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Everything posted by JMagee

  1. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=8103018#edit8103018
  2. While I'm not trying to discourage anyone from supporting PvP in this game, if you were queuing ranked purely for the rewards (and not actively trying to win/improve), then a lot of people would probably consider your "help" to be as much of a problem as a solution.
  3. Chances are you're trying to go the wrong way. If you're trying to get there by going through the imperial camp to the South, you're going to hit an imaginary wall. If memory serves you have to get in by coming from the North. Basically, if you're hitting a wall trying to get there from where you are, try the other side.
  4. Sigh Ancient Hypergates and Voidstar would like a word with you. Please don't spread blatantly incorrect information. Technically theres Huttball Arena ACW domination (independent objective control) NC (majority objective control) Voidstar (round of attack + defend objectives ) Hypergates ("Team Deathmatch" of sorts)
  5. Hahaah. Gimme Gimme. What do you want from a boss that takes 5min to kill and can be farmed by Alts over and over again? 192 Tokens? 198 Tokens? If you need Unassembled token gear drops to do a boss that takes 5min, I don't agree with you. I'll do it for the helix components, I'll do it for the chance of a Red Sphere. I'll do it because it's something "different" I had no realistic expectation it would drop Ops gear. And it shouldn't. Maybe HM could drop a SM token. But if you thought 198 gear would come anywhere near this boss, then you're expectations were way too high.
  6. No. No they don't. Maybe if you get hit by all 6 of them you'll take 18k damage. But the ticks from their lighting beam are at most 3k. And I do see any reason why one person would have all of them at once, unless they're a tank Saber Reflecting. Looking at my Torque log from the other night. Tamper Deterrent devices hit me with "Stop That" for 1,241 damage per tick. Tactics VG Not even 10% of 18k
  7. That's fine. I have no problem with them adjusting aspects of the cross mechanic in SM. It's wonky. I'm sure people have been "denied" access to content because of being in groups that can't get by Underlurker. I also think part of the issue that many people have with SM is the fact that this is a beginning of a content cycle. SM's are as close to "progression" as they will ever be in this game. There isn't much overgearing available to help push through the more difficult SM encounters, if necessary.
  8. First (and please don't call me a troll for trying to engage in conversation and share different experiences) 1.I've run SM Ravagers every week since 3.0 has come out and not once has Coratani not worked properly. Some times we see the door, some times we don't. But she has never behaved incorrectly. People have offered all sorts of explanations (pets, the door, pushing one too quickly) that do not seem to always fix the issue. I have no idea what could be wrong with the fight, you have no idea what could be the cause. If the players can't figure it out (and usually someone is able to figure out a 100% successful work around within a few weeks) there must be something really strange going on with that fight. 2. Underlurker is not a friendly fight. It behaves poorly and does not execute properly. But it is certainly working well enough now. But while it is easily beatable, and occasionally requires some additional tricks, it's the way the fight works now. I don't really seem them improving it further. 3. The floor vents hurt. They come out a set times. People should either be moving when they are about to come out, popping a DCD (Saber Reflect) in anticipation, and be topped off. In my experience it's been closer to 3 or 4 ticks being fatal than the 2 your post implies, but maybe on squishy light armor classes in specs that don't have AoE reduction talents, it hurts a lot more. 4. I don't know what you mean by turrets. If you're talking about the single circle in Bulo, there's absolutely zero reason to get clipped in that circle. (Aside from the hitching issues you seem to be having). 18k in a 50k+ HP pool is not terrible. 5. The Exonium carts have always targeted 1 person, as far as I know. That's the mechanic. The tank with aggro is going to get blown up by them. They better be topped off and have a DCD ready. Again, it happens every 45s, and it can be juggled between tanks each time. Resilience, Saber Reflect and Shield should all be up between taking carts. (i/e 1st and 3rd) It's a lot of damage but you get a warning and you know it's coming. It's very manageable. 6. Barrel Throw is terrible. Especially for light armor without AoE reduction skills. There are many ways to work through it (sonic rebounder is fantastic) but if you have a melee heavy group comp, it's going to hurt more people. Spread out, be aware of when it's going to come. It's a big hit that always has seemed like it should have a DoT component, but it doesn't. That fight is all about avoiding damage. Carts/Lifters/Barrel and maybe some pirate shots are the only damage that is unavoidable for DPS/heals. I have no problem with clamoring for bug fixes. But I do believe some are way easier to ID than others. EDIT: Multiple guilds have cleared Ravagers HM. Just because your group cannot (neither has mine) does not mean that things are broken. It means that right now it's simply too difficult for your group (comp/skill/amount of time being put in)
  9. I was able to complete bounties on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday. So yes. it was 5 days.
  10. If the point he's trying to make is that they aren't dropping. Then yes, it should be fixed. But his quote and comment actually made no point whatsoever.
  11. Quotes patch note saying 16man. Talks about 8M and HM FPs. GG
  12. You're missing 41 expertise. Chances are you bought a new MH or OH and didn't realize they no longer come with crystals. Find a War Hero Crystal, put it in whichever piece is missing, and you should be good to go.
  13. JMagee

