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Everything posted by MatAuc

  1. Right now, since you have NOTHING to progress towards, why wouldnt ANY other game be better? Im not the typical qq'er, i usually defend bw from the random biaised qq, but what the hell are we supposed to be aiming for right now? The most i can get from this is try to win the whos got more friends award after every wz (aka mvp)
  2. yes i understand it was a last minute decision. But you do realize its pretty lame to go from we release it tomorrow to "hopefully before next major patch" (ie. A few months...) Besides, the fact you say that your poor pts integration has nothing to do with it just goes to show how little you understand how to prevent this from happening again. Ps. Your focus should have been cross server before thinking about competitive pvp...
  3. basically from what you just said, we will see the gear on the vendors, but will have no acces to the currency they are bought with.
  4. Its from people who played PTS and compiled the items from new vendors... Its not like if they pulled it out of their ***. Thats the changes. If you want an orange post from every fact, you wont believe much.
  5. I used to be a clicker many years ago. Without the somewhat "peer pressure" I transitioned to keybinding. And you don't know how happy I am that I did. Also, you post in argument thread an argument about not having arguments... How ironic.
  6. I know a guy who did just the same. BUT, that is probably like what? 1-2% of all gladiators? at most. If the best do it one way, it's because IT IS better. I'm not gonna tell you to click or to keybind, but there is no argument which one is better. EDIT : P.S. "You" is used in the sense of someone else and not a specific person.
  7. You do realize there is often only 1 healer, rarely 2 and somehow magically happens sometimes that there is 3... so GJ on top 2 heals...
  8. tab targetting renamed : who am i gonna kill roulette
  9. I can agree with most of what you say, although, they dont get rid of short fuse, they moved it to tier 1 so every spec will have it.
  10. If his resolve bar is full (in 1 vs 1), It's your fault and 100% your fault. There is more to PvP than spamming rotation and CD's. Everyone says you cant kite a marauder.. yeah, you most likely cant run away forever, but you can still out range him a few seconds here and there. Ohhh and ohhh... The magic back pedal, how many times have I been told "mara is OP" after I destroyed someone who had his finger pressed on S about 99% of the time we faught, GJ there buddy. (I'm pretty sure 90% of those in this thread do this too)
  11. sure, its one of the top pvp classes, i know that. And yes i faced good marauders, but my main is a marauder so i pretty much know how to manage them. Thats the point of my post, learn the class you are facing if you want to beat them. I play almost all the classes, and i personally dont find any of them op. So bottom line, this has always been true : Learn to play better or QQ that everyone else is better.
  12. Sure, i admit undying rage looks OP when you just keep beating on me for 5seconds like an idiot. Ever thought about rooting or stunning or mezzing during that time? Oh, no right, just better beat on it. I'm not saying it's useless, but its so easily countered in a lot (not all) situations. What are you hoping for? That people gets cooldowns with no benefits? You guys talk like if other classes dont have any abilities. PS.. i dont think a marauder ever killed me by himself on any of my other chars, so it just shows me that those who whine are the baddies.
  13. They are are abilities that are there to make your life easier when soloing. Its intended that way and rightfully so. And warriors pretty much use every single ability they have. If you dont, you are playing it wrong wrong wrong.
  14. tie means you didnt win. Why do you care if the other team wins or lose if you didnt win? You even have a 50% chance to win wheb you didnt even win! qq more
  15. Linear progression is boring and always fails in mmo. Random gives you a dopamine rush which is addictive. Makes you feel more rewarded when you get something and also stimulates your willingness to continue playing (as opposed to what people "i quit because of rng"). But people will in fact quit because of a too linear progression. That is also the reason why casinos are sucessful even though you tend to lose.
  16. OMG you just proved that random is.... random! Add all the numbers you stated together and yes, you are relatively close to 25%. Add even more numbers and you will approach 25% even more. And guess what, out of 100 000 opened bags, 75k were empty. Nothing new or abnormal year. Case closed, dont go to casino, move on.
  17. We know who the bad player is.... its your highest dmg ability and costs no rage... to be used when other abilities on cd... gg
  18. MatAuc

    ranked pvp problem

    you have no idea what he is talking about huh? Lol
  19. MatAuc

    ranked pvp problem

    i totally agree, you can maybe let people join midwat but just not count a loss if they lose.
  20. Interupt, leap, interupt, choke, obfuscate, interupt, vanish during cast, leap.... If he gets more then 1 missile on you, you are bad.
  21. There are specs that just dont work in PvP. Stop trying to find the worst one and just pick the best one for your class...
  22. people think maras do 7k smash, heal themselves, have 10 roots, ataru speed buff, ranged slow, 2 leaps and bleeds all in 1 spec.
  23. Even with bm gear you want to wear some pve. Fact is after 500 expertise, the gain per point of expertise is so low that its not worth the extra 2% vs the extra 300-400 main stat. So basically aim for around 10% expertise and then wear your best pve pieces.
  24. Yes you are getting destroyed by some marauders, as you will by some other classes too. And sure the 99% dmg reduct can be annoying, but just play smart and counter it.... dont keep on hitting on the guy, and preferably cc him BEFORE he gets it off because we dont use it before below 4k health, you can do more than 4k in a cc. Yeah, i will live forever vs 4people on me will all my cd's and adrenals.and med pack, but thats not every marauder who can do it and not on every fight. All in all, yes, marauders can feel infestructable, but play better and you'll see there are many ways to counter them. Im pretty sure those who whine about mara are those who just randomly knockback on cd or or back pedal when they see you approach. And about the "buffs", there are 2 small buffs that actually affect marauders, disruption and obfuscate and those just became what they should have been (although the better disruption coming at same time as healers nerf might make it feel op really). And now ahnnilatiin (what you are referring to when you talk about mara) doesnt have the improved predatation which was fabulous and the 100% dmg reduc (although i didnt pick it up for lack of points). Which brings me to another thing... we DO have to sacrifice talents.
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