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Everything posted by Morde_

  1. Mine wasn't a better question. I think Courtney is a cutie and I want to be her SWTOR husband.
  2. Do you have an answer for my twitch chat proposal?
  3. Who's theory is that? No one ever agreed to that.
  4. Morde_

    8 vs 8 Rankeds

    So we can go back to stalemate games against triple healer turtle comps to see who can get a lucky cc cap on Civil War or Ancient Hypersplit? Nah. I like when PvP is about PvP.
  5. Introducing RNG bursty relics is the worst possible way to nerf OP healers in PvP.
  6. Thought this was gonna be a thread about how force charging while jumping is broken and you only go half the distance.
  7. This is a weird place for you to hang out.
  8. On my marauder, 10.3k execute on a sorc while double surging. Guess he should h2f harder.
  9. Does that make you jealous? When the 16 year old punk kids with long hair and a bad boy attitude hit on her in biology class?
  10. This is outrageously overpowered, and it stacks with the power surge. Please go back to static relics.
  11. No thanks. I find ranked arenas much more enjoyable than ranked warzones ever were.
  12. They gave us a new one. Lots of people enjoy arenas. Lots of people appreciate the new map.
  13. Find 3 friends and you can win whenever you want!
  14. post pics of your shiny, slippery helmet
  15. I like it because it reminds me that the developers play in first person mode.
  16. Congratulations! For being the top of your class on the group ranked leaderboards, you receive a coupon for 25% off your next Cartel Market purchase! This offer expires in 3 days!
  17. For what it's worth, I think it might be just POT5 thing. My friends and I have bounced back and forth between Bastion and POT5 the last few weeks and the spikes appear to be much more frequent over here.
  18. Morde_


    Let me know if you want to queue team ranked tonight. I see you rollin deep with a full premade and 8 55's online.
  19. give him the bastion D, bestford
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