    PT's/Vans DPS broken

    I'll get the ball rolling. First, solo or group ranked? What do you mean hard to do damage: Are you dying too quickly? Are you attacking a guarded target? Is your group ignoring the healer? Is the other team judiciously using taunts/DCDs? Ranked features more focused competition. In regs it's a lot easier to get lost in a match, or not be able to figure out who's attacking you. In Ranked, more people know that your SC-HIB-CB-AP-SG burst window is coming, and they mitigate accordingly. Shadows can ignore it with resilience (aside from HIB), Scoundrels can roll, Guardians can Reflect. Sages can Barrier if needed. AP is strong in regs because there's a lot of more going on and some people get sensory overload, so it's easy to put up big numbers and kills because people don't think about countering AP with DCDs, because if you die, you just respawn. As an aside, yes all your gear should be augmented
  14. I'm confused. You said Pyro PARSES poorly. I provided proof it does not. If you meant to say Pyro PT is poor in high movement, single target fights, or in organized PvP compared to AP, I'd agree. But that's not what you said. You then went on to discuss Madness in PvP and somehow argued about how it could or could not transfer to PvE. Parsing is a PvE activity. Then you brought up Mandos and HO and how that affects how well they can clear Revan. So what are you actually trying to get at?
  15. You're terrifying. The amount of nonsense that you've been spouting is incredible. If you look at the Parsely leaderboards right now, the 11th best parse, overall, amongst all specs in the game, is a PT Pyro parse. Pyro PT parses incredibly well. Neither PT spec is anywhere close to the bottom half of the boards. So please, stop talking nonsense.
  16. Two relevant questions that will have answers useful to this thread. Re: Visual Difference/cue Is there a way to tell if a Sorc/Sage has taken the bubble stun utility? and If a Shadow/Sin has CC immunity for Deflection? I know they're close to "must take" utilities, but I always kind of wonder (more so with Deflection) if Shadows/Sins can just get away with people thinking "I can't CC him now" and use the point somewhere else.
  17. Again, it's all semantics for me. Anyone who PvPs in this game knows it's certainly possible to beat 2x heals (w crossheals) + guard. No screenshot was needed, no one legitimately discounted it as possible. It's just that the screenshot did a poor job of illustrating the point he was claiming
  18. While I do believe it is incredibly possible to beat 2Healers + Guard in WZs, the complaint of that lovable rapscallion chonsoman was that cross healing and guard, especially while guarding a door in VS, or trying to capture mid/South in CW/NC is near impossible to counter. The screenshot posted above shows nothing with regards to (dis)proving the original claim. It just a AH with 2heals+1 tank. There is no "proof" of: Cross Healing Guarded Healer It's also AH. A good stealth and a bad node guarder could easily turn a match.
  19. Could be. I thought about that being his intention when he posed the question, but looking through it again, I'm unsure. If he did mean sequentially (1 of each one right after the other only) that wouldn't be too bad. (You get some sort of error message "you cannot have more than one version of Supercharged Celerity up at the same time") But I think part of the reason I have some trepidation about it (perhaps unfounded) is there doesn't seem to be a consensus as to how useful these buffs are. Over time Inspiration was sort of found out as not being as strong as people felt it was. So I'm kind of in the same boat regarding the new buffs. How strong are they actually?
  20. My only concern that it seems you did not consider was stacking multiple buffs (of the same type) at the same time. The idea that those buffs, especially the Sage/Commando with the rise of ranged (again) and it being class, and not discipline based, could be available to several people in your group (even a majority in 16M) kind of makes me feel uneasy. Inspiration with 2Alacrity, 2MS, 1 Crit buffs at the same time is worth a lot more than if you couldn't stack the same buff. It could be fun to experiment with stacking different combos to see how to best load up on raid buffs, but I imagine being able to fire off up to 14 of them at once (in a perfect world) is not something that could be realistically balanced against.
  21. The fact that 55 Ops drop ultimate comms is not a major issue. It's dumb, but if people think farming comms will help them beat the new ops, let them farm. Comm gear is so terrible that once you buy an OH, there's basically nothing else worth purchasing. If anything, leaving 55Ops as a source for Ultimate comms will allow the PuGs and SM Op specialists in 186 Comm gear to upgrade to 198 comm gear, and maybe get past Bulo and Sword Squadron. Having full 198 comm gear isn't going to make the Ops obsolete for anyone. No one is thinking, "boy if I could get a little more DR % and HP and lose my set bonus, I'll be downing Revan on HM in no-time".
  22. He could have at least made up a number saying "This time last week there was 2000 people on fleet and 67 instances of Rishi" But an observation with no point of reference isn't much of a comparison or indictment
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