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Everything posted by Intarabus

  1. Diese verschiedenen Jedi-Klassen waren ja vor allem eine Erfindung von KOTOR. In anderen EU-Quellen kommt das so gut wie gar nicht vor und in keinem der Spiele wird ausführlich erklärt, warum der Orden so aufgeteilt ist. Die meisten Jedi der Filme sind für mich eher "Consulars".
  2. I would like to have the agent on Alderaan whose daddy does not want to spy her around. She has a female "Han Solo"-mood.
  3. Jerec, the end boss of Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight, was a dark Jedi Miraluka who served for the empire (but this is retconned maybe). Miraluka were added after the original trilogy and occur nearly only in the old republic stories. In-world-explanation: Long before Sidious, there were already Miraluka darksiders, like Visas Marr (before getting redemption) and Q'anilia. The known ones teamed also with the Jedi or the Sith. So maybe they were at that time no threat to the empire or even friendly with it. Side note: it is funny that later writers gave the Miraluka the religion of believing in the gods Ashla and Bogan, which stand for good and evil and were one of the original concepts of explaining the force by George Lucas.
  4. Lobot - not very talkative strategical mastermind behind the retaking of Bespin
  5. But the thing that really made a decision of the outcome was late in the game. Before, you could choose basically between 2 storylines on each planet - light one and dark one.
  6. Two aspects for me: Is the story content good? - I am playing a Jedi consular and are about in mid-game. I think the general task momentarily is a bit repetitive, but I am finishing part one. Personally I dig more the stories about how to save the different planets, and some side quests have very good stories, often even better then the main one. Is story building good? - I would also have the side quests more branched, but it is clear, that in a game of this size some those things are very hard to do. I never was really good at math, but it is clear, that, if you had some choices in a quest on the first planet would affect what happens on every later planet, you could get hundreds of endings. So, it is basically a "reset" if you go to another planet. Older quests are at hold, and you do something totally new. Perfect example how to do this was Morrowind/Oblivion: affecting what you did and with whom you ally, you could never do some quests or some NPC were pissed when you talk to them. But the many possibilities also led to that there are nearly no cut scenes and stuff. Otherwise, both KOTOR games were not so much more complex than TOR. There were some side quests, where you had to visit several planets, but they did not get deep. KOTOR 2 was in way open more open to choices, but to the effort there was just one ending regardless what you do before finishing. But what I would like to have more in TOR is Character-attributed stuff. There should be quests, that you could get only if you are light side, or dark side, or neutral, and their should be species-based quests (since, so far, it did not occur to me that species choice had really effect). Last point: replayability. I think it is good, because you have 8 classes to pick and all the companions. But I would have liked, if there had been also 8 starting planets instead of 4, because of the side quests. For example, if I go Jedi Knight after my Consular, for level built-up I practically have to do the same non-class quests again.
  7. Ich fände es gut, wenn man als Jedi oder Sith Visionen zum kommenden hätte, was eine Brücke z.B. zu den Klonkriegen oder Sidious Imperium hätte (so ähnlich wie bei KOTOR 2). Vielleicht gibt es ja so etwas, bisher habe ich noch nichts entsprechendes gesehen.
  8. I would have made John Ostrander or Drew Karpyshyn to write the CGI-Clone wars movie and series.
  9. To summarize it: it was made better in general. For example, I found, in the new series, the Ventress/Savage Opress storyline was not a bad idea. And it started off well, with even using some EU-Canon stuff for Ventress in a good way, and explaining how Opress became Dookus new henchmen. But then they totally lost the grip. In just some 20 minutes or that, Oppress has Sith training, becomes super ******, has random assasination scenes, gets detected by Jedi, holds his ground, suddenly turns against Dooku, fights off his master and Ventress. As if that was enough, when is a clearly doomed somehow, he escapes and is written off for a looong time. And to me, it was way better done in comparison when they showed how Ventress became Dookus assasin in the old series. Also, I think, they somehow do not get the main storyline really together in Clone wars. Every season has a main plot, thats cool. But then... In season 2, they made hommages of famous movies, notably of Godzilla and Seven Samurai/Magnificent seven. All of a sudden, and even that were somehow not-bad episodes, it surely could add nothing to the main plot. Then, in season 3, they came up with the ideas of prequels/sequels of former episodes, like anyone did care and really thought: O cool, thats what happened before the random Ryloth battle. What were they thinking, that this would make it as deep as "Lost" or something like that? Then they have those episodes with OT-Cameos. "Hey, how it is, if we just bring in Greedo for 10 seconds?" "Awesome...." Last blitz idea: "What do we do now?" "Don't know... wait, don't we have also that clone wars comic line? Lets take one of those and make it CGI!" The TV episodes were even better than the crappy drawn original, but, come on, these comics were planned as add-ons, and do they really have to show a story whose outcome you can know since about 2 years or so? Sometimes, the team to me seems to be much too fanboyish with a tendency just to make whole episodes if something comes in mind that they dig at the moment. The really interesting stuff, which they put in special arcs or the season finales, then is too rushed and too much story is packed in 2 episodes. With this long running time already, I doubt that they will never be able to bring all the hastily started off sidestories together. Remember, for example, that two main separatists, Wat Tambor and Poggle the Lesser are still in republic jail? I doubt, that they will ever bring this subjects up ever again. But enough ranting, I still watch it and season 4 had a better start than the former ones, but I really don't expect it to become a good series anymore.
