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Everything posted by mikphobos

  1. SWTOR will get my vote of confidence when they Devs learn how to manage a MMO i was watching this weekend the stream of the UK video games event, and when it was the turn of SW the Dev in charge of the *legacy* system show up for talk about SWTOR it was obvious he had ABSOLUTELY NO experience in MMO or about MMOS, he was not even sure how to aproach the game he help to develop, was sad and discouraging see him so insecure of his own product also how can you be confident with a game that lie on its numerous spots? havent you see they videos? showing all servers medium and full? lol how old is that? they cant even speak with the true now..
  2. its not only ridiculous, its also useless,unefective, its a joke oh and also, it doesnt even work well.... /facepalm
  3. wow.. really? i guess you dont know about they lose last quarter, lol when this next quarter come and they lose another 400k i hope you stop being naive about what is happening in this game, but then maybe will be to late for it anyway
  4. 30 ys old male! i play in adjunta pall , pub side
  5. its there any plan to make all crew skills, and not only biochem viable for endgame , pve and pvp? right now only biochem have a real impact on both, while all others are very useless once you reach 50
  6. No to class switch, it will really hurt the game dual spec is one thing, but totally change the class will end the little identity people have with they characters if you dont like it, do what we all do when the class didnt suit us, we REROLL besides, the game its all about make new characters so far....
  7. At this rate i just want patch 1.4 get to be launch.... because after see the current game state, the layoffs, and EA not exactly being that supportive, yeah.... i just hope it gets to launch..
  8. legacy doest not add atm any of the convenience you speak about and the ones that do it, barely worth it.... and if you mean it because its on your ship, lol well, sorry but you dont get groups inside your ship, unless you invite the whole faction to hangout there.. hey maybe you do, with the current population, im sure you could get all people from some server inside your ship!
  9. of course i know about the logs. but once again why you want a dummy on your ship? when you can go to CS or DK and beat those? also the price its to much for a thing you will use just now and then... most people dont EVEN know how to use a third party site for read the combat logs... so whats the point? they just did all this because people was becoming rich, for the LACK of **** to buy on the game. and thats BW fauld, for not see it coming, so you cant possible defend the legacy fluff atm theres fluff that people LOVES, give them pets, mounts, social/RP gear, tittles, companions, ETC.. ETC and i bet you they will all love it, but this is just silly
  10. all that you state on your post its very true, however you forgot to say its also USELESS Species unlocks this is the only remotely usefull one and its still questionable, since you have to roll a specie to 50 for unlock • Presence buffs this is preatyy useless once you hit 35+, its also something that only happen for people with Human characters • Crafting improvements for droids lol? i mean this should have be since the begin and not with legacy unlock, since you get the droid from the normal story not from legacy, this is just a fix for a mistake from the developers • Reduced cooldowns on transports this is not even significant and requires TONS of credits for unlock, its just really useless • Shared character buffs not bad, decent • Ship enhancements this is a joke, you need millions of credits for a mailbox, GTN, dummy, you cant even see your DPS on the game, and this other things are less that useless, since you will spend most of your time on the flee.. this is just another terrible design • Ability to mail to alts on the opposite faction This is something that was a must since SWTOR single game promotes you to roll alts, so this shoudent even be taken in consideration here, its like granted When the legacy do make a REAL difference , then i will agree is nice and usefull, atm its nothing but a credits sink that its not even FUN to farm for, because other people cant even see it, call me when legacy gives unique companions,pets,mounts,gear, **** that makes people be interested... not just a money sink.
  11. glad you laugh, and while you may find guilds that ca handle the alts most guilds Cant, and thats a fact, just because people its not stable, and dont even say people on this game is attach to one character as in other MMOS, in fact some of the deal with wow having so many subs, is that people is so attach to they years toons that they keep playing. that sense DO NOT apply for this game, simply because you dont get to fully master one character when you are rolling other alt, and you say *snap this is better than my other toon * and dont even get me started with factions hehe But i do agree some guilds can handle this fine. sadly most cant.
