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Everything posted by LarryRow

  1. The problem is that when they reappear you don't auto-target them, even if you haven't selected a target since they vanished. And the horrible tab targeting makes it so they might get a few free attacks while you are just trying to target them depending on how many people are around.
  2. Wow, OP, that was really complicated when all you need to do is make the expertise and stat difference on the three sets much smaller. That way new players won't be at such a grave disadvantage, and there is still incentive to progress your gear.
  3. LarryRow

    /Stuck Abuse

    Indeed, it is hardly useful in Voidstar, since doing this prevents you from stopping your opponents from capping the bridges or forcefields. If you feel like trading in that opportunity is worth it, you are probably getting outplayed and/or facing a better team, and this exploit won't help you. I have started hedging my bets when it comes to disarming bombs on that map. When there is a ton of aoe (and there usually is) I typically don't bother. I prefer to save my hp for a longer fight at the bridges or force fields.
  4. I think the answer is in his post, which I am forced to agree with (grr). Bioware spent more time on the Sith, so their robes are well-designed, and don't clip or bubble. It's a fine line between bad design and not working as intended, some would say a difference of semantics, like you could arguably say for this case. Either way, the OP is right that a CS response of "working as intended" is totally lame. As I've been forced to say before: Bioware, if this is working as intended, you need some new intentions.
  5. I'm not sure how I missed the "+." I specifically looked for it, and I think I must have read it as "increase the critical hit rate *to* 60%." Bad reading comprehension is bad.
  6. As a quick reminder, 2 points in Force Rush gives Overhead Slash a 100% chance to give you a 60% chance to make your next Dispatch or Blade Strorm a crit. I am a little disappointed in the lack of certainty in this skill. I would much prefer a 60% chance for a guaranteed crit. I want to see the buff and know that when I press the button I will get a crit. The overall crit chance bonus remains unchanged but this arguably makes proper use of this ability more skillful.
  7. I have noticed really bad performance from Guardian->Vigilance Tree->Overhead Slash, which I only respecced to recently, so I have no basis to judge a comparison over time. I also feel like the delay on force push has gotten a LOT worse recently.
  8. If you have the related gathering missions you can send your crew out to gather for you. Every crafting skill has a primary gathering skill and a secondary one. The primary one is used to make greens, blues and purples. The secondary one is only used to make blues and purples. And the fastest way to level crafting is just to make greens. They only take a couple minutes to make.
  9. Right, meaning the interaction between the physics and the garment model is causing an unintentional bubble butt. Unintentional =\= working as intended
  10. Have you ever looked at a Jedi robe on a medium body type in the preview pane? They look great with no clipping. The fact that this does not translate in game is a bug of some kind, somewhere.
  11. LarryRow

    Daily Ruined

    This. Still not sure why these went away. Win 3 and play 10 each day means people try and people stay. Or, more poetically: Still not sure why These went away. Win 3 and play 10 every day Means people try and people stay!
  12. LarryRow

