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Everything posted by Irusan

  1. PLEASE nerf rock!!! Paper is fine as is. Signed, Scissors
  2. LOL!! Sadly, I think many will buy a game card just to come here and QQ for another month. You would think the trolls got their money's worth here in the forums trolling even if the game WAS completely broken.
  3. I support this post with every fiber of my being.
  4. I agree with this post, and also when companions return from gathering/missions, just put the stuff in our inventory rather than closing out whatever we are doing to make us accept 2 gemstones or whatnot. If your map is up, BAM closed, if you are on page 13 of 27 pages of stuff you want to look at on the GTN, BAM closed, if you are at a vendor looking for something or just window shopping BAM closed, if you are in options adjusting whatever BAM closed. What is really bad is when its a failed mission....
  5. It is the same on my server, and I have submitted a ticket that I update every day or so with "They are still here." I have not received any sort of response from BW whatsoever. I am just trying to stop the "Credit Farmers" before they get started, though I can see I am already too late for that. The one on my server (Firaxan Shark) uses two characters named Guess and Gaess, I guess to make it look like the same character isn't there 24/7. NIP IT! NIP IT IN THE BUD!
  6. Panic mongering....will people try it?
  7. I need for the toon I am currently playing because it's an upgrade to what I have. Yes, I accept this as legitimate. I need for my companion (s) or an alt that you have never seen, or I just "need" the creds from selling it. No, I am afraid I can not go along with that.
  8. With 5 companions that use every type of armor and weapon, I am guessing that not much gets passed on? I think they should just remove the greed option altogether since anything that drops will surely be usable by a companion if the player can't use it. In truth I have used only one companion enough to warrant rolling for gear for her, and still never have. I outfitted her in mostly orange letter moddable gear and upgraded it with Enhancements I can make, or Armor/Mods/Barrels I buy with commendations. I just can't feel good about rolling need for companions no matter what, but if everyone else is going to then the only way to be fair is if I do as well. Also, if you do the entire quest chain on a planet, gear for your companions is usually an optional reward if you don't want to go the orange-letter route.
  9. I was really looking forward to the end of the first free month. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills when I read these forums. I hate this game, it's broken and stupid and causes all manner of stress in my life, but if its free I'll play it, then complain relentlessly on the forums about it? There's lots of free food in dumpsters, maybe a bit rotten/spoiled, by that logic. Not sure theres a dumpster forum to complain about the ensuing bellyache though. In this world you will make many purchases you will be unhappy with, not all of them will be refundable. Caveat Emptor.
  10. I agree! /signed, or whatever I need to do to show my support of this.
  11. That's actually what I was talking about, subscription games. I tried DCUO, Aion, Champions Online, City of Heroes, Warhammer, and LoTR Online. Oh ya, and AoC. There were good points about all of these games, but they just didn't grab and hold my attention. So back to EQ2 I went. That doesn't mean those other games were bad, just they weren't for me. I probably should have went to the forums of each game and ranted until they made each game into what I thought it should be. I honestly felt like this might be a waste of my time so I just went back to EQ2, until now.
  12. Your post is entirely too positive, optimistic, and pleasant for these forums! I agree though, wholeheartedly. What amazes me the most is this: Games that I have tried and did not like, I NEVER went to the forums of whatever game that may be to complain about it. I either moved on or moved back. I do like this game very much, even if it has a few flaws. They will get sorted out, I have faith.
  13. Your face is garbage. Need I say more?
  14. Quinn and Pierce both keep answering holo-calls in their drawers. What are they up to while I'm away from my ship? Wait....don't ask, don't tell is the Empire's policy.
  15. I need credits so I'm rolling need on stuff to sell it later. If Vette can't use it, I mean.
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