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Everything posted by Kyovarde

  1. Tied for first: Morrowind, KotOR 2, Mass Effect 2. After that it doesn't really matter. Arcanum is my favorite of old school RPGs.
  2. My main is a female Cathar Jedi Sentinel and I think it works pretty well.
  3. Should it say canceled or no? That is all. Not sure if I am clipping it correctly or not. Applies to both my Jug and Sentinel.
  4. No, just no. I play both a 60 Juggernaut and 60 Sentinel. They are my two favorite classes. Parse around 4100 on Juggernaut (192 MH, 186 gears mostly) and 4400 on Sentinel (192 6 piece 192 MH 198 OH). Vengeance/Vigilance is BY FAR the simplest rotation for either of the AC. Literally all you have to do is keep DoTs up and Ravage during Shatter CD. Combat is a fairly simple rotation, but takes a good reflexes, skill, and a decent connection to execute properly. Focus/Rage are both simple rotations, but lower DPS. Don't even bother with Watchman unless you want to devote days played to learning a rotation.
  5. I did 3200~ on Underlurker 16m with terrible lag (comp can only handle 8m well). There's no reason why good/geared Sentinels/Marauders wouldn't be breaking 4k on it.
  6. If you're a subscriber you'll hit 41 soon enough so it really doesn't matter what you play as assuming you can handle the minibosses of the class quest line.
  7. Your APM is a little low. Try and get at least 48.5. Depends on your Alacrity tho, 0 alacrity = 50 APM, lots of alacrity obviously should be more. With your gear level I'd say you should be doing high 3k. Like at least 3700-3800.
  8. http://parsely.io/parser/view/53568/80 with inspiration 4400~ http://parsely.io/parser/view/53568/73 without inspiration 4310~ Thanks again mate!
  9. Give Precision/Gore either 3 Charges or 2 Charges and buff overall damage for Clashing Blast and Dispatch imo. It needs some kind of love.
  10. Harbinger-Lyones and I could probably use my WoW guild's vent., Yours would be preferable.
  11. Well I'd be willing to try just about anything so yes, I'd be interested in meeting up. Anything to up my DPS into the 4k range! Haha.
  12. Wait...do Juggernauts seriously think you have it worse off than Sentinels?
  13. I don't use Adrenals or Inspiration when parsing. Feel like my DPS is way TOO low. 3940~ 50.8 APM http://parsely.io/parser/view/53377/5 3633~ 50.94 APM http://parsely.io/parser/view/53377/3 3954~ 50.9 APM http://parsely.io/parser/view/53377/2 Even Focus is parsing higher/on par http://parsely.io/parser/view/53377/6 I'm not sure if this is a L2P issue or what, but I just can't get Combat to cooperate. Stats with Stim: 3729 Strength 1703 Power 0 Crit 417 Surge 520 Alacrity 795 Accuracy 192 MH 198 OH weapon damage is 2162. What numbers should I be aiming for? I don't think I can get my APM over 52 even with practice due to computer issues. Already playing the game on minimal graphics.
  14. Watchman isn't as difficult as everyone makes it out to be. Even an imperfect rotation will out DPS Combat and Focus. Combat IS MUCH harder than it looks. Yeah, it basically boils down to spam Blade Rush and nail your Precision windows, but if your APM is bad, your DPS is going to be awful.
  15. I would enjoy Watchman if the rotation wasn't agonizing to play...seriously can we get FM changed to a 12 second DoT or what?
  16. I pug Ravagers at least 2-3x per week and ToS once. Who are these people saying that these OPs are not puggable or that they are overly difficult? Are you really that terrible at this game?
  17. I clear Ravagers 3-5 per week and ToS once or twice on the Harbinger just fine. I usually do 1-3 HMFPs per day if I feel like it. I'm sorry that your server isn't the same.
  18. Optimized gear from the previous tier is without a doubt better for DPS. I can't speak for healing. All 7 of my 60s are DPS.
  19. Problem 1: Aside from a select group of pieces, commendation gear is worthless. Okay, it's not literally worthless, but an optimized 186 set of a gear is superior to elite commendation gear AND possibly ultimate commendation gear as well. Solution: Allow level 60 armoring, mods, hilts, barrels, and enhancements to be purchasable for commendations instead of the poorly fitted armor pieces. Problem 2: There is no incentive to run Hard Mode Flashpoints because 1) see above, problem 1, and 2) the actual item drops are poor as well. Why does the 184 tier of gear exist AT ALL? Solution: The first two bosses now drop 186 tier equipment. The bonus boss and final boss also drop 186 tier equipment, BUT from a newly created "Flashpoint Tier" set complete with a set bonus a la Operations gear. This set bonus will be shared with Operations gear allowing players to continue to mix and match pieces as they transition from 186 to ultimately 198 tier.
  20. I'm parsing around 3800-4k as Concealment in full 186s for the 2:30-3 minutes of the fight, but I always end up OOE. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. This is only an issue when doing sustained DPS for that duration. I'm using Rifle Shot instead of Overload Shot, but I'm still running into problems. I am accuracy capped. What can I change to improve my energy?
  21. Ranged complaining about PvP...just no. Maybe in ranked and 4v4 Mercs have problems, but they're fine in 8v8.
  22. The ramp up time is excessive, but aside from that it's not bad. I actually enjoy it the most out of the 3 specs currently.
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