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Everything posted by bpphantom

  1. I ran Esseles with a 50 Consular yesterday (for social points) that had one. I'd never seen the purple in person before and it does look pretty sweet. I still like the black/yellow crystal for purely aesthetic reasons though.
  2. Honest opinion? Nope. It's not in "trouble". Is it the WoW killer so many apparently thought it would be? Also nope. I'm happy with how SWtOR has turned out and I think that it will just get better in the next few months.
  3. Congrats MouseNoFour. Glad it all worked out and I'm definitely glad you liked the Assassin.
  4. ^^ This reflects my opinion of the CE and how I'm dealing with it.
  5. I lost one characters name and my legacy name. I made a new legacy name within a couple of minutes and I'm waiting until I play my medic to rename her. The free transfer moved me from a dead wasteland to a server that will have a medium population. Perfect!
  6. But... that's every MMO ever, even the old MUDs.
  7. I re-subbed after reading the features for 1.3 and seeing that phase one of the transfers starts on June 12th. I wanted to be subbed at that point just to be safe.
  8. I for one am glad that this finally got addressed. Some of the social gear looks great (Imperial Soldier) but I was disappointed that it was light armor only. In comes 1.3 and >BAM< a viable look.
  9. "Good" and "Right" aren't Light side. A Buddhist/Zen melange of 'all life is beautiful and all creatures deserve life' is Light side. Just as Dark side doesn't mean "I'm just in it for me", it means 'I'm in it for me and I will cause others suffering and pain (and likely snuff out their life) whenever I feel like it'. The truly powerful Sith will be mostly dark with some light simply because that way lies more power, but add a healthy dose of paranoia. The truly potent Jedi will be mostly light with a tinge of dark simply because sometimes the "right" thing to do for the safety of others is to kill someone. However, following the Light side means that you don't get to make that decision. That's the universes choice, not yours. *shrug* I honestly laugh when my pure Dark assassin makes some choices as it comes off like she's a raving psychopath.
  10. So you would have preferred sitting in a queue for 5 or 6 hours on launch day? A merge will happen after 3-6 months. It's just the way of things. They had a huge launch and planned accordingly.
  11. Yup. It's been a month. Clearly BW has already abandoned the product and has no plans. Leave now and gimme your stuff.
  12. Jan 24th 2011, not fixed. Thanks for the video of the loc.
  13. I got it: voice overs, companion characters and class based 1-50 story. *shrug* I'm quite happy and will be maintaining my sub for quite some time yet I think.
  14. Despite the *twitch* issues between the question and the answers: The cost is fine as is. As other have said, wait a week and it resets to Cr0
  15. Take a look at the Inquisitor end game gear. Clowns with lightning come to mind.
  16. You're asking if you can remove the mods from a purple and add those mods to an orange. Yes, yes you can.
  17. True, but some of us come from 36+ characters on one server.
  18. I'll get it to you by Friday and it'll only cost $50.
  19. I saw this (or something similar) at one of the social vendors... trying to recall where. I know the Imperial trooper armor social armors are in the VIP area on the fleet.
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