tank assassins. And by the way to even validate your point, I hardly think 4 classes you gave as a example are even close enough to present an point, 4/16?
  3. Do you know why everybody is complaining about it now? it's not because their powers were elevated in1 .2, but it's the exact opposite. It was left untouched while other classes were nerfed into the ground. (I play a 50 sorc, marauader, juggernaut, and gunslinger) I will admit that my marauder is OP because it still retains what it had in pre1.2 while other classes such as my sorcerer, were nerfed much to greatly.
  4. That completely invalidated my post? What are you talking about? Are you saying that players must not be able to play PVP at all until you hit 50, where you then have to begin the gear grind? No you're wrong. A good MMO has classes that are balanced from the start to finish. If you want to tell me that an MMO's PVP cannot be played until 40+ hours of PVE content later, then that is one of the dumbest notions presented in an MMO. And if you could read, I clearly gave examples of level 11, 17 , etc. LOW LEVELS. Low levels are facerolling other classes because of how easy marauders are to play when ravage can do 2k+ crits at level 11. And you can't interrupt them because the other 4 marauders are force choking you.
  5. Before I start this rant I suppose, you must know that i have a 60 valor full BM marauder, so I am not some random PuG player who got downed by marauders one too many times in one warzone and now am taking to the forums to complain. I honestly feel that something should be done about this class. A little background information, in addition to my marauder, I also have a level 50 juggernaut class, a level 50 sith sorcerer, and a level 24 vanguard I am currently working on now. I love all 4 of these classes and I recognize that each of them operate their own specific way and tailor to its strengths and weaknesses. Now to the beef of it: Before 1.2, marauders, in capable hands, were machines of destruction. I'll be very honest right now, I would much prefer for my marauder to go back to pre-1.2 and get rid of the ridiculous ravage buff. However, due to 1.2's expertise and damage change as well as the severe nerfing of many classes (I wanted to level a commando :'( ), marauders now appear as an OP class, and I have to say, I agree. You have to think relatively to what other classes have to deal with. Sure, in pre-1.2, they were I think perfect and nobody complained. However, BW, if you nerf the other classes so hard, yet keep marauders, the same, they're going to be OP, whether you like it or not. The problem is mainly on my vanguard. Level 50 brackets I have no problem with as there actually PVP is fun to play. But it's the 1-49 brackets that I am so ridiculously tired of. Every single game, 4-5 FOTM rollers, level 11 sentinels, level 17 marauders, level 21 sentinels, on and on and on. They are completely ruining the PVP experience for 1-49 bracket players. This is outrageous. Based on how they play, almost a good 50-70% are complete trash at PVP (well that's inferred, seeing how they all rolled an OP class to be good at this game). These FOTM rollers don't go for objectives, don't call out, and don't play as a team. Instead, all they do is "LOL smash and ravage, vicious slash X 10, ravage, lol force leap, vicious slash X 5, ravage. Over and over and over again. How am I supposed to enjoy a good PVP match when I am taking substantial damage from 5 of these players leaping on me at the same time? Before 1.2, there was a good sync and synergy in PVP where the ration of AC was relatively even, and all their strengths and weaknesses complimented each other. Nowadays, it's a swarm of marauders who just force leap and ravage and slash, and when they lose, they stealth away. It makes me sick to even get on my marauder these days, knowing how before 1.2 it was considered a respectable class to play; now I don't even want to associate myself with these trash FOTM rollers. So please BW, do something to marauders so that I don't have to enrage myself after dieing to BS hits from level 11's doing 2k+ crits. I don't enjoy leveling through PVE because I've played the stories before, and I want to use PVP to help me level. I don't want, however, to be owned by 5 marauders every single game, and knowing that they are only using 2-3 attacks to completely tear away my HP.
  6. Isn't Mark hamill the guy who voicews darth vader?
  7. Maybe if you guys spent more time getting better at playing, and less time QQ'ing on the forums, you could be better? This is indeed coming from the perspective of a marauder player.....and a sorc...and a shadow...and a merc...and a vanguard....and a jugg. On all the other classes besides my marauders, and since I've played so much on my marauder, I know how to counter my own favorite class. It's really not that hard.
  8. Then what are you still doing here? I'm so tired of the children constantly complaining about how much "of a joke" this game is on the game's General Discussion. Either input something helpful or leave. No one's forcing you to play this "joke".
  9. I play a level 50 BM Marauder, and to everyone who says, oh yeah, they burn us to shreds in a couple of seconds, that's the freaking point of our class. A good marauder will never full on charge into a battle, no if we did that, we would get focused and go down in 2 seconds. A marauder needs to pick his targets carefully, and for me, that usually is either the sages without the bubbles healing in the back or a target with >1/2 HP left. Yeah, it ain't too hard to burn those targets down when your class is designed for massive DPS, no group survivability. Our name should be turned to "assassin" if you truly think about it, because there's no way we are going to win without heal/guard on a 3v1, as many people claim they can.
  10. Another noob crying about Marauders....this is just to a point where it's pathetic.
  11. Thank you so much Bioware! This is what a good game developer does, constantly listening to feedback. Props to your whole staff!
  12. Back in the days when I played Runescape as a child.....100+ hours to get certain skills to 99....lol....this is much easier.
  13. The healing nerfs were a bit much I agree to that, but commando/merc healing before 1.2 was out of control and definitely needed to be nerfed. The fact the commandos had their CC's, Grav round, and medical probes all going at the same time made it extremely painful for jedi guardian/sith warriors to kill them. Honestly on PVP whenever there were 3+ commandos on the other team, our team 80% lost due to their survivability factor and healing on others.
  14. You are a total noob then. Mercs have a vast arsenal of range skills that when used in correct rotations and in right situations, devastate. To say that your class sucks now that tracer missile was nerfed really shows how bad you are at this game.
  15. Really, in level 50 bracket with battlemaster's you could win 3V1? OKAY BRO LOL
  16. Oh for heaven's sake stop QQing. Marauder's literally only had 1 spec viable before this patch, no CC PVP wise besides force choke (joke), and one gap closer where they then would immediately be thrown back off the balcony by merc/sorc AOE ground pound. Now that they are actually on ground with the PT's/Sorc's, everyone is complaining .I have a marauder, sorcerer, juggernaut, trooper, and mercenary and I can tell you I had no trouble dealing with marauders on those other classes, and my own marauder wasn't THAT OP.
  17. Yes I'm going to keep my sub because at the moment all I'm doing is re-rolling new alts. I currently have 3 in the works. However, I do agree PVP is boring beyond anything I've done in an MMO before, and my mains can contend to that.
  18. Well I feel that whenever I play republic, I'm always somebody's pawn, whereas when I play with sith (I have 5 sith 1 pub character), it feels although I am doing a mission or whatnot, I am he ultimate deciding factor and my dialogue makes me feel dominating haha. There's really no appeal to me whenever I play my trooper and he says "Don't worry! Havoc Squad is on the case!". Much better when my Sith says "get out of my way or die".
  19. Shadow bad? I want you make a level 50 Juggernaut / Guardian like I did and go play in PVP. THEN tell me Shadow is bad.
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