  12. wrong, legacy is good for make you lose interest in your first 50 and the second and the third and so on, to the point you are mentally and emotionally unestable and guilds just cant set a stable crew because you may be one day being a warrior and the next a trooper and the next a sage... it also do a awesome job at make people not have any kind of attachment and identity as a faction See legacy DOES do so many good thing for help sink the ship faster! do dont ever say it doesnt do anything!
  13. Well say, the Devs should know by now, that we are TIRED of the *potential* this game have.. we dont want to hear it have potential anymore, we want facts and we want results, we dont need just hopes and dreams they need to execute and deliver, sadly it may be to late for it this game lose its boom already, and anyone new that come to check this forums instantly LOSE the desire for try the game most people dont tell they friends to try it, try what? a single player game, a joke of a mmo that want you to reroll 5644654564 times? 1.3 bring nothing but features should have come with release people just should get over it and move on, BW its not going to fix this game, and this game its never gonna be a top 3 on a serious MMO review. hell doubt it even make top 10...
  14. the hacking is real and its more obvious on pvp, BW need to take action and make this not happen, we deserve to have a fair experience on the online features of this single player game...
  15. Do you understand how bad is for a company to say they customers lie, and to POINT a finger to one and even call it by its name, when they DO NOT HAVE the real proves for that? Do you understand they put they own terms on the contract for the service and they employes are VIOLATING that terms? So no, a simple apology and a kiss for make up doesnt solve anything, it only show how much they lack in customer service, and if they use the user name on the post calling him out for lie, they should have apologize adding his name on the public forums as well. this just show how bad is they customer service and how much they lack a public relationships manager.. please BW when you employ someone, made him know the contract and please get a good community manager you guys need lots of work in the game and your social skills as a company.
  16. the game engine its really terrible i have a top PC and i have done ALL what they have suggest on the customer forums for improve the performance an still never got more that 40 fps the engine its not optimize they do NEED to work on this, already pass 6 months and this issues should not be present now by any means
  17. Good BW finally makes sense on something it was a bit messy the way they was dealing at the begin with it, but at the end they get to know whats the true, good work and i hope all that people that cry for this issue, go and reroll on a PVE server, PVP servers are not for you guys, sorry just the truth, you cant ask people to be *nice* on a pvp server, most are people with rage issues that need to deal with in the game instead of they homes, hehe
  18. WTH is the sun? care to elaborate please... also.. i hope BW get all this plans for the future fine.... i really hope they can save this game, sigh, i know.. i may be a dreamer
  19. you sr just did what BW coudent do with Aric.. maybe you should apply for a job with them? they may need someone that does know how to make *humanoid* alien body builds.... that is a really really good pic!
  20. thats not a respawn Area and if this is BW policy about World pvp in pvp servers, they need to go back to single player games.. MMO are not for them.. It doesnt matter if they was doing something good or bad, this is not about moral, this is about what people are suppose to be able to do in pvp servers, and if we cant then they should NOT have pvp servers or put more guards for ensure the lowbies are fine at the bases... dont excuse BW fail at develop
  21. does BW finally lose its mind? thats why is a freaking PVP server, if was a good or bad thing to do, doesnt matter IS A PVP SERVER! people shoudent join those if they dont want this kind of things to happen to them THIS IS NOT A SINGLE PLAYER GAME , IS SUPPOSE TO BE A MMO BW get your stuff right.... this is just another of the reason why people think you guys fail at this.. when you hire people for be GM they should know the rules of the game at least... freaking fail BW.
  22. Amen, pure true so disappointed BW.. i was hoping you guys care and try to save the game, not this jokes...
  23. this game have a really bad engine, can you even imagine the performance for many people at the flee? it will be impossible to play and more will finish complaining and quit, lag will be just to much for many, so thats out of the question.
  24. really awesome!! however not perfect... 9/10 too because it doesnt have pierce on it!!! hehe
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