  10. You get it in the Morne outpost, I think. So far, most memorable side quest to me, but it has a sad story. With a mean twist even.... there as a hint how long they exactly hold against the odds and when they could have been saved...
  11. Definitely, I vote for the old one. Yeah, some of the first episodes were a bit silly, for me especially a "swoop joust" between droids and clones. But in general to me it had more action + better story with less talking. Sure, it had not the technic drawing possibilities, but Tartakovsky could handle the dramatics of battle much better. In the new series, a lot of episodes have a lame story, some are ripoffs of famous movies like Godzilla.
  12. Ok, there are a lot of threads about games you like or you play, but lets start the opposite: which games of the Star Wars franchise you don't like? A game I have a grudge against is The Force Unleashed. It was so high praised when it was published. Gameplay: running around in one direction and just grinding a lot of Stormtroopers and aliens, then a little button tapping against bosses. Storywise, I really hated the end. We already had 32 years of Star Wars and suddenly they came up with this guy, who battled and won against Darth Vader and the emperor on the death star and saved the rebellion just a year or so before Luke did. Imagine Leia getting rescued by Luke and Han: Thanks for getting me off the death star, guess what, last year another random hero guy did that already.
  13. My favorite games, which I play at least once in a year through, are Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy. Outcast is more challenging, I think, because in Jedi Academy you are far too strong from the beginning to the end.
  14. One of his daughters already writes scripts for the Clone Wars series, so maybe she will also inherit Star Wars.
  15. From the movies - totally no. He helds the most battles and - typical duality in Star Wars - he equally loses and wins a fight against Dooku, Obiwan and Luke. Plus, he kills the Emperor. The EU treatment is bad, somehow, because they overused him as villain and for the ongoing stories he can never win. When he doesn't lose, he gets tricked and bossed around by the emperor. Even in good stories, like "Boba Fett - Enemy of the empire". There are only a few stories where Darth Vader comes as real strong character.
  16. Yeah, I knew that. And I think, even with the limited possibilities of the first series, he made more emotional images... like the Padawan who is sweating of fear before getting chopped by Grievous.
  17. Just by gameplay, TOR feels a lot like the KOTOR-games to me. I would just like to have a little less grinding in the single player parts. Was very surprised and rushed when one Tython there was actually a riddle (!) woven in a quest. It was the only time so far...
  18. I do not like it so much. Many episodes are ok and a few are really good, but also many are really crappy. I think the first clone wars animated series was way better. It captured the spirit more, and in less time with an unusual drawing style.
  19. By now, I did not play non-force-characters. But a dark side/light side-alignment does not really fit to them in terms of story.
  20. It is more like you can't affect the outcome of the game by playing neutral, because there is a light and a dark side ending. Neutral would mean f.example, you fight and kill Malak because it is good for the republic, but you also do not spare Bastila (because maybe she did some bad things already or you just can't forgive) and don't let the republic blow off the Star Forge, because it may come handy for later battles. Thats just one example... KOTOR 2 is more open in this, I think. I never played it and tried to kill one of the Jedi Masters while letting another one live, but I think, its possible, isn't it? Anyway, here is the difference, that the end is for all alignments very similar. But the factual penalty for not being light or dark was already in both KOTOR games I think .
  21. I think, Anakin is a bit like that - until he is so dark that he turns sides.
  22. Yes - categorization problem, and former star wars games dealt different with it. Dark Forces II: you do bad stuff, you become darkside at one certain event. KOTOR, Jedi Academy: at a certain point in the game you have to decide KOTOR II: more dynamic, it was more open in the alignment scheme any way and you could in a way be neutral.
  23. Hm... I think just because of switching sides, Revan was not really grey. At the end of the game you must choose for light or dark side, regardless what happens before.
  24. He left the order of feeling guilty. However, if you play dark side ending, he clearly takes a stand for the light side. I also do not think he has a neutral alignment, but he just is not content with the jedi order.
  25. Yes. Its quite forgotten that Dune 2 was probably the first real time strategy game which was ahead of its time and had already many elements like base building which were in later games.
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