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Everything posted by Irusan

  1. One mans bible thumping is another mans trolling.
  2. Yes, we do see it and have been seeing it for days on end.
  3. Agreed. If people are really so concerned about gearing their companion as effectively as possible, they will have a crafter make them the purple letter gear with Presence on it. I read about this the other day and tried it when I got home as I could make an implant (X2) with presence. These two implants made more of a difference in my companions performance than any other gear I have equipped him with. And since he gets my hand-me-downs, he has some not bad stuff. I am having an armormech friend work on a set with presence on it now. Somehow if you equip them with presence, it stacks back to you. This makes sense to me because really who is going to wear presence gear themselves? And the stat says it increases the effectiveness of your companion, and we are their companion too so that's why it's a shared stat I guess. I dunno from theorycrafting, but try it yourself with a piece or two and see the difference.
  4. I think they put the max-min damage numbers there in case you equip it on a companion.
  5. I actually had a flirt option for SCORPIO the other day. I chose it, of course, and she liked it. Robot or not, we all like to be appreciated I guess. I am married to Kaliyo, but Ensign Temple is a determined young lady....like you will get two flirt options with her a lot of times. I guess the moral here is roll an Imperial Agent and theres no shortage of ladies, even if we aren't the most OP class ever.
  6. I think some FPs are "Smart Loot", for instance Cademimu. I soloed it with my operative and EVERY boss drop was for an operative. Got boots, pants, gloves, and chest. The only thing I couldnt use was a Sniper Rifle, and thats still geared toward the IA. So had I wanted them, all the mods in it were good for my class. Another time I went with a sorcerer and the drops were about 50/50 willpower/cunning. I have given up trying to solo orange gear for Kaliyo. But at 50 the FPs seem much more random on loot. I assume this is to keep us doing them more than a few times.
  7. Ya thats what hes saying, and it was news to me as well. I thought as you did, but he sounds pretty smart to me so I'll make Doctor Lokin some of those purple implants I learned.
  8. As biochem I have learned some purple implant recipes that have presence, so maybe its reverse engineering he's speaking of.
  9. What I like to believe and what actually is are two different things, most times. And majority doesn't mean all. Sometimes I like to believe the best of the human race to keep from feeling such a sense of despair for it. That being said, the changes are not going to happen any time soon, I would guess. Plenty of time to gear up all companions.
  10. I think the point Ferroz was trying to make was under the new system certain classes have companions that use the same stats as their main, making it possible to need for companions still yet. In my case, Doctor Lokin also uses cunning. So, if something dropped that was for my class, even though I did not want it for myself, I would be able to roll need for it knowing I was going to use it on Doctor Lokin, while other classes would have to roll companion need if they wanted it for a companion. And the need roll would win out over the companion need roll, giving me an unfair advantage in this case. Not that I would do this, but I am sure many would not have any compunctions about it.
  11. As an operative, the companion I use also uses the same stats as myself, and one I don't use also does. They get my hand-me-downs, but I don't roll need for them. I like to believe the majority of people are honest and decent at heart and won't take advantage of loopholes like this. And if they aren't, well, they are the ones that have to live with themselves. We aren't always punished for our transgressions, but we are always punished by them.
  12. I just wanted to say I support this with ever fiber of my being.
  13. Agreed. The amount of butt-hurt and QQ from the "I want to need on everything" crowd puts a smile right on my face.
  14. You can reverse engineer the blues into purple re-useable stims/adrenals/medpacks which is pretty dang handy. I think they will make all tradeskills more in line with biochem sooner or later, Cybertech is fun also, and I have an Artificer (who at this point is kinda useless, can make enhancements but not as good as the quested or dropped ones already in gear). I play an operative mostly though, I didn't get the memo about Biochem Sorcerers.
  15. I went to their website and looked, they changed their review to match your input. Not really.
  16. As a concealment op, I went with Doc Lokin and havent looked back, even though I used only Kaliyo before. Things I used to barely scrape by with Kaliyo I breeze through with the Doc. Still I love Kaliyo and all but the Doc has become my main companion.
  17. Hurray for the positivity!! And yes, thank you to Bioware.
  18. People act like whatever money was used to develop this game was their money. I pay my taxes and this game cost X million dollars to develop so I deserve and demand better and/or the game should be as I imagined it to be! Years ago there was this movie, "The Spirit". I couldn't wait to see it. Directed by Frank Miller (Sin City writer), I just KNEW it would be awesome. It wasn't. I lived through it. This guy sums it up pretty well, though. This was posted here on another thread and I felt it nailed it pretty well.
  19. Hear, hear!! I swear if I see one more comparison of SWTOR to an automobile I am going to scream. Go buy a car for the same amount of money as even the super-duper collectors edition and tell me how awesome that car is...assuming it even runs.
  20. I left EQ2 to play SWTOR and also am having fun and don't regret it at all.
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