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Everything posted by NrDLeipe

  1. pull is amazing, before you pull look if they got any imunity for it Even if you cant pull the target it generates alot of threat And those you can pull its a very nice tool to gather mobs in a group. For pvp it lways work if the target doesnt have full resolve and you gotta use it a bit diffrent
  2. no from your legacy tab, with credits
  3. field respec droid, saves you the running
  4. Seen this 2, i dont have lag in moving etc it all runs pretty smooth but the terminals need some loading, guildbank, own bank etc this happend after the last patch.
  5. Since f2p i shut down general chat most of the time, i got a feeling alot of wow players stepped in since that point. Anal this anal that, you momma here yo momma there, fart poo pie pie etc etc is going on in chats thats the iq lvl now these days. About helping oout, i only help on big targets ( champions ) the thing if you help out some 1 who need x kills and you start to help it can steal away the mobs if the other person hvnt touch them yet and your help then screws up the quest cause he doesnt get the kills
  6. To those who think raids must be thougher STOP useing guides videos etc and just go inside and learn the mechanics from scratch gives it a little bit more challange. everything is easy when you know a fight before you even try it, people rely to much on guides now a days no wonder you clearing like it aint there, im not saying it will make the content so much harder but it gives atleast some challange to it.
  7. Stealth i dont use as an opener maybe to cc a mob but thats it cause i dont have points in the skill ( dont need more force regen ) Speed is the same as your leap, a gap closer i never use it at start but after the knockbacks. And shroud we got cause we have more spikey damage then any other tanks reason why we have all the utility, you got your reflect thingy yes it works diffrent but its a very nice tool. ( you have way more armor and dr then a sin you dont need the utility. A decent sin tank doesnt just pop shroud he need to think ahead in the fight if he might need it to resist a big hit you dont wanna waste for a cc root etc . All tanks suffer from the knockbacks pingpong etc, we all have tools to work around it, you your leap i got my sprint etc that you open with it on trash even when you know i will get knockback thats your own choice. its annoying but nothing more. A whole immunity skill is a bit to much imo, maybe lower the cc breakers cd for guardian but a whole immuntiy skill no if thats the case i want my armor back. ps, im talking about pve, pvp is a totally dffrent beast
  8. i liked the binocular hc, something diffrent from your standard hc. its to bad its not a daily/weekly even
  9. dont know if its the case though the age, i can vagely remember an older pazaak topic were it came up, and tbh i wouldnt be susprised cause it issnt in the game atm. pazaak is gold for this game lots of ppl i know would love this in the game and its not ingame for a reason i think
  10. lol pandas lost subs so this game is doomed.....DOOMED i say
  11. wassnt it the age issue thats holding it back ( 12+ instead of 18+)?
  12. if seen it in wow played a tank there so it didnt effect me much but if seen dps getting a ego boost from it that it screws up the fun in runs. ppl getting kicked from grps cause there dps wssnt high enough ( content didnt need top notch dps ) And it can screw up the run cause the dps wants to push so hard that they stop haveing raid awareness and causing wipes cause there just getting to focussed on the numbers. I dont wanna know how a simple fp is gonna be cause dps is getting itchy to push jumping in before tanks ( what alrdy happens now ) but then prob even more, killing orders scrwd up cause you see more numbers on a elite so hes 1st target instead of the weaks
  13. rewards not gonna change alot, the way i see it as a tank is im in a guild, i do operations with them and sometimes a flashpoint. I outgear the hms atm so all loot that drops is pointless for me, elite comms are pointless to me cause im capped by operations. So whats left credits, how much is enough i wont join for a 100k cause i can make more money elsewere in that time and if you have okish grp theres a chance of wipeing wich eats of my credits. i cant think of anything else for rewards , pets gear etc etc fluff stuff nah tnx gtn is full of it
  14. its not the reward that doesnt make me que, i pref to do stuff with guildies 1, guildies will have a fast que cause a tank/healer is with them 2, smooth and fast run 3, no ninja looters im sure there more reasons not to que for a pug grp but its just an example
  15. If got a toon on diffrent server now i barely touch him cause im busy with other characters i dont use him for crafting what so ever, that doesnt mean im inactive and that name should be stripped from him, i might wanna play him again in the future.
  16. i noticed you mentioned phase walk as a tool to move bck to your mobs, but most sins will have it skilled to extra healing 5% for the healers so it would be foolish to use it in an op as a teleport cause you will waste it healing wise. And for trash mobs its pointless to use it all cause they are down fast
  17. its funny to see how serious some of you are lol
  18. lol did you check the forums its full of nerf nerf nerf
  19. Ive seen nerf: sorc, assassin, marauder, sniper, jugger, operative etc etc bla bla bla..... in the last couple of weeks. The game is balanced we all need nerfs now
  20. Id say if you realy were in my head atm i would go all kingkong swear etc i see this as 2 ppl with diffrent opinions but a simular playstyle ( aldo i dont attack tanks on purpose ) way more fun to annoy the dps and keep them busy. Im also not busy dpsing fully tank specced i enjoy that the most, aldo 1 vs 1 its a beast but rare in a wz since it aint my job to kill. I dont know what server you on ( tofn for me ) but maybe we encountered eachother several times alrdy without knowing, or maybe 1 day there will be crossservers ( not a huge fan of it pve wise but would be nice for pvp ) so we can face or work together. And congratz on your wedding your now officialy cced for live
  21. lets see this is my experience as assassin tank with rocketboots Belsavis ( old skool ) : 11 quest around 150k, time 30 min Section x: 5 quest and area around 75k, time 10-15 min with skipping aurora, Blackhole: 5 quest and area around 75k, time10 min skipping heroic Ilum: 5 quests, around 85k, time 10 min skipping heroic Makeb: 7 or 8 quests around 100k, time 20-25 min ( stealth ftw ) so rouglhy 500k in under 2 hrs, include gsi mission on makeb and your around 600k in 2.5 hrs i skip most heroics cause they are time consuming especially aurora were you need 4 ppl for consoles. What i didnt count aswell is certain drops sell for a nice price on the gtn depending on your luck with drops etc it can easy be another 100k
  22. And the target is dishing out less damage to you aswell wich taunt doesnt do you can taunt a player as much as you want his damage is still max against you
  23. like you know me personally or how i think during a match, my pocket healer is the only thing thats count you or any other player on my *** is a joke. im actually happy if you focus me as a tank less protection from your end since you all focussed on the other tank waste your taunts on me, cc my *** force choke what ever, you wont see my health go down. And by the looks of it your a jugg tank vs an assassin lol no chance m8
  24. i like the " hardness " from the 55 fps its now good to see who have bin playing in overgeared situations and those who know what they are doing, glad that some ppl learn and adapt fast. Still not fond with jump monkeys that jumps in when the tank is not there but gotta say have had funny moments aswell esspecialy when a healer understands me that im letting the puller tank and i can sit and watch them die before i jump in to take over the mobs
  25. i think altheran is spot on there, taunts only have effect for your teammates and not yourself. And as a side question do you realy need more protection ? you can get enough atm alrdy 400k-500k ish
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