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Everything posted by Kyllum

  1. id rather have a damaged rated system that can be fixed in coming weeks with patches then this bombshell
  2. my guild and i have been waiting for months for rated warzones and after constant bioware saying 1.2 will have 8man queues and rated matches and to find out the day b4 1.2 goes live that there wont be any ranked matches.... HUGE disappointment. Not even sure i want to continue playing at this point
  3. what i mainly meant was i dont see juggernauts being very useful in 1.2... after 1.2 wont be close to the best dps and certainly not the best tanks... so what i meant by 1.2 destroys juggernauts i meant that they basically made the class to be useless when you compare it to others
  4. keeping mine but considered rerolling even though i truely love my jugg.... but in 1.2 i just dont see what good a juggernaut could contribute
  5. im very unhappy with the patch, i consider myself a very good jugg player and with that i thought the class was WEAKER then most other classes especially to powertechs.. thats not to say i dont dominate in warzones but going to back to what i was saying, im amazed that they decided to nerf us in such a way and then to go to marauder forums and see they are not getting nerfed at all but getting BUFFED are u kidding me bioware? REALLY? REALLY?
  6. u need 2 learn 2 play juggernaut cause if your saying giving us 5 more seconds for shockwave and dominate are gonna make us the most op class then u should just reroll... that comment just shows what u know
  7. giving marauders decimate is very stupid considering they are already better then us atm.... now there is 100% no point of even having a juggernaut when the marauder is much much better now
  8. 1.2 is the patch that destroys juggernauts
  9. indeed... the 3 seconds may just kill rage tree just cause like u said our sustained dmg is bad enough and now they are just making it worse
  10. indeed.. a bad day for juggernauts
  11. agreed... dont know why every1 is saying oh look we got buffed when we clearly recieved a nerf.... for both pve and pvp as a rage suck waiting 3 more seconds for a smash just *********** blows... not to mention force scream
  12. the abilities are nice that they added but removing 3 sec reduction is gonna hurt a lot and for rage spec juggs its gonna really hurt out our dps... 12 sec waiting for smash.... stupid
  13. what they should of done is removed half of the planets and keep only iconic ones like tatooine and hoth etc and expand the terrain on those to expand for the higher lvls... cause having like 10 planets and no 1 ever going to them is stupid imo
  14. Being guild gm of what i consider to be best pvp guild on darth malak i have a few issues with the pvp system in this game but not really major... 1) make the gear harder to get... and no im not talking about having insane rating to get the gear or w.e but the pace at which u can get gear in this is just a joke. ppl can hit 50 and a week later have almost full champ gear which is basically battlemaster gear. 2) for people who will have a high rating in pvp at least have some incentives to get it, maybe not op gear but different colors, mounts etc something people who cant get the rating should not have other than that i really like this game and have high hopes for the future of this game. From what others said i also hate 3 shotting low geared ppl.... just doesnt give the excitement of owning some1 with the same gear
  15. i made the best pvp guild on my server invite the bes tplayers i could find to get rdy for patch 1.2 expecting 8man rated queue grps and now i learn that not only will there not be 8man grps but ill have 2 grp up with some random noobs in rated matches.... are u kidding me?? if you go down this road your gonna lose the hardcore pvpers and even casual ones who like their ranked.... you are seriously making a huge msitake on this whole pvp system bioware
  16. i dont even see smash as all that overpowered when and in general i dont see rage juggernauts overpowered when u compare it to some other classes >.>
  17. DO NOT limit the group sizes you are able to queue with only 4... if you do this you will be making a HUGE mistake in the pvp area and will most definitely lose a lot of support with your warzones
  18. make it so u can only pull people in party or ops grp... done
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