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Posts posted by Briljin

  1. Seeing faction balance is something EA really doesn't care about, I don't really see the down side of such a change. We already have same faction WZs, no real open world PvP (not like would matter anyways with the current faction imbalance) and it is already insanely easy to level up and gear a level 50 anyways.


    Then we can all be Empire and win the SWToR!

  2. Or you could run some WZs as you are leveling up and have a nice cache of them once you hit 50. I just recently leveled a Marauder to play with some friends and we did WZs often as went. Once we hit 50 I was capped out on normal commendations and had around 3k rated commendations. I probably could have exchanged the rated for normal commendations and had probably 3/4s my WZ set right off the back.


    The grind is nothing like it use to be, I remember back before they even had the recruit set. You went into WZs in your leveling gear and really got your teeth kicked in...

  3. Because they are a stealth based healing class, seriously mate this is impossible to do well not impossible just not viable.


    And they don't have cool knock backs, pulls, bubbles and force speed. Interesting how different class are different... Oh and no to the OP's idea!

  4. You can have the "deserter" debuff once they update the queue system. I would like the ability to not join a game in progress (or at the very least TELL ME IT IS IN PROGRESS so I can pass if I want a new game), the ability to not queue for certain WZs and a working vote kick system.
  5. I greatly enjoy PvP, world PvP even. Yet to have a meaningful and enjoyable world PvP you need to have relatively balanced populations, something SWToR has never had. Adding a reward system for open world PvP would be nice as well...
  6. I ve laughed so hard when i see soldiers without cap gives soldier salute in this game. In army if you salute without a cap sergents kick your *** .You can give head salute without a cap.


    Not unless that sergeant wants to become a specialist, otherwise you would just be doing some push ups.

  7. Cosmetic rewards only would be the best thing to happen to pvp. But the problem is that it can't be that way because of other factors.


    It would be the end of my sub, that much I know. I don't play SWToR for it's PvE content, so PvP advancement is what I enjoy. Take that away and I may as well be playing GW II.

  8. giving BH comms for dailies, would make the progression through gear completely skip tiers of gear, making the progression of content non-existant...this is not a good idea, in any way shape or form.


    Unless you are talking about PvP, then it is perfectly fine. Funny how being able to solo your way to a full set of EWH gear is fine but someone being able to solo your way to a second tier of PvE gear is crazy talk.

  9. It's like a huge rug you spent months weaving being pulled out from under your feet the minute you put it on the floor to admire.


    Let's be honest. If it took you "months" to get full BM (remember we are talking about non rated commendations here), it would have taken years for them to get WH. So this change made it easier for them to get WH.

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