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Everything posted by Genada

  1. People really do forget how amazing the game was when it came out. The entire game had real spirit. It was pretty amazing. Very little they have done since launch seems to have any of that spirit.
  2. That's fine and for those happy with that, enjoy. The problem tho is this was suppose to be a real mmo. The WoW killer. When this game first came out it really seemed like it could be that and it was a real mmo. Then they seemed to fail to grasp that a real mmo has content updates and has progression as far as both story and game goes. They do not do that and have not done that other then expansions. For a game that they would hope players would stay and play, something any mmo wants this game fails and it fails because they seem to lack any understanding of how a mmo works. We the players are also at fault here for expecting something different from people that have proven they either lack the understanding or care about this game as far as keeping it a mmo. They clearly intend this to be a single player game with some online elements. It is not a mmo, stop acting like it is and quit expecting them to treat it as if it is. Pay for a single month and view the story and then take a break till they put out the next "expansion" and repeat. That's how this game deserves to be played. On a side note: The gearing system is great because who cares about gear in a game with no end game progression. Not having to worry about gear and being able to do all new content in junk makes it that much more of a ease to walk away from without worry.
  3. My question for you is: Does your staff understand this game is suppose to be a mmo? I mean really, you have no end game content. None. I give you some credit for the fact you have tricked some players into thinking they need gear but the truth is outside of pvp, gear does not matter because you have added zero new content that needs the gear. This has been the long term problem of Star Wars from the start. It has failed to provide any real end game content and suffered for it. This game when it came out was suppose to be the WoW killer. When it came it it appeared that it may indeed be true but then SWTOR seemed to fail to grasp that a mmo needs constant end game content updates. This problem is still in place. Your expansions are a joke at this point. Nothing more then what any other real mmo would call a patch. You label it a expansion and think good enough. It's not good enough. It does not have the staying power to keep players active. It's little more then what should be thought of as dlc content for a single player game which at this point is what SWToR has become. A single player game with online elements. You and your staff need to do some research into how a mmo is suppose to work because it is clear that no one in your company understands it.
  4. That's the part that is the most confusing. How can a game with no new group content have a raiding community? I use to do raids in SWToR but they haven't put any new ones out in years. YEARS. Why would this game have a raiding community? There's lots of people that want to raid and I get that. I want to do raiding too but this isn't the game for that. It's really just a game to check out the new story. Play it, and drop the game again. Anyone wanting to do pve group content that is new and a challenge is insane at this point to be still playing this game. They have not put in that type of content for YEARS.
  5. That's the part about the gearing system I fail to understand. Why do people care about gear in this game now at all? They have not put any new content in the game that needs better gear for years. If you haven't seen the content before I can understand that but if you have been playing for a while then who cares? This game isn't worth a sub longer then a month now. It's like dlc content. Go do the chapters then unsub and wait for the next dlc called a expansion and sub for a month again.
  6. This game right now does not really have what it takes to be a mmo anymore. It lacks end game content and it lacks new group content. This has been a long term problem and even expansions fail to bring either. For a person to want to have a sub to a game they need to have reasons and those reasons are progression. These expansions are little more then dlc content. They are worth getting a month worth of a sub to play and then walking away again because they fail to provide new group content. SWToR as a single player game and as a successor to KoToR does a decent job at. As a mmo it fails. GTO V Online isn't a mmo but it creates more group content then SWToR. It does more to create player interaction then SWToR. When a none mmo is better at creating end game group content, when it does more to promote players playing with each other then your mmo does, you know you have failed badly.
  7. I would really suggest Star Wars takes a real good look at Star Trek Online. Star Trek Online does community relations much better and it has a much better free to play model then SWTOR has at the moment. Star Trek Online still has it's flaws but from where it started to where it is at now is a vast improvement. Part of that vast improvement has been a attempt from devs to talk with and learn from players what they want and expect. MMO should be a community game and while the players can not rule they should be given some input to the game.
  8. I do not understand why it bothers anyone to compare games to each other and say that certain aspects from one game may help the other. I find the small ship combat in STO to be far less then compared to what they have in Star Wars, I wish they would do something like gsf with shuttles in STO. The ground combat is far better in SWToR. There's other things I find much better. There is things better tho in STO and other games as well. SWToR does need to take a look at what others are using and try to add some of those things from other games where they can. (You should play with the tool to create a toon in Star Trek and be amazed by all the options.)
  9. I am well aware it is not but good game designers take note of other games. They copy what works and avoid what does not.
  10. The Dark Vs Light event should of been like the event in Star Trek Online. They wanted you to replay the older content in it as well but only once and it unlocked rewards for every toon you already had. Plus you could do it with a new toon at the start of the new STO expansion and that toon got extra rewards for doing that content. They also put little things to collect in the older content to make it rewarding. Star Trek Online has something called Foundry which is the ability to create player created content. That would be really helpful to have in SWToR so that players could create much needed content and share player stories. No new group content for a entire expansion made this last expansion a joke. No other mmo puts out as little as content as SWToR does right now. SWToR needs to figure out a way to add new content of all types in a faster manner or people are just going to quit for extended periods of time.
  11. So if in the end you can lose any companions...why use gifts ever? That's the main problem with the whole idea of taking companions from people with no choice. If you choose to make choices to either lose companions or reject them, that's one thing but if your not given the choice you should be getting a refund.
