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Everything posted by CJNJ

  1. The 3400 parses for gunslingers/snipers are actually engineering parses. The ship dummy is next to a wall so they get 100% uptime on roll. Pretty fun spec
  2. Wonderful parse yes, but 1 problem i have with the start, does an unbuffed pulse cannon normally hit for 15k? I'm talking your 1st one that doesn't have any pulse cannons before it
  3. Jeez, so it's pretty much burst only then lol
  4. Now, are those normal crits for a vanguard or are they lucky?
  5. Hello to the small pve shadow community, I was lookin thru parses and noticed not many shadows use low slash/spinning kick to proc shadow strike. Could anyone elaborate why for me? It seems like shadow strike is a good chunk of your damage so why would another proc be a dps loss?
  6. So it doesn't dodge the final hit of LF, just the smaller hits before it
  7. Be ticking before you OS, that makes sense enough I put EP has twice the cool down of SoS, of course it's gonna do less damage lol. I argue EP 1st however for energy management. Using anything other then SoS to detonate the clusters will end up being inefficient or a dps loss. Your parses even use EP+SoS. If you want to tell people to use SoS over OS and EP based purely on damage that's fine, but then it's not really a priority system, it's a list of how much total damage is put out by each move
  8. Jeez why OS and EP so far back? Based on DPE and DPCT they both can beat out SoS I would assume... Plus it's an EP+SoS combo, not SoS+EP Also some caution on that new parse, I don't think u can get a 40% crit on ambush too often.
  9. Jeez rish, no love for undercon Good luck to ya paowee. I feel your pain, which is why I rerolled a gunslinger Keep on Rollin!
  10. With changes to accuracy it is possible to miss a CC. Seeing as you got trauma probef I'll assume you are a healer so your accuracy is not 100%, and you missed it happens occasionally, u ain't the only one
  11. Hello all, I was just curious wether the Decoy(aggro drop absorbs 1 force/tech attack) talent in gunnery is able to mitigate attacks such as the lightning field in the dread guard fight of TFB. If anyone could give some insight that would be awesome!
  12. Woo an engi pvp thread! To the ambush question I saw earlier If you want to use ambush in your rotation, you gotta use it at the start of your burst, otherwise a healer can easily just heal your target back to full The rotation posted above is certainly your standard rotation, sometimes I throw EP before PP so they can be stunned thru SoS and tightens the burst. Healers are always trouble tho, but I've been trying a new rotation that's been working well IP-SS-Ambush-EP-PP-roll(way to get it so you roll a small distance)-SoS Been working pretty well actually, if its a sorc heal I'll throw a CD as well. Also seeing as the roll is included you gotta be at mid/close range at the start.
  13. Just curious, but what is the enrage for Terror? With the bug of terror killing itself at 20% do we really know if its that much easier then DG?
  14. Does the derelict saber have any effects as well?
  15. Because its different... And there's that many revan fans
  16. Think the only weapon thing that beats it in these packs is the Assault Cannon. Also the pistols would be nice if u could dual wield them...
  17. Just curious, but why are shadow tanks so much harder to use in NiM?
  18. Why don't ya just make your guild run it? Not like its hard content for a lvl 55...
  19. And if you go back into cover you lose the proc
  20. Well there my good sir, it appears when white damage(wounding shots) misses then it says miss, but when tech damage gets resisted(flyby) it says zero. That's probably your answer Also you can go into the parse section and see that you missed Flyby 3.33% of the time, which was probably once
  21. It means your flyby missed. Get more accuracy!
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