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Posts posted by Briljin

  1. "To me it seems this is a half-assed ban on premade groups and it can still be used to an advantage so, in my opinion, premades either need to be completely allowed (especially on PVP servers, our guild is all about PvP and we'd like the challenge of guild v guild) or completely disallowed, the current system is wishy-washy at best. "


    And then put full premade teams against other full premade teams right? I mean you are in it for the challenge of guild v guild correct and not guild v pug.

  2. If BW provided at least half decent UI customization the need for user mods would be removed. I have no clue how any modern MMO could be go live without at least having moveable windows, quick bar customization and chat controls. It is clear this is BW's first MMO and they need to provided some basic UI customization soon.


    As for the whole mod debate. WoW might have taken it to far but current BW is at the completely other end of the scale. I thought Aion was too restrictive and even they have better UI support than BW...

  3. it's funny how i keep reading the "i cancelled my subscription X days ago" quote.


    The thing is you can't post on this forum without a current subscription to the game..


    So much trolling in this place.


    The fail is strong with this one. Not to mention it is not unheard of for certain players to always cancel their accounts every month or pay month to month with a game card. So having an active account boils down to nothing more than your current payment cycle and nothing more.

  4. Is there a way to remodel armor and I just can not seem to find it or even the ability to preview what armor will look like? It gets really disappointing when you get one of the many terrible looking armor parts and are stuck with it...
  5. When you play with bad players, you stay bad. The only way to improve is to play with/against better players. Learn from your losses, observe what your enemies do, and get better.


    There is nothing to learn from being constantly steam rolled by opponents you have no chance of defeating. You do learn from balanced fights, where the deciding factor is skill and tactics but that is not the situation the OP is talking about.

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