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Posts posted by Briljin

  1. Yep. There whole mechanic single handedly destroys any and all interest I might have in pvp for its own sake.


    I want to play skill versus skill, not see who spent more time grinding pvp gear.


    So instead it would just be who spent more time grinding raiding gear instead? Expertise is around to keep raiding gear from surpassing PvP gear in PvP content. So unless someone is going to offer solutions to this issue, it probably isn't going any where.

  2. The real good advice here is to use escape liberally. Since this isn't a single player game that can be saved, experiment with different options and just hit escape if it takes a turn you don't like.


    The problem with that is unless you actually know the end result of each path, you can not tell which one to pick. For example because I didn't know there was a romance unlock, I didn't fish thru the possible option looking for it. I made the same mistake as other did with the initial flirt option and didn't select it. How was I supposed to know that was I supposed to know that was the know that was the romance unlock.


    Oh well, I am sure there will add another window later in another chapter so I am not that worried about it anyways.

  3. Wrong but keep wearing the fanboi goggles, ignorance is bliss.


    Well he/she does have a point. The monthly sub rate is for greater access to the game, not just the expansion. They just consider it a benefit. Now to perfectly honest, I wasn't even aware it is limited to subscribers. That does seem a bit odd, did they do this will other major content pushes?

  4. lol forgetting the cartel adds etc... lol campanions gone noclue if they are coming back.. some new ones hidden behind pvp walls lol... yep sounds great...


    Yeah, I forgot they send a rep to twist your arm into buying them right? Matter of fact I have been a sub since launch and I think I have bought maybe 3 items off the cartel (last time I checked I am sitting upon thousands of coins....). Again, you didn't have to spend a penny for this expansion. You choice to send money upon extras which has no bearing upon the new content at all.


    So, yep sound great!

  5. I am subscribed and getting no xp past level 60..(1pt away from 61) no early access to the storyline


    why is this so? is it because I dont' have a reaccuring subscriber acct? I thought you just had to be subscribed. I'm not FTP or preferred.. I paid my dues


    Was your subscript active throughout the entire event period? It had to be active from Aug 10th to Oct 19th, if not then you wouldn't get early access. If you were, then you should contact CS and see if they can help you.

  6. Odd I started the download last night when I got home from work and when I got back from a quick bike ride it was ready to play when I got back. So at most it took about 45 minutes to download and install. No clue why it it taking so long for some of you guys.
  7. #3 This is an MMO not a solo game, I want this game to feel more like an MMO and not a single player game


    People constantly misunderstand the concept of MMO. It doesn't mean that we are always teamed up to defeat content. It means that while I am playing, thousands of other players are also playing right alone side me. Just because it is a MMO doesn't mean we even have to acknowledge one another, it just means we are not alone in the game. Completely ignoring the fact that SWTOR has gone out of it's way to ensure a rich solo content, I fail to see how your point has any merit.

  8. There is no good reason to allow DPS disciplines to use guard. Having guard tied to stance rather than spec is merely a erroneous throwback from the skill tree system.


    For the same reasons they don't restrict healing to healing specs or DPS to DPS builds. It is an ability in the class toolkit and it is up to the players to use it correctly and the opposing players to counter it.

  9. I am not blaming gear, but I am saying that set bonus and higher lvl with the damage increases from talents make it very difficult to lvl through pvp from 30 & above. I would love for them to split the bracket in half.


    Splitting brackets will probably only server to increase the wait time on matches and if you are leveling purely thru WZs, that would be a bad thing.

  10. Um, the point is to make it viable so people can choose it over hatred if they like the playstyle better. Or at least make it better than hatred in pvp, so there are aspects of the game where you can use it. Right now, hatred is better in solo PvE, aoe PvE, group PvP AND 1v1 PvP, it's ridiculous.


    You clearly missed my point... I was saying that if Deception is inferior in both aspects of the game then it is needs to be improved, otherwise it is a worthless talent tree. Ideally the two DPS trees would be balanced and you would select the one you enjoy the most or the one that is best suited for the situation. As you said, this might be fixed by nerfing Hatred but then they would also have to nerf about half the builds out there...


    Honestly, we have almost never had balanced builds and historically one has always been vastly superior to the reset. Now it's the "DOT" spec's time in the sun. Tank, hybrid and deception have all had their day...

  11. Well, I agree with you, removing gearing from pvp is the best thing. Disciplines allows it. It works really well on GW2.


    Keep in mind that GW 2 took it a step further and made raiding gear only slightly superior to gear earned from non raiding sources. I could craft gear and weapons nearly on par with the best raid had to offer and if I wanted legendary items, you didn't have to raid for them either.


    So if you want the GW 2 model, then it would only be fair to include BOTH sides of the coin.

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