    /Stuck Abuse

    I think you would save a couple seconds using it to switch sides in Alderaan, and depending on circumstances could be really useful for getting ahead of the ball carrier. But taking screenshots in Huttball is still a way bigger issue.
  13. Yes, this is the one really strong argument against the change. At least before this, leavers would get replaced with people who might be decent. It will be better at the beginning of the week when people still need wins for the weekly.
  14. Our inability to get endgame characters on PTS without having to fully grind them out is what is hindering the testing of new releases. Sure, you manually copied a few guilds over, but as we have seen time and again, it takes a much larger sample size to catch a lot of the issues. Right now the choices are: 1. manually copied guilds and people who ground out a level 50 on PTS 2. The game's full population after a patch goes live.
  15. I look at it as other Players are basically Elite rank. Elites can still be controlled (stunned, pushed, etc.) but opportune/pommel strikes don't work on them. Elites also have roughly the same hp as players.
  16. I think a huge portion of the complaints re: Resolve come from lack of understanding the mechanics.
  17. This is a bit of a guess but hear me out. They *did* test ranked WZs on PTS and they worked fine. The problem is with cross-server queuing, which you can't test on one server (for obvious reasons). Everyone is basically on board with the idea that cross-server queuing is essential, because all the different brackets that would come from ranked zones would create crazy queue times on low pop servers. I'm not sure how you do x-server technically, but I imagine it involves logging out of your server and onto a temp server, playing the zone, and then transferring all the data back to your home server when you log back over. I can see how this would create technical challenges. What I don't see is how they didn't know until 18 hours prior to 1.2 that they weren't ready and they still aren't ready a month later. It's also possible they weren't satisfied with class balance, the current state of hacks/cheats, or certain bugs/performance issues that they feel they need to fix before rateds (like force pushing someone over your own head into the huttball goal ftw!) Here are the only useful pieces of information Erickson gave us from the announcement: So, no explanation as to WHY they were pulled. Also, no timeline on 8-man queuing (which I think a lot of us would really enjoy), nevermind the full rated system. C'mon Bioware, let us queue an Ops group for warzones. It would shut us up for at least a couple of weeks (though the puggers might have something to say)
  18. OMG! Oh wait: >Toned it down< a little for you Really though you are kinda right. The recent world event was a great example of what open world pvp could be: both factions doing objectives in the same area, often in groups, fighting each other and mobs, camping bases, competing for stuff. etc. Just awesome! And if that's not your thing, I hope you rolled on a pve server, because as I understand it, pve servers allow you to totally avoid pvp.
  19. I'll give you that ClownPants on an RP server is different from ClownPants on a PVP server, and I'd maybe wonder why that guy rolled on an RP server. I'll also point out that ClownPants chose his name just as you are choosing to be annoyed by it.
  20. It looks like your other thread is seeing more replies, but I'll add some more info for ya. You really need to know how much video ram your graphics card has, because swtor has a minimum of 256mb (if i recall correctly) Check this by going to Start->Run and typing dxdiag. It will be on one of the tabs. Also, Norton is notoriously resource hungry. Consider switching to AVG Free. I use it and it's pretty good at keeping my computer safe. At the very least, totally shut down Norton (alt+ctrl+del and close all Norton tasks) and run AVG while playing swtor. Before you do any of this though, consider the following: as a new player, you are probably on the starting planet, right? That 15 frames per second is going to go way down on the fleet and in Warzones, making the game all but unplayable. You will get more enjoyment out of your playtime and save yourself a lot of frustration if you get a new rig. Maybe a desktop with a dedicated graphics card, since your laptop is still quite useful for portable productivity.
  21. I don't see anything wrong with your "silly" names. What if the guy is named Ronald McDougal? What if I really like Ham Salads? What if I really like my job at IBM? I can see how on an RP server those names might be unwelcome to some, but in general what's the big deal? Games are supposed to be fun and there's not much of a line between silly and fun. It sounds like you want us all to have totally original, cool sounding names. Some of us suck at making up names, though. Maybe you should give ClownPants the benefit of the doubt next time he's politely LFG?
  22. There are a LOT of daily missions in the game, including quite a few for players who are not yet level 50: Every heroic can repeated once per day (although few players run them more than once) Flashpoints get consolidated into Dailies. Once you do several flashpoints, you will start seeing Daily missions offered on the fleet. Example: Complete Hammer Station OR Athiss. Space combat. Similar to flashpoints, they get grouped into Daily missions after you do them once. PVP: There is a daily mission for winning 1 warzone that gives decent rewards for the 10-49 bracket.
  23. There are no "regular attacks." That basic rage builder that began in your quickslot 1 spot pretty much is your basic attack. I feel your pain, not having an auto-attack threw me off too at first. Over time you'll learn to use your basic attack less and less frequently. Really only when you need rage and all your other free or rage-generating abilities are on cooldown. Or in rare cases where all you need is that little hit to finish someone off and you don't want to waste another ability. Even so, I always leave quickslot 1 as my basic attack on all my characters.
  24. Funny as I have a very similar hp dv series laptop, and yesterday had some random crashes. Game is usually stable for me, though. Don't suppose you can include your graphics card specs? Do you run a lot of background programs? What antivirus do you use? When the game is running, what kind of framerate are you getting? (shift+ctrl+f to display frame rate in lower left corner). If it's a low number, like consistently less than 20, try turning down your graphics settings. I have most of mine set at Low and the plant sliders set at 20% FYI: a 32-bit OS is fundamentally unable to use all 4GB of your RAM. It uses most of it but not all. A 64-bit OS would be able to take full advantage however.
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