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Everything posted by Leggomy

  1. Jeez do any of you guys read the whole thread before responding? I already covered this.
  2. Please read my posts before you respond to them.
  3. What does this have to do with what I said. The point is right now if you stop paying to lose access to everything. After the switch when you stop paying you only lose access to some things. Yet people still complain.
  4. Obviously with the f2p for lvl 15 they were laying the ground work for this f2p to lvl 50 switch. If you look through my post history I predicted when the f2p to lvl 15 was announced a cash shop and f2p to 50 would be following. So it was really was just all prep for this f2p launch. They probably did not make the decision until sometime after but figured it couldnt hurt to lay the ground work first. I got news for you all MMOs are money grabs. They are made for one solitary purpose. To make money. If you thought differently than welcome to the real world.
  5. Just curious right now if you stop paying what can you access?
  6. They arent doing it over night. They already have the ground work laid with the f2p to level 15. The rest is going to take months to complete and test. You act like this switch is happening tomorrow. Most likely we are looking at end of october beginning november at the earliest.
  7. Lucasarts didnt run SWG. All Lucasarts did was get a fat paycheck every month from SoE. You telling me they decided they would rather not have money?
  8. Did you ever stop and think for a minute it wasnt anyone at Bioware's decision. Maybe someone from EA stepped in cleared house and made that decision. If you hadnt noticed most of the top people who were there all this time are gone now.
  9. How about doing what the CSR said and posting it in the appropriate place. Otherwise it will just be buried in all this f2p stuff. Also calm down you act like its a life or death deal here. You want to be taken seriously stop ranting and speak rationally. Do not use words like "slap in the face" for example.
  10. I do not think it means they will stop bug fixing before fall man. It means they will continue to do it after fall.
  11. You still have everything you had before. Your problem is you think you should get it all with the sub. Thats called entitlement. Saying to deserve more than you pay for because you pay. Makes no sense. Your sub gets you exactly what it got you before just now you think since they added a shop you should get all that also for free. Even when shown you can still get it all for free you scoff at it.
  12. This is why they give you the 500 TP a month tho. You keep glossing over that. Also you keep glossing over the fact you can earn more points in the game. Also thats one item out of tons on the store. They give you the money to buy it and yet you still complain even after getting it free. I dont know what they could possibly do to make you happy and still be able to keep the servers operational.
  13. You can continue just like you were. There is no need to buy the stuff off the store. Fluff doesnt give an advantage and you get 500 to spend each month. You had no barter wallet before so it is the same as when f2p launched. If you want the wallet spend 2 months of points they give you free or (gasp) play the game and earn free points. Seeing as lotro is as popular as it ever has been I would say most people disagree with your view.
  14. 500 TP is about $5. So they went from charging you $15 a month at most to $10 at most if you count the points yet people still complain. Its why people call this the entitlement generation. Everyone wants something for nothing. Never happy with what they have but always envious of others.
  15. No because you still are not making sense. If you spend rl money the only thing you can buy is points. Then you use those points to pay for items. So any way it goes you get the points (or coins whatever) and then spend them.
  16. So turbine had added nothing new since the f2p launch free for VIPs? Seriously you can say that with a straight face? Also they give you 500 points a month for paying your sub. Why cant you just use those points?
  17. You wonder why noone takes you seriously. Everyone knows it is FACT Santa exists.
  18. You are no worse off than before. You still have your bags. If you want the barter wallet well that costs. There was no barter wallet before so you wont see a difference. Same with the inventory bags. You got along for years without that 6th bag why all the sudden now is it life or death you have it? Turbine is owned by one of the biggest corporations in the USA (warner brothers). Their single and only intent is to make money and as much as they possibly can. You pay your $15 and you get everything you had before the store came into the game. It is you feel entitled. You think you entitled to everything new for the same base $15. The fact is you are only entitled to what you had before the f2p switch. not the new stuff.
  19. A wise man once said a food and his money are soon parted. Noone is forcing you to buy the keys. Really since they changed the loot it is really pointless to open them.
  20. As a subscriber you only have to buy the expansions.
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