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Everything posted by Killamanjaroo

  1. Just messing with you man. You Canadians take Hockey and forums way too seriously.
  2. I turn off names and use symbols. You may be that guy with the purple balls over your head? or the one with the dirty looking bag symbol? I run hybrid tank 95% of the time so I hope you beat me in damage. This records thing is important to you? It's all yours =) You are the best purple balls player (or dirty bag) symbol player I have ever seen man! The way you look up at those purple balls (or dbag) and take not one, but both purple balls in like that. Pure professional man... /bow <This message has been brought you to by IneedmoreSelfEsteem.com>
  3. I saw a 16k and people talking about how to do these posts after 2.2... Not sure why you think I am targeting you. Never seen/heard of you before. I think it makes sense to have something easy to verify its after 2.2. is all.
  4. Single hit, 10700 on 6/2/2013 https://imageshack.us/scaled/large/163/killamanjaroo10700.jpg Is there a way to make sure the dates are after the relic fix? I have quite a few 11k hits prior but none since.
  5. Biggest hit 10095 from a voidstar on 6/1 https://imageshack.us/scaled/large/441/killamanjaroo10085.jpg
  6. Please make defending (animation) not interrupt attack animations. It is making an ability delay. Thank you
  7. Killamanjaroo


    PM me =) -Illuminati
  8. The big problem with Tera that I have experienced so far is that when you declare War on another guild, you can hide in safe areas to never let an opposing guild get a positive score on you. We were vs. some guild when they ganked some of our lowbies and preceded to hide in town for the next hour and a half. Honestly, the PVP system is Tera is pretty terrible and I would just recommend waiting on Guildwars. I am going to get to level 60 on my Slayer in Tera, to give them the benefit of doubt, but trust me, it is a severely flawed system.
  9. Sincerely, 'Dev Post Refresh Anonymous' PS. The silent treatment doesn't work with PVP players.... we tend to be needy.
  10. This is all wishful thinking but contain a good portion of why I am in a guild of one now. 10) Duel Spec I think it will dramatically improve gameplay to allow players to adjust to a surrounding. Rift did this very well and I hope BW makes it a useable component instead of some '3 day cooldown'. This probably more important for heal classes who want to DPS... since it sucks to heal all the time. 9) Some Open RVR with City Scapes Illum, besides the other issues, was too wide open. Would be cool to have something like Praag (in Warhammer), and perhaps the abilitie to take controls of vehicles. Sooo much potential here. 8) More Warzones Nothing really to add. I am a fan of most of the warzone designs and a few more would be great. Huttball, regardless of how repititive on Imp side, is a pretty good design. 7) Territory control based RVR zone(s) Would be cool to have an area designed to mean something to whomever controls it. Darkness Falls from DAoC was an awesome concept (horrible realized in Warhammer) but would be a great addition, somehow, to Tor. 6) A 3rd faction This would be easy to do for warzones. Take every bounty hunter and give them the ability to que as 'mercenary', allowing them to populate either side in a warzone in order to fill them up. For open RVR, create a base that they can fly to declare allegiance. Obviously more thought would need to go into this for oRVR but it would be an extremely easy add-in for Warzones. 5) PVP within PVP More quests that specialize in the certain elimination of classes. Kill 25 inquisitors for 10 rated warzone comms, etc. A very easy way to make Warzones, etc. a little more interesting. 4) Duel areas on Fleet Some arena type area where people could watch a respective duel. Include a few LOS items (small columns), some random elements (trapdoor mobs). How it could work, is you que for a duel. The duel participants are announced (also have the ability to turn this off) and they are 'zoned' into the duel arena. People could watch them and even build some credit betting system of something. 3) Space PVP I can't add anything here but it would be fantastic. Start small and have it only as a part of a two part warzone (i.e. the first 5 mins of combat is space to secure 'X', after which all participants are zoned into a map that was determined by who got 'X'. 2) Cross Server PVP Rift did this well by creating a 'battle group' of 8 servers. Player names had the @server suffix (e.g. illuminati@shatterbone) to denote the server they hailed from. This would also make it so ranked warzones would work because frankly, they will fail horribly without it. 1) Ranked of all shapes and sizes Have pre-season be only the 8 queued is rather short sighted. This would cause rifts and clicks within guilds and hurt the game even more. Please include ranked solo ques (with an algorithm to never allow two from the same guild to end in the same warzone), 4 and 8 person. Thank you for taking the time to read this and perhaps /salute and farewell. Killamanjaroo (Guardian), the Fatman aka. Illumanati (Chosen, Badlands), aka Illuminati@Shatterbone, aka Illuminati (Tempest Ranger), aka cKdetox (Q3), blah blah blah.
