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Everything posted by Leggomy

  1. I have no idea what you are talking about here. Your monthly fee goes to access to the game. It doesnt include new content unless they decide to give it to you.
  2. Also the base price for the game was 49.99 or 79.99 depending on which version. So it was almost $300 total if you put in tax and shipping.
  3. Right now if you stop paying do you not lose access to everything? How is them letting you stop paying and still giving you some access worse than if you stop paying you get no access?
  4. Well that is your choice they cannot stop you. We all have to make that decision for ourselves.
  5. Seriously why cant we just all be happy with what we get. Why worry about the next guy and what he gets? I am happy DDE customers are being recognized somehow. I dont mind it at all. I am a CE owner I am getting stuff as well so that makes me happy.
  6. If those f2p people at 50 million spend average of $1 a month thats huge. I dont think you understand how the whole "free" to play thing works. It is far from free.
  7. Stop nitpicking the words. It quite obviously means they will keep fixing bugs like they do now after the f2p switch. Noone except some guy nitpicking and playing semantics would think anything else. They have even announced new content for August. You really think with a patch like that they wont do any bug fixes? Come on guy.
  8. You act like there is only 1 500 point gift you get them every month. Save up if you want something. Also you forget you can earn points simply by playing the game. Sounds to me you want everything handed to you free. It doesnt work that way. You either grind points or whatever for your stuff or you buy what you can off the store for money saving you all that time. All those items on the store with the exception of the relic removal scroll are simply convience. You do not need them I know I never bought anything but the relic removal scrolls. What you want is everything handed to you without you having to play the game. People get bored and quit when that happens. Lotro's store is very popular and only people who want something for nothing (even tho they get it for nothing they simply have to wait) right now. Well it doesnt work that way in lotro. Also any raider who isnt a newb doesnt use those potions from the store. They are useless. Maybe a few years ago when they first came out but not now.
  9. Where does it say you be limited to only one human character? I have read all the faqs as far as I know never seen where it says you will be limited to only one character and that it must be human.
  10. Subs are going to continue to fall if they keep holding off on new content. Other than some ops and fps we have gotten nothing since launch. No wonder people are leaving. If you take 8 months to release some new content and then on top of that want to charge for it I dont know thats going to work. I think until they add some new class story and other planets etc it will continue to bleed subs up until f2p announcement.
  11. Note it says items to keep with you and not items to keep period.
  12. What if you have 8 characters but can only access one of them without subscribing? What if you are limited on what money you can have. Limited on what you can sell. Limited on where you can talk. Limited on space missions. I mean why would you NOT want to sub as a solo player?
  13. What happens right now if you stop paying? Enough said.
  14. What happens now if you stop paying a sub? Also you keep paying the sub you still will have access to everything you have now. Noone ever said even without f2p that all future content would be free as well. Many game sell expansions after launch in the MMO world. No MMO you just buy the box and you are done. There is always either a monthly fee, a cash shop or both.
  15. Wow so you left lotro because they changed where the quest rewards were? Thats crazy lol. What company could ever make a fickle person like that happy. Quit on a whim lol.
  16. I think it was a huge mistake shutting down SWG. Some of those 1 million people who left TOR might have tried it.
  17. I have to wonder why they didnt just launch with a fluff shop. Everyone knows that these days attention spans are limited. So many options from MMOs to games like COD etc. People will blast through two years of development in a week and become bored. Seems to me they just made mistake after mistake. For example why is the LFG tool not cross server? Ive heard that it destroys communities etc but I think bad decisions ruined it first. 1 million people have left this game since it launched. Just crazy they are only now figuring this stuff out.
  18. People who came along after the 1st do not get the bonus points so you are mistaken. Also the CE was $150 not 90. You had the option to buy it but you chose not to.
  19. Hes talking about dread which can easily be taken off with a minstrel or a +5 hope token. Noone ever buys the dread removal from the store. Whats the point when you can pay a few silver for the tokens or get it removed free by the mini in your party.
  20. I think you might be confused on what p2p means. Pay to play is what we have now.
  21. Simple fact is SoE didnt see it being a good investment. Lucasarts was all for it read the links I put up earlier. The head guy at Lucasarts gaming said he saw no reason they could not exist side by side. SoE on the other hand didnt see anyone staying when TOR came out. It doesnt take an economics major to figure out what happened. Rather than renew for a time (do they do 1 yr or maybe make you agree to pay for 5, 10?) they chose to shut it down. Wasnt worth it to run anymore.
  22. Im fine with it. If that changes worst case I can still play just be limited on what I can do basically forever.
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