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Everything posted by Kanharn

  1. Based on what evidence lol, the game has been out for a month. why are so many people talking like this game has been out for years ROFl
  2. Or you dont watch or read the update. We are getting all of this very soon.
  3. Last place I would go for real information is lol Gamespot.
  4. This system should stay, stops people destroying the in game economy by bumping up prices. Like the OP tried too.
  5. Be a while yet, always is. Its not down to bioware, Its down to Logitec.
  6. This happens with new games, dont like it, dont play till next patch. Anyone who played Skyrim at release will remember the patch that broke the game for 2 weeks. These things happen, As it stands I have no issues nor do my guild.
  7. Yeah lets play a game loosely based on ST, that has no content and everything else must be purchased on the C-Store. A game so good it went F2P in less the none year, almost destroyed Cryptic and made the company end up in LOL perfect worlds hands. Did I mention its also one of the worst MMO's ever made.
  8. If you did not cut out the question I was replying to, My quote would be in context.
  9. After reading this list, Im beginning to see the problem with are community and the general forum user. Its clear most are not even following what the devs say or just want silly, pointless features adding to the game. Im also starting to think these people have never even played an MMO. My faith in the general gaming community has been diminished after reading this post and the many problems with it. Considering my Comment to you was to tell me why TOR is not an MMO and these are the reason you gave me, You have made me very sad and feel are community is filled with people who don't have a clue what they are talking about. Today is a sad day in gaming.
  10. Comparing a WoW pet to a companion in TOR lol, Im guessing you never played woW.
  11. That means WoW copy all its features from SWG then and COD and BF 3 is just a Doom clone ROFL. When people know so little it makes me lol
  12. Because other MMO's are so different to this one lol, Please tell us how this is not an MMO when compared to other MMO's lol. I wont hold my breath for an answer.
  13. You need to learn how to build a good gaming machine.
  14. People blaming the game on poorly built systems that are over heating ROFL. How can people know so little. Now I have see everything lol
  15. your whole system is the problem looking at your sig, old, outdated tec.
  16. Most fun I have had in an MMO for a long time. After playing Rift I had lost all hope for MMO's.
  17. Its usually the peeps who spam fanboi who cant read or understand internet terminology. Generally people who put Fanboi are just internet attention seekers.
  18. So you play the game and your not a SW fan, how odd, you must live a very interesting life.
  19. Please link your facts and figures to show where you got this information. Or did you just make it up to form a comment ? Im guessing you wont return to this thread now lol
  20. You must know him in real life to make a comment like this. Not that he could be on Holiday from work, Disabled or any of the other 10000000000 reasons he can play so much.
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