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Posts posted by Briljin

  1. 2) Under no circumstance do I believe people should be rewarded with best top end gear for doing nothing but PVP. Should be close but not equal. But lets be clear, the best gear should be reserved for those who complete very engaging and skill demanding bosses. Its an MMO for gods sake you should be grouping with people to clear content to obtain this top tier gear. (yes I know PVP are groups too but you know the difference)


    Which is why most games with PvP content generally have items suited for and earn thru PvE and PvP content. This way the two worlds can remain different and allow the players in each to progress their character.

  2. TBH, I strongly stand by that the best PVP systems I have seen used the same gear for PVP and PVE.


    I would be all for that, provided PvP can earn the exact same gear as end game raiders.

  3. This x1000.


    Some of you guys really need to get over this change. It is a much needed change that reduces EWH/WH to merely decent leveling gear, which is what this game needs.


    I bet you would be singing a different tune if level 35 greens where as effective in PvE and the top end PvE gear. The issue is the bolster system is way too OP and needs to be removed completely from the 55 WZ bracket. Removal of expertise from EWH gear just shows how f'ed up the system was and even after today's patch did nothing to make it any better.

  4. No. Just no. The cap is raised and new gear should be the goal now. Your EWH will and should be outdated. The same applies for PvEers. They need to grind a new set as well.


    Except PvE wasn't radical modified to be PvP gear was it? Matter of fact the old top end raid gear wasn't being out classed by players running around NAKED, was it? Yes, we all know that gear will be replaced but this is not the same.

  5. Now OP do me a favor and replace each reference to PvP with PvE and tell me if you still feel that way. If bolster is good because players don't have to worry about putting forth the effort to earn the appropriate gear for PvP, then why should they for PvE as well? Hell lets just do away with gear, make it only cosmetic and then we will all be upon equal footing and we can join hands and skip together.
  6. Expansions make gear obsolete. This is the way of things. The way of The Force.


    It is not about the gear being obsolete or dated because of a new expansion and an insane FIVE LEVELS. It is the fact they are taking PvP armor and turning it into PvE armor because the current bolster system is BS and this is their only solution to fixing it. If I wanted PvE armor, I would have done PvE content...


    At this point I don't care any more. I have my main 5 pieces of Partisan armor and I with almost capped ranked commendations, I will have the rest soon enough. It is just a lame move and it gives me real concern that BWs view of PvP content in SWToR.

  7. So if I am understanding the upcoming changes to WH/EWH gear you are going to replace the expertise with other core stats and then allow the bolster system to add back in expertise in WZs? Does this mean we will need to restore the armor back to it's original state before hand? IE do I need to put back in the Modification and Enhancement that it came with or are you guys going to work around that?
  8. He has a very good point imo that Original Content should not be sacrificed for expansions. Above posts say other games have done this, but i can think of none tbh. None subscription based MMO's anyways.


    I guess you never played the Sony MMO Everquest? It's a pretty old MMO now but back when it was mainstream they frequently redesigned lower level content into higher level content in expansions.

  9. yeah, pvp is now finally balanced, gz Bioware ftw


    And now to finish off our liberation from the yoke of gear. Add the bolster system to FP and raid content! There is no reason why I should have to put forth any effort to be competitive in those areas either.

  10. Then lets apply bolster to PvE raid content as well, after all why should I have to grind out gear for that either. If it is all about skill, then we should all raid with the same stats and gear. Then the game can be a happy little utopia and completely fail.


    I don't care about PvE content, I only engage in it to level up and then dailies to spending money. So if PvP progression is going to be removed from the game, I will be moving on. If I wanted to play a game with next to no character progression in PvP I would be playing GWII and not paying to play SWToR. The current bolster system is an account ending system for me.

  11. Why does there have to be a point in wearing gear? Do you play WZ's to look at what you're wearing, or do you play WZ's because they are fun?


    I agree! Lets move towards total freedom from all gear. No more gear from raiding or even questing! Instead those events should be about fun and not about grinding out gear!



  12. You didn't think there would be a gear wipe with the new level cap increase? rofl


    If the ops point went completely over your head. He is not complaining about a gear wipe or even older gear becoming less effective as content progresses. Right now you are better off wearing 2 year old PvE gear than EWH gear.


    That is not a gear reset, that is just poor game design...

  13. Every MMO makes old gear obsolete when it expands. SWTOR is not unique in this. Just that BW did it with a "shock" instead of a gradual phase out for WH and EWH gear, that was BW's mistake.


    It's not an issue of making older gear obsolete, it is the fact you are actually better off NOT EVEN USING it that is the issue. Being better off using 2 year old PvE gear instead of EWH gear means the system is flawed. The bolster was a decent enough idea but one that is clearly not being well thought out or handled.

  14. Do do you only vote for DPS that do more than just DPS?


    Yes, because they are capable of impacting the game in critical ways outside of pew pewing things. A well timed CC or a stealther stealing a node for example. You could do 1 billion damage and still lose the match because it is not a matter of who did the most damage nor who healed the most but who played the objectives.

  15. Just because you have amazing healing numbers doesn't mean you get a vote, just like having amazing DPS numbers doesn't mean you get one either. What is more important is how you impacted the game and played the objectives. That is what I cast my vote for.
  16. some CC such as immobilization and slows do not count towards the resolve mechanic why is this so ????


    Because CCs in this game are considered effects that take your ability to act away. Being slowed/rooted doesn't stop you from controlling your character, it might make it harder for you to attack a target but that is not the same as being unable to to do anything.

  17. I just wish Bioware would stop playing the favorites game with its customers.


    But they aren't playing favorites. They made the same offer to EVERYONE, regardless of your customer status. Knowing what they were offering, you made the decision to not take advantage of the offer.


    If you really want/feel you need the early access it's either:


    Or you enjoy the game and are confident that the expansion will be worth the whole $10 it costs a subscriber.

  18. It's because Rise of the Hutt Cartel, why fix class balance at lvl 50 when 55 soon becomes the new standard


    Because if you can't keep things balanced now, how in the hell do you think they will with another 5 levels? It shouldn't take a new expansion a few months down the road to fix class balance at this point in time. By that point everyone and their grandmothers will be Smashers and it will be impossible to fix...

  19. Really not looking for another arena system or at least not one that took it to the extreme that WoW did. Smaller scale ranked WZs, that would be fine (provided you can solo queue). I would love to see a greater focus upon world PvP but first some discussion about faction balance must be had.
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