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Everything posted by lineschmidt

  1. If the people you end up with suck there really is nothing BW can do about it My advice? Take a break from pvp, go do some quests and maybe you'll have better luck tomorrow
  2. Never had to reinstall XP, never had to reinstall Win 7 This isn't 98 anymore, Windows is very stable if you're not doing stupid things with it So what exactly can you do on MacOS you can't do on Win 7? Besides not playing new games:cool:
  3. We need Jawas to be playable, NOW No, really I'm not kidding Give me Jawas!
  4. [Citation needed] Really, you start by insulting anyone who disagrees with your subjective opinion and then follow up with unsubstantiated claims about a mass exodus I'd say your credibility is nearing zero
  5. /signed Love hoods but wearing a mask under them would be freaking awesome
  6. I disagree hence my post We can easily agree his delivery is wrong though:)
  7. That's not the point though People claim a mac is far more secure when in fact it's not. The reason why you see so much malware on windows is because there are like 9 times more windows pcs around It's simple math. Why bother making malware for macs when you can reach a much larger audience on windows? I own a macbook, a windows laptop and a windows desktop and i can't find any logical reason for going with a mac. The only reason i have one is for IOS development where you're forced to get one because of Apple's restrictive policies
  8. Pretty much this Also, besides the one with world pvp the rest are poor suggestions
  9. So did you expect them to use your character name instead? I'm all for privacy online but come on
  10. So i take it your pc is made out of wood you carved and metal you mined yourself?
  11. Harsh but true You can't get a mac and expect new games to work on it
  12. Yea, it's just different perspectives It's not that big a deal if they go all out with dps meters and all that but given a choice i would rather be without them
  13. Personal combat log for your own analysis of your playstyle is...ok. I see why people want it but this will have repercussions beyond that. Cookie cutter specs will become even more cookie cutter as people are able to break down the impact of every single talent thus removing any diversity when it comes to builds Combat logs leading to dps meters is a horrible idea for obvious reasons All in all i never felt dps meters had any place in mmos and hated it since vanilla wow. Doing math like that doesn't belong in a role playing game nor do optimal builds. I like having to guess
  14. Best by far - and i do mean by FAR - is Blizz. You'll see on your BH later on:) As for worst...hmmm i really dislike Khem on my assassin tank
  15. This Your issue is because you're playing your class wrong not an issue with the class
  16. Sadly that's a classic issue in holy trinity mmos. Shame you don't like your dps spec on your current class but on the plus side you'll get to see another story unfold with your new class:)
  17. Anecdotal evidence, look it up Give us proof not what you think
  18. You could start by proving the game is losing subs fast (which i doubt) Game doesn't need saving, nothing to discuss here
  19. Nah, not a fake. He runs in windowed mode so all servers wont fit in the window at once Anyway, high pop player here just popping in to support all the ppl stuck on a low pop realm BW needs to hurry up already and give an eta on free transfers or server merges because playing on a realm with 10 ppl on fleet makes it practically unplayable
  20. Ok, bye Well at least until you're back here to post again tomorrow
  21. And my first hand experience is the game runs great. Your point?
  22. Those aren't facts though. You might wanna check what facts mean
  23. That's my point In fact they would need to license the severely modified version BW uses to be remotely qualified to declare it flawed Does that mean the engine is perfect? No, not at all. There are probably lots of flaws with it as with every single engine ever made Does that mean posters here can judge that? No, absolutely not
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