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Everything posted by Escarrabutxaques

  1. Played for a while in hybrid spec. Its kind of useless for teamplay, since its a weak healer and weak dps. Can produce large amounts of rage in 1v1 though: "Why don't you die?!!" and "How a healer can hit me repeatedly for 3k?!" http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#401MffMdh0kzZMIboddo.1
  2. On my server pretty much everyone who does pvp is in full BM now + 1 or 2 WH pieces, and player skill, well its relative I guess. I dueled with almost everyone considered "best" at their class on my server (although its really low population, so there are maybe around 40 lvl50 imps and ~15 reps who pvp on regular basis) and actually got beaten only by one anhi marauder and I had a real hard time killing one trooper healer and one merc healer. As for marauder vs operative, can't really tell, since my marauder is lvl 36 only and I havent played it on lvl 50, but well, on 10-49 bracket on anhi marauder I have problems with 1v1 against operatives/scoundrels (even lvl 40+ ones) only if they catch me while I have cc breaker/cloak of pain/blade ward on cd.
  3. Meh,, In concealment I still can destroy almost everyone in 1v1 (except maybe skilled marauders and merc healers with all cds). Too bad that pvp isnt about 1v1 ;/ In team enviroment, concealment now is even worse than before (to all the previous problems like being marked and constantly cc'ed/pulled by tanks/knocked back as soon as you open on someone they added a new one: energy consumption/regeneration. So even if you manage to burst someone down you are still stuck in combat with 0-10 energy and really bad regen now). So yeah, even if I do similar damage as in pre 1.2, maybe 5% less overall, playing concealment is certainly less fun now.
  4. Stunned for 3 seconds with an opener? Lies. Its actually less than 1.5 seconds now (sometimes people get up faster than gcd from hidden strike ends, not sure if its a bug or what). If you use your cc breaker for 1.5 sec knockdown... Well, you deserve to eat that 4s stun. @OP there is no way you could have 21k hp in full BM (Rakata/BM mix maybe). Also, there is absolutely no way for scoundrel to take your 40% of hp (~8.5k!) in 1 gcd. They dont hit that hard even on targets with 0 expertise.
  5. Totally agree, the itemization on WH gear for agents/smugglers is just a bad joke, as an operative, only 4 pieces (in 3 different sets!) actually have crit/surge or power/surge enhancements, the rest has or alacrity (useless) or accuracy (useless). Why do I need to buy WH set twice plus BM gear in order to trade those for WH pieces that actually improve my toon (different sets!), for example, why should I buy a BM sniper rifle (which i cant even use) in order to get WH sniper rifle and then switch barrel/mods/enhacements. All that to avoid the accuracy stat (which is useless for an operative).
  6. Well, at least sorc set doesnt have A LOT of accuracy as operative/scoundrel set do (which is absolutely useless for this AC), so yeah, you have to buy additional pieces (like buying 2 sets of WH actually) for enhacements replacement to keep your surge/crit ratings optimized and that is bad design.
  7. You are doing it wrong. PVE money sink? Really? Done 4 dailies on Belsavis, went to EV = + ~250k credits. I agree on hackers/people using exploits though. BW really needs to look into their client to provide some protection from hacks (since there are plenty of bots/hacks for swtor, I assume that its really easy to hack this game).
  8. Actually, I think that healing is fine how it is now. There are some teams on my server (yes, they are 4 man premades) where the healers are damn hard to kill, even when you focus them by 3 dps. Wht? Because: a)They are always guarded b)They don't just stand there and "tank" damage, they LOS, cc, knockback and kite attackers when needed c)Their teammates ALWAYS help them (tanks pulling dpses from the healer, CC them, constantly taunt them), dpses are also helping healers when needed. Since everyone has some kind of cc and root ability, sometimes it becomes "mission imposible" to chase and kill that healer. Sure, as dps im able to 1v1 healers, not to kill them quickly though, especially those merc/trooper healers.. But the problem is you'll never see those healers traveling alone, unguarded. This isn't 1v1 game, in teamplay enviroment healers are pretty tough and hard to kill when their team is helping them.
