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Everything posted by SpringDrive

  1. I'm fine with it, I think it makes sense. It doesn't annoy me at all.
  2. I think the numbers are low because a lot of people rolled one, died a few times, and were like: ZOMG this class sucks! There's not a huge margin of error for a gunslinger and it's easy to die if you don't play it well. I'm fine with that. It's the same as for pure offensive casters in fantasy RPGs, and I see the gunslinger as being the equivalent of that. Expect the gunslinger numbers to go up once DPS meters are implemented and people start to realize how high our burst damage really is.
  3. Corso (or Bowdaar) is your tank, make sure he gets the aggro and keeps it. Always have him on guard stance. Have him open up with the first attack. Your best first shot is Vital Shot. Do not simply spam DPS early on in an attempt to burn the mob down before it kills you. Conserve your energy, and don't pull aggro from Corso. When the mob is below 50% health, burn baby burn. This is when you'll want to have Cool Head and All In available. Don't forget about Quick Draw. You have a lot of good CC options, and they make a huge difference. Use abilities like Dirty Kick and Pulse Detonator early and often.
  4. It's annoying, but it happens in every MMO. This kind of thing can only be dealt with by the player community. Lead by example, and let people know they are being rude. The respawn times are very, very short, which I think is BW's way of addressing this. They can't make people be polite.
  5. OP: Your points would have gotten more attention if you hadn't started out with "I got laid" and gone into "here's the loot I have that no one else has" and "here's why my opinion matters more than others'" Start a new thread and just focus on the actual issues you want to discuss. This one has been ruined from the start by attitude.
  6. You know, people who troll these boards 24/7 ranting about the same issues over and over--less than a month after launch--should be a lot happier than they seem to be. If this is such a big issue for you, then thank your lucky stars that you were born into such fortunate circumstances. Some people have to deal with real problems, and don't consider a few video game bugs to be something so serious as to devote all waking hours to ranting and raving about it. Seriously. Take a chill pill, be glad you are so fortunate as to be oblivious to real suffering, and wait for bugs to be fixed.
  7. I turned that on hoping that it would skip the movie of your ship taking off every time you step on board. Doesn't. Not sure what that option does, if anything. Oh well, no big whoop, space bar does not take much effort to press.
  8. This. Here's how it works, based on my experience as a dev at a software company: 1. CS people go through bug reports, forums, etc. and identify valid issues, and write them up. 2. Committees meet to discuss the issues, decide which ones will be addressed in the short term, prioritize them, and allocate programming resources. 3. Programmers work on their assigned issues. They code, unit test, etc. When done, they deploy to a test environment, write up a test plan, and give to QA. 4. QA does testing to make sure that the fixes work as intended and don't cause issues elsewhere. If any issues are found, the item is remanded, go back to step 3. 5. Code is cleared for deployment by QA. 6. Meetings are held to determine what should go live in the next deployment. 7. Production builds are made. 8. IT team takes servers down, deploys new builds, brings servers back up. This all takes time. You have no idea of the man-hours that can be involved in even a simple fix. Really.
  9. There are real issues that need to be addressed. They have been discussed. BW is aware, and there is nothing left to do but be patient and let them do their jobs. Just because you mistakenly believe that ranting about the same issues over and over and over is the way to get what you want, does not mean that everyone else has to share in your drama. Believe it or not, some of us are enjoying the game. If you are so upset, go play something else, and come back when and if your pet peeve issues have been addressed. Bye.
  10. Guys, just Google it. There are guides all over the Internet with details on how to do this exploit, which means that people were knowingly engaging in this exploit in droves. Legit bans. Move along, nothing more to see here.
  11. And there you go. Clearly exploitation, clearly bannable. Oh please shut up. Seriously.
  12. That's just it: don't try to literally trick the reader, you have to let them in on the joke. Exaggerate, make the reader wonder if you're serious from the get-go. Anyway, I don't know how this turned into a writing workshop.
  13. If you're really interested, your hook is pretty weak, you could probably edit that whole thing down by about two thirds, and it needs more cowbell. Not that your post isn't better-written than most here.
  14. Trick, huh? If that was parody or sarcasm, you're doing it wrong.
  15. Yeah, it makes Corso look like a goober. But, he's my wingman, so it works out fine.
  16. I stopped reading right there. I've played lots of MMOs, going back to MUDs, UO, EQ, etc. I've never played WoW, nor had any desire to.
  17. Tell me about it, I paid $100 less for a Das Keyboard, which is vastly superior. Why are chicklet keyboards in fashion these days? They're awful.
  18. Thanks, but I need to be able to stay in cover (gunslinger).
  19. Nice thread. Anyone know of a way to interrupt an ability that you are casting, without moving your character?
  20. Nice one, Captain Non Sequitur. Working people are returning from holiday vacation time.
  21. Why do you even bother posting here? You've completely trashed your reputation; no one is going to take you seriously.
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