  11. Would really like to use the set I took months accumulating. Thank you
  12. Warding Call + Rakata Med + Enure + Focused Defense = Full Health after Enure fades. Dust Storm is meh. Critical hits automatically hit in this game.
  13. That's the prob with Guardian philosophy. Everyone is looking for immunities to attacks, which we aren't going to get sadly. I look at it by how much damage I can reduce on the attack instead. The bubble is basically a ~20% reduction on a attack. It does stink though, agreed =) http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500rrhdzzMZfMrzrhkk.1 This above build is probably our best bet 1v1 vs. most classes.
  14. It absorbs 800, but the awesome part is anytime you can reduce your opponents dmg below what FD heals, FD really starts to shine. For example, when I take a 2k hit and reduce it via a bubble, damage reduction, etc. you gain positive HP from FD. You really have to practice when to use FD, since it depends on what classes you fight against. For example, vs. Marauders 1v1 I never pop it late since they burst through it no problem. You are better off CC'n them for the duration of the cooldowns. Remember, Rakata Med + Enure, then FD. Any hit, absorbed or not, counts as a hit so FD triggers.
  15. PVP mostly sorry. PVE in this game is a little too easy, perhaps not tanking though for our gimped hate.
  16. What are your stats now? =p Mine too a huge hit with the new optimization.
  17. You can have it produce a heal but you have to be pretty twitch. If you can recognize being under the duration of a DoT (get to know the long lasting ones), CC', pop Rakata/Enure + FD and you go back to full after the duration of Enure wears off. It's a big iffff though. Still won't beat comperable marauders but shadows maybe.
  18. For leveling, go Focus first since you will have to rest with Defensive anyway. Kira kills faster with you sweeping. A trick I did was to attack the first set, then on the next trio have Kira attack first (select a mob then use her fist icon). Full DPS gear.
  19. I used to make a lot of off the cuff, but effective builds in other games so here goes, http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500rrhdzzMZzZGrorzfM.1 The premise of this build is to have great utility to protect a healer/dps, while still having the ability to dps and survive guarding someone. The peels are nice with the AoE snares, etc. One wasted point in Focus, but probably usefull if you are in a dominant postion by switching to Shii-Cho.
  20. First, an apology because as a PVP player I have little patience but I still appreciate the great amount of work that went into TOR. The environments are top notch. The buildings, and all the small stuff about them, ships, mountains, etc. all look fantastic. Even Illum, the comets (or whatever the moving bodies are in the sky) look great. For my characters (Guardian and Marauder), the art 'style' of my combat is darn cool as well. I love being able to turn away from an opponent at low life and just chuck my saber (like a shrug off kill). It makes combat flow very nicely. The character armor models were mostly meh, subjective as it is, I just don't feel the Character Art team captured what most were hoping for. Guardians look fairly terrible at most levels. It's probably much harder to bring uniqueness into boring brown robes and all that. Anyway, I understand from a developer point of view how frustrating it would be to come to work every day and get slammed so hopefully this post serves that, although we may not like parts of the game, the surroundings looked <explicative>'n fantastic! /salute
  21. This ability is the dumbest and most overcomplicated thing I can think of that somehow helps our DPS survivability. Thanks for carpol tunnel.
  22. Why is that? Marauders have more single target which will be evident soon enough. Run EV and have them on the same mob as you and its obvious. They also have a stealth, group speed buff, etc. Style stuff (2 sabers)... Compared to all other classes btw. They all have some oh crap mechanic. We do not.
  23. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=325369
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