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Posts posted by Apophis_

  1. I got Shae Vizla token, used it and she hasn't show up. She is not on my companion list, the token is missing, I don't have any alerts and my story is set long before KOTFE/KOTET. Other characters unlocked it without any issues. My friend has exactly the same problem. I play Trooper, she is a Smuggler. Please, any solutions?
  2. To be honest, I haven't read all 34 pages of this thread, but if we reduced transfer prices for a week, would that allow you all enough time to organize your guilds to transfer to the place that makes the most sense for your guild?


    NO, this is NOT the answer!


    I stayed on my dying server Tomb of Freedon Nadd for few reasons, one is that I won't be able to force all my IRL casual friends to move (it's too much of a problem with many characters, decorated stronghold, legacy bank etc.).


    This is also NOT THE ANSWER for a problem of dying servers! New players hop into the game and have no people to play with? No active guilds, empty warzone queue (I won't even mention GSF) etc.? Do you think they will keep playing and paying? Do you think they will recommend a dead game to their friends?


    You should fix this issue ASAP and merge servers together. And please, don't force us to redecorate our Strongholds...

  3. Hey folks,


    Just a reminder that Ben and I will be live this afternoon on our Producer Livestream. Tune in as we will discuss all things going on right now and what is coming in the next month or two! If you can't make the stream come back here afterwards for a full wrap-up. Here are the details:


    Stream link


    2-2:30PM (PST)

    Ben Irving and myself


    See you there.




    Thank you for making it more accessible for Europeans that have to get up to work tomorrow.

  4. All players who complete Making the Connection and/or Well Connected achievements before they are removed will be receiving a Makeb Gazebo decoration in the mail around the time Game Update 4.0 launches.


    If I have Making the Connection and Well Connected achievements will I get more decorations than if I have only one of these? Please make it clear!

  5. I really loved the mission on Ziost where you fix a vehicle and ride on those magnetic roads. If something like that is possible in-game (I assume it's something that was designed for racing that never made it to the game), then you could add these roads as decorations and give us that speeding vehicles so we could design race tracks in our Strongholds. With these and other decorations we could create nice and unique tracks and organize racing competitions.


    Sounds awesome, right?

  6. Wrong, can't change those things without the e-mail password which Origin doesn't have.


    Are you sure you need access to the old e-mail account to change it? Because I don't remember doing this. Can't try now, since I have additional SMS one-time passwords.


    Still, payment methods are there on Origin.

  7. I realised these are linked when I changed e-mail adress on Origin, and couldn't log in to SWTOR with the old one. Passwords are also shared, and my Paypal (which I never linked to Origin) is included there as default payment method.


    Origin doesn't have any secondary wall turned on by default (you can turn on e-mail/SMS one-time passwords, do it), so basicly most players not aware they own Origin account with SWTOR account have a worthless Security Key or One-Time Passwords.


    EA, or even just BioWare, should force people to change their passwords because this is pretty serious.

  8. Um... unless they did something in the background to link, no, I never had anything for Origin come up, my payments don't go through Origin, and I've never installed the Origin bloatware on my PC.


    Doesn't matter, swtor accounts works with Origin, all your payments information IS THERE. I just checked my payment history in Origin client and I have Shadow of Revan and Sub payments listed there.

  9. This is one reason is why I refuse to use Origin. Ever. For anything.


    You are using it.


    SWTOR account is linked to Origin account. And since you pay for SWTOR, your credit card/paypal information is linked to your Origin account.


    Also, there is nothing to stop hackers from loging into your Origin account and changing e-mail and password... this will also change e-mail and password for your SWTOR account.


    Security Key is worthless basicly, and 1.7 million passwords are floating around.


    This is a big deal.

  10. At one point there was going to be a live action series but we got The Clone Wars and Rebels instead :/


    I would love to see a live action series set in the KOTOR time frame. Something along the lines of BSG in terms of the darkness.