  12. For crafting purposes I have all the droid companions at max level. They are more eazy to level due to the fact you can use jawa junk to buy cheap gifts with. If your going to take something away without player choice then you should be given something for it. If I had a choice and I choose to lose her, that's on me. I didn't take the Khem replacement because my toon is full light side and I would not take the dark side hit for him. That's on me, that's a choice I made and I can deal with that. This time it was not a choice, it was something forced on me and I am now missing one of my companions I use to craft with. So I would like to get the gifts back if they are going to take away this companion so I can use them on a different companion to get it to max level. Also why would I ever use a companion gift and spend time leveling a companion again if at any time they can be taken away? This is a really poor design and does not encourage one to want to either level or care about companions.
  13. The sad part about this event is that it's not even a new idea...it's been done before in Star Trek Online....http://sto.gamepedia.com/Delta_Recruitment The mind boggling part about this event is that they took everything about the STO event that was good and removed it. Then to top it off they made the demands of the event to get top rewards absurd. Please look at how Star Trek Online did a event that was clearly designed to help new players and get them up to speed and notice the key things they did different: 1. To get the max rewards you only needed to make one toon....to insure everyone could take part they gave everyone a free slot to create a toon with. 2. To encourage older players to take part they offered rewards that were account bound and even made these rewards something you could claim on all toons...both current and future toons. It's like someone at SWToR took a look at that event and thought about how do you make it suck and decided to put it in SWToR.
  14. I enjoyed doing crafting and I have been using droids to do it with due to the fact I think they are more eazy to level imo due to being able to get gifts with Jawa junk. So I have five toons with her at level 50. I also used the customization because I thought it made her look much cooler. So yea, losing that sucks as well.
  15. It's one thing if you make a choice to lose a companion but when it's not possible to prevent the lose of a companion the person should get the gifts back for raising them up. People spent time and effort to get companions to max level, losing them with no choice is not cool.
  16. Losing a level 50 companion with no ability to make a choice to stop it...awesome. I want my gifts back I used to get her to level 50.
  17. The new event is very much like the one done in Star Trek Online http://sto.gamepedia.com/Delta_Recruitment. Take a look at that event and compare it to the one being offered up and you start to notice a few things about it that would lead the one event to be something enjoyed by everyone but with it's main focus on being for new players. To take part in the event you needed to make a new toon. To make sure everyone could take part they gave everyone a free slot. The event offered good rewards and to get these rewards it required the players on the server to take part in the event. Bringing both older and newer players to doing the same type of content. The event offered nice rewards which were account bound and could be claimed by your main toon. This being cool because it's nice being able to get rewards with your new toon for older toons who you may care about more.
  18. http://sto.gamepedia.com/Delta_Recruitment That is a event which gets players to do old content and a event that rewards them for doing so without any kinda of punishment. Really the devs need to read over that event and how it was done. It was something put in place to help newer players get to max level but it offered rewards to older players to encourage them to do it too. If you were maxed out on toons...no problem...you get a free slot. Done all the content and this stuff is boring....no problem we will throw in a few new things for you to do. I do not want a new toon....what about my main? No problem...we will offer cool new rewards that you can have on ALL your toons...for free...and even get the cool stuff for any new toons you make. I feel like this event is based somewhat on the STO event...the only problem is that you took the idea and twisted it into something terrible.
  19. I play Star Trek Online and it seems like they are able to do more with less. They put out out a new season of content every six months or so. That content will have new episodes, which are like our current chapters. They manage to put out more group content during each season. They also during this have been doing major overhauls of old systems. All of this with a very limited budget and limited staff. I enjoy SWToR, I enjoy this expansion but the truth is that this shouldn't be even thought of as a expansion. No mmo puts out a expansion and then has no new content other then a small amount of chapters. New expansions have new flashpoints, new group content. This expansion would be ok for a single player game, as dlc for a KoTR game but for a mmo it's not. Look into Foundry content from Star Trek Online Bioware, that's your solution to help bring more content into the game.
  20. I am sorry but there's no reason to keep low population servers open when they are not needed. This is a mmo, not a single player game. Right now there's more servers then they need and they should be merging some due to some servers having too small of a population and having servers that could handle having more players.
  21. I play Star Trek Online and they use only a single server. It seems to work out for them pretty well but I think Star Wars has more players. The real solution to me would be to allow players to transfer for free and place a cool down on it. Can transfer each toon once per year for free. I think that would allow people to play on the servers they want to and let the players off the dead servers for free while allowing those that enjoy empty servers to keep having those empty servers.
  22. Players deserve to be able to play on servers that provide a good game experience and right now several servers are failing to do so. They lack the population to provide it. I do not have anything to transfer as I already did it but I do believe that you should be offering not reduced but free transfers to the players on your dead servers.
  23. If you choose to do a run with this guild be aware that they may attempt to ninja any decos and other items off the last boss. I was in a run with them doing EV and they took the decos for themselves. They had said all decos would be rolled on at the start of the run.
  24. The better example for them to follow would be Star Trek Online. They seem to put effort into talking with and hearing from players. They also manage to with far fewer resources put out a larger amount of content then SWToR. Instead of asking Bioware to compete with Blizzard, let's just ask them to at least be able to compete with STO a game with far fewer players, far fewer resources but still somehow can manage to beat them in the amount of content they put out.
  25. Shouldn't be paid server transfers at all. People should be able to transfer for free. Part of playing a mmo is being able to play with others, if your not able to do that due to the server being dead then you shouldn't have to pay to fix that problem. The problem should be taken care of by doing server mergers or putting a cross server q system in place.
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