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Everything posted by Kanharn

  1. People still crying over this, I cant believe how people base there life's around an MMO. Surly you can find something else to do for the time the game is down. Fact is no one cares, not even Bioware and the small amount of people crying over this is tiny compared to the people who dont come on the forums because they dont care and are happy the game is being fix and made better week by week. Its never going to change, so deal with it and plan your MMo time accordingly.
  2. I see people are running out of ideas for threads.
  3. a thread crying, about people crying lol. how Ironic.
  4. Classic case of 'I cant play my class so it must be broken' lol.
  5. Looking at your sig and the comments you post, your one of those people.
  6. I don't dislike many things in this game but I do dislike the amount of time it takes to travel around. I have a very large guild and its a pain when I have to go to 10 different places a day to help people. I also want to kill or mute C2-N2.
  7. I would be too embarrassed to post this link.
  8. Not being a troll but that does sound like an issue on your end if textures are slow to load or not loading at all.
  9. Never had this issue on Alderaan, I do have this problem when I join a warzone fro Illum during a huge battle but that to be expected.
  10. A good solution but Bioware will ban people for using none official add-ons atm. I know a guy who got banned for using a TS3 add on to show the over lay in game, but this was over turned. Just be careful.
  11. Yet if you could actually read you would know I support this feature, I only said not game breaking or needed atm, Also BW have said its coming. Maybe stop the nerd rage and read a few comments before you post to stop embarrassing yourself. People like you should be banned for trying to dictate how people play a game. This new generation of gamers is really not clued up to how things work. I bet you spend your days at School arguing over BF3 and COD lol.
  12. Agreed it would be nice to have this feature but the point people are making is its not game breaking or needed atm. BW have said its coming so we just have to wait.
  13. Ahh I see, it seems to help big time for me, could be a bug or an Issue with PvP. Have you checked the PvP forums for other peeps having this issue ?
  14. Well you said 'I'm at the point where all I need is valor, and I seem to get about the same amount of valor whether I win or lose. '. The solution is to do Illum first then Warzones to get more Valor, this would help you get to the level you want faster. At least remember your own comments lol.
  15. What funny is reading the posts like this and seeing how desperate people are to form a comeback or argument. Go team Emo.
  16. Then do illum first and get the Valor bonus buff. In 20 mins you can get it too 5x the normal amount pre warzone.
  17. Yeah because a dmg meter adds so much more fun and content to the game, Maybe TOR should just be a game based on a Dmg meter then it would be the best MMO ever ROFL.
  18. Of course you have, very convent that ha ha. Clearly your just making stuff up now and use this same argument for everyone who mentions there server lol. So now you have also checked all the starting areas in the last 10 mins from the last time you posted ROFL. Now your also saying your on Bloodworty EU yet you never mention this before lol. This gets better and better. Please keep posting, This is making my time at work very fun.
  19. All the servers are in Ireland not different locations.
  20. So off peak hours is how you base your facts lol. Like I said playing on the server tells different story. also basing your fact on how many people are on the fleet is just lol, its not like people will be on illum or doing other ingame stuff, I forgot everyone just stands on the Fleet all day ROFL. Try using the /who command at peak hours and I will accept your apology , Not that its a valid or solid point of reference.
  21. Not opinion, playing on the server lol. Also your facts are clearly made up.
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