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  1. I agree. I just posted on the 1.3 sticky thread (on the general forums) that #1 priority now is server mergers, not even transfers. I play on ven zallow and I co-lead the most progressed guild there. There are 14 people in the fleet at 8:30pm, eastern (prime time). I cannot do anything because nobody is on. My subscription runs out around June 20th and I am not going to renew. I'm not even bothering to stick around for transfers because how can 1 very heavy server (fatman), 13 standard servers, and 100+ "light" servers (like mine) all even out populations to something healthy? It's dumb. I'm not going to pay subscriptions while the server mergers work itself out, which seems to come out much later than the end of June. I just have zero faith in bioware. To make matters worse, bioware FIRED people, so that means there's less people working on this game. This crap just keeps compounding. This game is AWESOME and FUN to play... when there is someone to play with. For any devs reading this, consider the following paragraphs: I was at the Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) East and I had the great honor to attend the Robert KHoo panel at 1am in the morning. For those who do not know, Robert Khoo is the business brains behind PAX and knows more about business than most people in this world will probably ever know. Anyway, he mentioned that every decision he makes for PAX is always first and foremost, "Does this benefit our core audience or not?" If the answer is yes, he goes ahead with it, if it is no, they don't do it. PAX has doubled in attendance every year and always sells out. It's the most successful game convention that I know of. PAX EAST 2012 this year had 70,000+ people. Right now TOR is actually ok from a game standpoint. Right now it's hemorrhaging subscribers due to lack of people to play with. Only you know the real population numbers for each server but right now all server except 14 have 14 or so (or less) people in your fleets. Like c'mon man isn't that ringing alarm bells? Right now the core of your players, the ones that stuck with you for these 6 months are at risk. We're not the immature idiots with all negative comments. The people that are left are posting scathing but respectful and HONEST feedback. We are your core. Right now we are asking for server population increases. It's gotten SO SEVERE that a large portion of us don't care about the bad PR server mergers bring (good sign), we just care that we can freaking play. RIght now, I cannot play at all. The LFG tool is completely useless. There's FOURTEEN people in the fleet, with even fewer people in every other planet. What the hell is the tool going to do. You need to create a high population first before the LFG tool shows its value and use. Right now there's just nobody logging on. Heck, right now I'm posting this now instead of doing PVP, which is what i love to do when I'm not pve'ing. I will not be transferring from one dead server to the next. If anything I may just reroll fatman/jung ma if I even care to level again, which I DO NOT want to do. Chances are, I am going to quit and just come when the populations are healthy again. I guess it's more skyrim or diablo 3 for me. Blerg. Keep pushing for server mergers folks. A lot of us are depending on all of you before we give up.
  2. We need server mergers on Ven Zallow. My server has 15 people on it in the Imperial side and 1.3 does nothing to address this except "select servers". Like, how is 1 very heavy server, 13 standard servers, and the rest light going to even any population up? There's too many servers. The queue times for pvp take half an hour or don't show up. And you laid off people, so that means content and fixes are going to come down slower because there are less people working on the game by default. I'm co-leader of the most progressed guild and there's nobody to play with. I'm very upset. Maybe I'll come back to tor when the population goes back to 200+ in my fleet but from the way it looks either I quit or re-roll fatman/jung ma. This is stupid. Patch 1.3 addresses no timetables on server mergers, no mention of cross server pvp, and I'm very skeptical about the "select server transfers" that James talks about. Given the mass effect 3 debacles (day 1 dlc, it's bad ending resulting in a BBB lawsuit, etc), broken promises by Bioware, I have zero hope now. I will not keep paying for a game with ghost towns. Bioware needs to prioritize server mergers/transfers within 2 weeks, then follow it up with cross server pvp, then new content. Right now looking at the statements for 1.3 and beyond, I am smoking pot and getting high, hence I'm just being delusional so it's over. What a shame because this game is VERY fun... when there's other people to play with.
  3. +1 I like simple classes. All these demands for changes is why we keep getting broken stuff. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Now our class sucks because it's got bugs up the wazoo, which directly impacted us by having crappier dps that can't do much, and it's not fun anymore, especially in pvp. This is very frustrating. If you want something complicated marauders are great for that. A well played marauder has 10 or 12 abilities to keep his eye on to play well but they are gods if you can handle that multi-tasking.
  4. Thanks for improving the rewards. It's much better now. You get a ton of comms for getting 8 medals and doing objectives. Now I pvp all the time and have the problem of figuring out who to pvp on because it's so good now, win or lose. Thanks for listening to us. Really, thanks.
  5. I can get 8 medals pretty fast but if it's a fast loss because my team gives up that's 40 comms for me max (game takes about 7 minutes plus a wait time of 1-4 minutes for a queue). I feel dejected after that. Then on another close game today on Novare coast we started out with 3 players short but still manage to fight like lions and lost with 34% health left on the opposing team's bunker at the end. The match was 15 minutes or so and was fun despite losing. I got 57 comms before 3 mvp votes. I didn't get as angry but it still felt pretty dejecting. Wait time was about 3 minutes. After that match I decided to log off and do errands (one errand is posting here). Under the old system I would've kept queuing because I knew I'd get at least 70-80 comms after maxing out medals needed to get "full rewards" and the better chance at winning because you know, everyone else's morale stays up. Here, nah, time to do something else. So, there you go. All gear is ultimately the same and anyone can get it so either there's ample opportunity to get that gear or have a system like wow and many other mmo's had which is have high ratings for the best possible gear (which I am strongly opposed to). So if you're going for the first way, might as well up the reward for staying in and trying to win but then lose. Right now I do not want to put up with the losing after a couple of games whereas pre 1.2 I would stay in for hours until I got 3 wins. I really enjoyed the old system.
  6. To maximize my gain, I afk out of losing games. Makes no sense to me to waste 10-15 minutes to get 30-40 coms against a hard group when I can leave and join another warzone where I know there's a chance I get weaker players and have a better chance at winning and getting more comms. On top of that I know a lot of good players who are also queueing so there is a chance I can get into a warzone with those players. All those people who "stay" and "don't" quit don't gear up as fast as me and in general are just bad players mentally. So say what you will but I will afk now. I use to stay in during 1.1.5 but now that there is no point, time to leave. And all the people who stay in are so bad, and that is why they are baddies. It's frustrating playing with idiots. Sure you can implement an afk penalty like wow did, but guess what, I stopped playing that stupid game. If swtor becomes like wow, see you everyone. There's no point in being good yourself, you get the same @#$t rewards as the idiot next to you. What ... the... 2#$@#?
  7. How the hell is a class balanced when marauders can interrupt me every 6 seconds for 4 seconds each and then force charge for another 1.5 seconds interrupt. I basically do no damage when I use both TM and powershot or unload. I can cycle between all 3 attacks but only 1 attack goes through because he's run out of interrupts. This is so stupid. I might as well just stand there. I'm an arsenal merc. There is no reason to bring any dps class for warzones now except marauders. @#$@# this.
  8. Don't keep them seperate. PVP gear is better than pve and vice versa for their respective intented play (pvping or pveing) but mixing the two I found nice because it's a good bridge closer for gear and encourages everyone to come play. This is why I liked wow for so long until they segregated it. That's why I don't play that game anymore.
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