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Everything posted by comeonucrazyguy

  1. It'll change soon or this game will utterly fail. There's some value to bolster and I understand the skill vs gear argument, but if there's no value in grinding for the gear than the hardcore players will leave. Period. Then all you'll be left with is the bads who now think they're good because all the goods are gone.
  2. Right, you are condoning the behavior this thread is trying to address because you think the game's not fair. We all read it, we all got it. Thanks for your contribution.
  3. I've played Anni/Carnage extensively, just switched to Rage three days ago for the first time to see what all the fuss was about. Do I do significantly more dmg in wz's? Absolutely, because I actually have an AOE worth a damn. However, 1v1 I feel just as powerful as I did before, and I actually very much miss some aspects of the other trees. Rage is definitely not the most survivable of the three, if I'm targeted I go down fairly quick with only a few abilities to save my hide. No boost to stealth, no minimum charge range, etc. Plus the dot heals which can save your bacon. In summary, there are some definitive tradeoffs to Rage made up for by one single powerful ability. So why all the hate? Are you people really that selfish that ONE tree with ONE ability that is fairly strong needs to be nerfed because you get owned by it? Sounds like the problem is on YOUR side.
  4. When you ask a question like this you're going to get 50 different answers from 50 different "pro's". Just stick with what you like dude, you're not going to get a straight answer out of a bunch of people as clueless as you.
  5. Why not everyone just get an automatic dump of the max coms for each type? If we're too lazy to get this ourselves like we're supposed to, I for one think Bioware should just give us all Ultra Elite Super War Hero Monster gear so the lazy among us will stop complaining.
  6. Hello all, I left SWTOR for about 6 months for personal reasons and when I came back the guild I was a part of dissolved. I'm looking for a seasoned guild with active members participating in both PVE and PVP. Specifically I'm looking for some good premades and consistent Ops running. RP I can go either way. I currently have 2 50's, Columi/Rakata Marauder and close to full Columi Shield Tech. I also have several other toons close to 50. I'm pretty laid back, just looking for some quality end-game play with a good mature group who know when to get serious. Please message me with any questions or details of your guild. Thanks
  7. Hello all, I left SWTOR for about 6 months for personal reasons and when I came back the guild I was a part of dissolved. I'm looking for a seasoned guild with active members participating in both PVE and PVP. Specifically I'm looking for some good premades and consistent Ops running. RP I can go either way. I currently have 2 50's, Columi/Rakata Marauder and close to full Columi Shield Tech. I also have several other toons close to 50. I'm pretty laid back, just looking for some quality end-game play with a good mature group who know when to get serious. Please message me with any questions or details of your guild. Thanks
  8. FE can be done on Normal mode. My bro (Sorc) and myself (Mara) ran it just the two of us with Quinn/Khem Val. Took about 15 to get the part, another 10-15 to roll through the rest (for the hell of it). It's not that hard.
  9. *SIGH* Yet another 'Marauders Suck' post. Even if you try to position it otherwise, this is essentially what it is. And, as is pointed out above, none of your complaints are legitimate. You can deny it, you can ignore it, you can seek confirmation from the others like you who do not play the class correctly, but these issues are your fault. No class has a counter for EVERY situation that arises. Your job, as with any class, is to avoid bad situations and maximize your ability in good ones. It's called s.t.r.a.t.e.g.y. Disrupt is not instant cast...lol. Wow.
  10. ^^ If you didn't already know this and you're complaining about gore, L2P. If you already know this and don't think Gore boosts damage, L2P. For Carnage, Gore is your bread and butter. You're the same people that say 'Marauders suck, need boosts, etc.'. L 2 P
  11. I'm a shield tech. In fact, almost entirely shield tech. Used Mako. Easy fight, had zero problems. Maybe get some better gear?
  12. ....aaaand own even more? Once you get gear Marauders own. Squishies and tanks fear us alike as the tanks have no hope once we eliminate the squishies in 4 quick seconds. Love this class
  13. well the story's the same, but the gameplay is definitely different. Less defense, more damage. I love my marauder
  14. maybe old school, but I just my numpad for most of my stuff. 1-9 are the attacks I use, 0 . Enter + - * / are my utility/def buttons. I have a logitech gaming board so I have my medpacks/adrenals, etc all on the left side of my keyboard, movement wasd. Only time I touch the mouse is to loot. Since, as a marauder, you're generally focusing on one target at a time, this seems to work very well for me. I feel like I am quicker this way.
  15. Worst part of being a marauder...if opposing team decides to target you, you don't last long. Best part of being a marauder...if opposing team ignores you, you will own
  16. If you're new to lvl 50 than your gear sucks. Do like the above poster said, get better gear before you start whining that you suck. Of course you suck, you have crappy gear!
  17. They absolutely do not do less damage. Ridiculous. I can throw out wild claims to with nothing to back it up except my 'opinion' such as 'based on your last comment it is my opinion that you know absolutely nothing about the class and therefore shouldn't be commenting on it'...or was that a fact? O well.
  18. LOL. Wow. Of all the issues with Marauders THIS is the one you and your dear friend choose to argue for? Come on.
  19. Fight really wasn't that hard. And in terms of 'grinding'....compared to other MMO's, this game has practically no grinding. I was pretty enthralled the entire time through my first characters path to 50, never felt like I had to grind for anything.
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