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Posts posted by Briljin

  1. You people can ***** all you want, for the record there has already been mention of either removing expertise entirely, or changing it so significantly that it will do just as I suggested or close to it.




    Actually they mentioned making the amount of expertise on PvP armor the same across all tiers. Then upgrades would only be about improving other stats. That is nothing like what you have suggested.



  2. Simple solution is to add a toggle for "Enter in progress warzone" or show the state of the in progress match and the user can choose to enter it or not.


    I work on a F2P and we have such a system that shows present score and time remaining and it has always garnered good feedback.


    Good idea, it lets you decide if you want to wait a little longer for a fresh match or you can quickly get in and knock out the PvP daily with a few quick loses. Just adding in the "deserter" debuff will instead encourage players to just afk at a node for medals instead of leaving the match.

  3. Before they could do that, they would need to add other improvements. For example the ability to queue for new games only, a decent vote kick system, the ability to select to queue for only certain WZs, the ability to rejoin an ongoing WZ if your game crashes. Just adding the deserter debuff would just result in them sitting afk in the match and ensuring your lose.
  4. In 10:12 he was in tank spec, using a tank tree... This is what i'm talking about, a tank doing 600k+ damage, 175k protection.


    And yet you said "Tank shadow and sin in DPS gear needs a HUGE nerf to compare with other tanks... " So clearly your two statements are in conflict with one another. If you meant that Tank Sin damage needs to be reviewed fine but that is not what you said.


    But, the amount of damage a DPS sin can do plus his control abilitie, compared to amount of damage a mara can do and the control abilite, is not fair.


    You are comparing apples and oranges. I could just as easily point out that Maras have vastly superior defensive cool downs compared to Sin and that is not fair. The truth is, both class are designed for different combat situations. Sins are designed to control their opponent will killing them and then slipping away. Maras are designed to get right into the think of battle and destroy their opponents.


    Sap, whirlwind, spike, electrocute, low-slash if specced, pull if specced. 6 diferent types of control plus insane damage


    Oh noes, the dreaded 31/31/31 Sins.,,

  5. Tank shadow and sin in DPS gear needs a HUGE nerf to compare with other tanks...


    Why would a DPS Sin need to do similar damage to Tank spec'ed classes? At that point why would anyone play a build with less survivability and utility than the tank version?


    An example Mara's only have Awe/Intimidating Roar which BREAKS on damage.


    I would gladly trade my OOC stealth mez and stun opener from stealth for an AE Mez. You obviously under value Awe a lot. Yes, Sins have more control over their opponents then Knights but then Knights have some of the best defensive abilities coupled with insane damage. You honestly can not expect Knights to have great CC, damage and defensive abilities.

  6. No i'm complaining about PvP in the exact same area as PvE.


    That is what a PvP server is all about, the danger of random PvP while doing your normal day to day activities.


    I put my PvE gear on for when I PvE.


    Then you should have rolled upon a PvE server and just WZed for PvP because you obviously don't understand the concept of PvP servers.

  7. Sorry but pass on another failed arena system. We already have zero reason for world PvP, the last thing we need is yet another instanced PvP system. I mean soon we won' t even have to leave fleet... They need to give world PvP a purpose and fix the ranked WZ system.
  8. Until you have a system where pugs and premades are paired up against one another (with a timer to allow them to cross it matches can not be filled in a decent time frame) you will never really have a competitive game play. Even WoW learned that and adjusted their system to account for it.
  9. 1. It will never happen: The developers have stated time and time again that they want to promote community and team work. This idea completely goes against that idea.


    How is wanting to be matched up against similar players community breaking or against the idea of team work?!? They are not asking for solo WZs, they just don't want to be pair up against pre-mades teams packing top of the line gear using voice communications.


    2. Populations: Even if it did happen, I don't believe most servers have a strong enough population to support the idea without drastically affecting queue times


    The queue time would be an issue but they already have it set up so if rated WZ TEAMS can not get a game after a certain time they are matched up against non rated WZ players. So the same could be done for solo vs group queue as well.


    Personally I hate the idea of a bracket that would cater to mediocracy and gives players no incentive to improve or become more competitive.