    No, Star Wars: Underworld was not replaced by The Clone Wars. Both projects were under development since Revenge of the Sith came out, but Underworld was too expansive to make and Lucas wanted to wait few years for technology to allow making it with less money. And 1313 was going to be a side spin-off for Underworld.

  11. I love this game. This is what I want from good RPG. I didn't had so much fun since Mass Effect 3.


    And damn, Witcher 3 is going to have a hard time. I'm fan of Sapkowski (I'm Polish, I grew up with those books [well, ok, I was old enough to read adult stuff, so around 15+, but you know what I mean]) and I don't like the games (and I don't understand why people like them), but Witcher 3 looked like something really good. Now it will be difficult after DA:I :p


    And as I mentioned in different topic, Dragon Age kinda reminded me how good RPG should be made. Our choices matter here and have huge influence on the future events. I'm only (!) 40 hours into the game, probably not even in the middle of it, but I had difficult situtation when I had to make difficult decisions, and all of the choices were bad. I love it: there is no "dark side" (bad) and "light side" (good), we are moving in the grey areas all the time, just like in real life (kinda).


    It kinda reminded me how SWTOR is bad at those things. 3 dialogue options, we pick one, but it really doesn't matter in the end, story is still the same, and our companions are blind and deaf, even when we flirt with other people just right next to our wives. We can't kill anyone important, and we will never die.


    And locations are rich and diverse! I love exploring them, and I love finding new lore to read.


    DA:I made me unsub :(

  12. I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that the era of games made by gamers and for gamers is over.


    What we have now are PT Barnum types looking at us as the suckers.


    I want to love this game. I want to play this game. With the bugs, the lag and the hack stories I feel like I am chasing a ghost. (I played this game for the story as I loved Bioware's stories in the past but when I /flirt with the new NPC's with my "wife" standing beside me NOTHING HAPPENS. She doesn't get mad. She doesn't say anything. It is almost like that stuff never happened.


    The chick on Makeb - I got her holo frequency - and then never heard from her again. I don't expect her to join my crew but is it too hard for the developers to at least realize if you have a wife / husband and you use the flirt option that your significant other will make a comment?


    BioWare is still making amazing RPG games. Have you played Dragon Age: Inquisition? I am right now and I love it. It's a masterpiece, best RPG I played since Mass Effect 3. And DA:I made me hate SWTOR and cancel my Sub, because it reminded me how good storytelling and RPG should be made. Dragon Age is amazing: your choices have impact on the story, everything is connected! Characters are commenting my actions, companions talk to eachother, they are interesting. Here? You just pick 3 slightly different conversation options, all of them leading to the same thing. And none of if matters in the end.

  13. Hey folks,


    Unfortunately, for the achievements that we addressed in 3.0.1, you will need to earn them again. It is our usual policy that when an achievement is bugged, that once fixed, we will not re-grant the achievement. This is typically due to it being difficult to isolate players who have earned the achievement versus those who haven't.


    As a side/related note, if you sold the Data Packets which you received from Grophets, you will need to earn those again as well.


    We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this.





    So it also means that we will have to spent another millions of credits and hours of grind to get Nightlife achievements that are currently bugged?

  14. I have screenshots of most (if not every) achievement I got from "casino event". Will you, BioWare, give me back my points when I will send them to your CS?


    Because I feel like you don't care about achievement hunters. It's already few months since we lost them. I'm afraid we should start taking pictures of our current collection since we can loose it all in one of the upcoming patches...

  15. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Are you telling me PvP HAPPENED! On a PVP SERVER!


    That's just crazy talk.


    I remember when Ilum was a PvP zone and at some point players managed to get inside the enemy base. Imps were killing Reps at spawn point, and there was no option to exit the area in that situation. Next day BioWare introduced patch and canceled taxi connection with both bases, and then on the next day they introduced another patch with very powerfull cannons in both spawning points.


    PvP happens on PvP servers, but some rules are needed to call it PvP.

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