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Everything posted by Al_Sparagus

  1. Can't wait. I expect the entire community as a whole will improve. The impatient people who whine and complain and want their pony and want it now are going bye bye.
  2. Republic player and not a troll......kind of funny when you people accuse someone not complaining and whining incessantly to be a troll.....is it bizzarro day today?
  3. X1000 Those of us with experience know what it is like. The first months of many MMOs I recall were a LOT rougher than this. Heck WoW went six with without a major patch and even longer with no content upgrades. My guess is most of the naysayers on here are too young to remember.
  4. I just wanted to say thank you to the SWTOR team for all of their hard work. Those of us experienced with MMOs know that they are constantly evolving and improving. The amazingly quick time you released a major patch and content update is very impressive. Please don't allow the naysayers and complainers to bother you, there are many very happy players like me who appreciate this game and your hard work greatly. We know that you take in game issues seriously and are constantly working hard to improve an already great game. Thank you so much.
  5. This is the same guy who asked about e-sports college scholarships. I will give him 6/10 based on originality alone.
  6. Hey its my fave troll. I noticed you mention unsubscribing 8 days ago, why you still around?
  7. My wife was pregnant when she raided on WoW. I was the Raid Leader. *shudder* bad memories.
  8. I hope you realize that was a joke. If the OP is actually serious he needs a reality check unless he likes salting fries.
  9. Maybe if it is Starcraft and you go to college in Korea....
  10. I see where the OP is going here. SO if you like the game you are a casual player and you being pleased is due to your lack of experience. If you hate the game you are hardcore and you are the only people who count. My guess is the OP is in his mom's basement. (see two can play that game)
  11. Sweet justice would be if a bioware employee sees this crap and wipes the OPs account.
  12. Wow if you think the res system is harsh you really haven't played wow vanilla where entire guilds fell apart because of the cost of repairing equipment.
  13. How about light 5 can walk around as a glowing apparition for a while after death? At least that would jive with the lore....well kind of. That ability wasn't discovered until the prequels...but you could just say it was lost knowledge.
  14. So they are adding girl/girl romances are they adding guy/guy? Kind of sexist if they don't imo.
  15. Who talked about removal? Never said to delete threads. Just give the complainers a place to complain that's all.
  16. Funny I SWTOR at work. Usually Crew Skill missions though in the background. Whats funny is I own the company, a few years ago I walked in one of my new techs playing WoW. He was so scared, until I asked to look at his character and suggest he respec.
  17. Not trolling. I think there should be a complaint subforum. How is that really such a horrible idea? Do you find it so offensive? Do you think the only way you can get your moneys worth out of the game is to complain on the general forum? Really you need to clarify yourself much better, otherwise it seems you are the troll.
  18. Don't forget the prequels as well.....really he should have stopped after Jedi.
  19. Would wish you would pick a horse though. Since its general discussion can complaints be posted? Or just complaints you agree with? Or just complaints about the game itself. Or are you just having a bad day and feel the need to be a ***** no matter what?
  20. Well congrats on whining about me whining about the whiners. You win, happy?
  21. Would love to see PVP based on the X-wing/Tie Fighter series......hell I wouldn't care if they ripped the game graphics and all and put them into SWTOR.
  22. And what I am saying is general discussion is so clogged with complaints that a special forum needs to be made to contain these. It is unreasonable to ask when a general forum is 90% dedicated to one topic that a specialized sub-forum be made?
  23. General discussion isn't being used for general discussion. 9/10 threads are complaints, and 9/10 of those are poorly written complaints. How about creating a complaint forum so the complainers feel their needs are met and general discussion can be general discussion.
  24. Inconvenient, yes. Gamebreaking? LOL People throw that word around so much it has lost all meaning.
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