    Step off your high horse. Solo playing doesn't mean they are bad players. Hell they could be playing on off hours and their friends are not online. Just because someone doesn't have the same play style as you, doesn't automatically make you better than them. So stop stroking your ego...

  10. They just need to modify the turn in requirement. So for example any light armor can be turned in for another other piece of light armor that fits the same slot. Better yet, do away with the armor shells and sell the rest instead. This way you can mix and match as you desire and just have to provide your own armor shell. Then when you want to upgrade you exchange the individual parts.
  11. Yes, I understand the three tiers of PvP armor we've always had, but unfortunately that is part of the reason we are losing fellow players and BW is losing customers.


    So then we should also make free PvE raiding gear handed out as well right? I mean if giving out free PvP gear will help bring people back then giving out both will be a home run!


    And really, why is there even need to make new tiers of PvP armor? This is wasting resources they don't have. Why create EWH weapons?


    Because if I wanted a complete lack of PvP progression, I could just play GW II and be done with it. Hell there I don't even have to be bothered with leveling a character... Just because its not PvE doesn't mean there shouldn't be a progression.


    if one can play 10 hours a day. I'd say an average it takes a half an hour to get one warzone pop and finish it.


    Your queues most be terrible. If it is taking you on average half an hour to complete one game, something else is the problem. I can complete a game in probably 20 minutes, with queue being less than a few minutes. So it will take you a while if you lose every game over 10 hour a day you would end up with 1600 commendations and 100 WZ (remember the daily). Which throws off your weekly count by 1k of each commendation as well.


    Now keep in mind that the PvE system is pretty close in progression. It's not like you are going to be fully geared there in a wekk either. Depending upon your luck with drops and randoms, it could take just as long and then the next content patch you have to do it all over again.


    If you aren't going to stop adding tiers of PvP gear, at the very least matchmaking should try and keep you against others at your effective level.


    I would agree with that 100%, it is one of the features that WoW attempted in their WZ and did a pretty good job with. That and PUGs for premades, especially ranked WZ queue premades.


    Just remove expertise, PvP'rs don't need it, PvE'rs / casual PvP'rs don't want it and RP'rs can't comprehend it.


    Yeah, then replace it with a more "PvE" friendly stat. That will make raiders so happy!

  12. 1 - No, the "recruit" set should always be upgraded to keep in par with the current sets. So right now it should be the old Centurion sets. When the full set of E-WH comes out, then the recruit set should be upgraded to BM.


    2 - No to free BM, just upgrade recruit gear to stay in line and a "Hell no!" to your "hidden stat". PvP armor is already at a disadvantage in PvE settings, there is no point in making it even worse. Unless of course you want to apply a similar "hidden stat" to do the same for PvE armor used in PvP...


    3 - No, getting commendations is quick and easy. If you do nothing but the dailies and weekly, you will gain 1k of each. Then average in about 75 a game over 21 games (figuring in some wins for weekly) and you get another 1500ish commendations. You can get two BW and 1 WH every two weeks doing almost nothing.

  13. Some people actually have real life to attend to and can't afford to spend 40+ hours a week running Warzones to get fully geared in a couple of months, if not more - yes it actually takes that long at present.


    If it takes you months, then you are seriously doing something wrong. You can get 1k normal and WH commendations each week just from the dailies and the one weekly. Average in 75 commendations a match for three games a games (daily only requires 2 wins or 4 games played) gives you another 1575 commendations. So you are looking at around 2800 normal and 1k WH commendation from just doing the PvP quests.


    That is about 3 BW in two weeks and 1 WH. Hardly "a couple of months, if not more" "playing 40+ hours a week"...

  14. For you maybe but thats why it's probably a local issue and not really the game issue.


    If you searched the forums you would see a great many post from Crossfire and SLI uses about a big performance drop after 1.4 (BW even admitted to an issue). So depending upon how bad it is impacting the OP, the game might be unplayable for them. Remember that what is unplayable is a subjective term. If frame rates drop to the point that the game is no longer fun, then it would not be unreasonable to consider it "unplayable".

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