  9. Full length 2v8/3v8/4v8 warzones have to stop. Now.
  10. Sad, but I forsee more nerfs for us in the next pvp balance patch. Sorc healers are complaining about operative healers replacing them in ops and glowsticks swingers are complaining about hybrids. And Georg is still working at Bioware, so yeah, no bright future for the operatives ;(
  11. Escarrabutxaques


    Ill keep on leaving 3v8 and 4v8 games. Why should i waste 15 minutes of my time on them being farmed and with no any significant reward?
  12. It would be more effective than shadow in doing so, higher burst, no need to getting charges or procs as shadow do, etc. Yes, scrappers/operatives can be very effective on alderaan/novare coast against pug teams.
  13. Scrapper I guess, Infiltration burst requires some setup, scrappers don't, your 2 first gcds are your big attacks (shoot first/backblast). Also, the playstyle you've described is the only way to play scrapper/op and be effective, while with shadow you'll have a lot more utility and mobility and you are not so stealth/opener dependant as scrapper is.
  14. They spent all day patching some minor issues and broke the entire game as a result, so now they need another 8 hours to try to fix what they broke (hopefuly not breaking anything else in the process). Thats how qualified BW Austin stuff is.
  15. there is a way, although its kinda expensive.. enhacements with expertise/surge/power from wh gear (sniper rifle and some other pieces)
  16. Exactly my point! Those teams of brainless ops and assassins stunlocking you and hitting like a truck! Assassins are even worse!
  17. Juggs hitting for 6k and maras for 9k is absolutely fine! Lets nerf agents, they have knifes and stealth, thats truly overpowered!
  18. Yeah, those dual glowsticks should be nerfed asap. 9k crits on people with ~1000 expertise? Really?
  19. Knife is op! Troopers aren't op because they don't have knife attacks!
  20. @OP Have you played pre 1.1 concealment? Current maras/pt don't kill people faster or as fast as pre nerfs concealment. Basicly, with luck and appropiate gear you were able to kill people in 2 gcds (especially sorcs and sins). And do it on regular basis. Sure, PT with luck can output insane burst, but again, it happens not so often. Sins/shadows don't have 2 stuns and 2 knockbacks and to crit for 7k in darkness tree... Maybe it will happen once in a month on a target with a lot -armor debuffs and with adrenal/relic used. Maras? 80% of them are anni, they don't really have burst you claim they have. Im not saying that I don't agree with you on overall evaluation of operative both in PVE and PVP (especially PVE), but you should at least try to be objective with claims you do about other classes.
  21. Leave stealth only to finish someone low on health or to throw an emergency heal. Sap the respawning enemies or use flashbang to cc the respawns when your team is trying to plant. On voidstar against a decent team you are relegated to support role.
  22. well the only reason to use them on warrior/knight would be no rage/focus requirement. It hits quite hard and its free. On scoundrel/op cheap shot/eviscerate hits about the same as backstab/backblast on strong enemies, both are free, but eviscerate doesn't apply acid blade and it has 45s cd, so backstab is still better.
  23. In the first place, why those abilities even exist. With current restrictions they are useless, even in PVE.
  24. And what about some ability that would work as anti gap opener? 3 sec duration/1 min cd/4m range debuff you can apply on target that would prevent creating gap between an operative and his target. For example, some kind of handcuffs/chain that would link operative/scoundrel and his victim, meaning you get knocked back - your target gets knocked back with you, your target uses force speed - you go with the target with 150% speed increase, same for charges and pulls. For those 3 seconds your target just cant get further than 10m away from an operative/scoundrel. It would bring utility for teamplay in huttball, it would be quite fun ability to use, it would serve as "gap closer" in some twisted way and it would be quite unique. Yes it would require timing to be effective but also would bring some interesting mechanic in game.
  25. Like the title says, the team of troopers stunlock and just gravspam people to death, all that from 30m range. Teams of troopers are making people to loose warzones and unsubscribe. A friend of mine, level 13 sorcerer got shot by three gravity rounds in 2 gcds and died, all that while being stunned. I've never heard from him again since that incident, I assume he has unsuscribed. Something needs to be done!
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