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Everything posted by CJNJ

  1. Snipers(all agents actually) have no stance requirements for skills within their trees. That being said Snipers use a mechanic called cover in order to have access to their harder hitting moves. You need cover in order to use your fundamental moves(such as snipe) and to generally be able to play the class efficiently No stances Cover mechanic to use abilities You can get a good idea of what I mean if you level an agent to level 7.
  2. I thought they changed the pvp relics awhile ago when they changed the double proc? If not then awesome
  3. That's actually been in the collections for awhile now, I noticed it around 2.2
  4. LT was never ment to be an overwhelming skill lol. We just want it to be moved up to have some use again
  5. Awesome stuff man. Only thing I feel wouldn't be good is the last sentence of question 1. It assumes try feel the same way as us about scrapper and I doubt they would give any info away unless we start balling our eyes out like the PTs and sorcs.
  6. A new combat dummy should be made to compare dps classes. A dummy should be made with a set amount of hit points that can eventually reach 0 in a reasonable amount of time. Have the hit points set so a person in full Kell Dragon gear can deplete the dummy in ~5 minutes. As all specs are within 5% there should be a reasonable point if all are in the same tier of gear. After 1-2 minutes the dummy will respawn. With a dummy with set HP we can see how classes do with execute phases, as we have been told they can account for a significant amount of damage for some classes. With a dummy that can reach 30% we can see how every class does against each other! Also make it so it starts with a 20% armor debuff. That way all classes can experience this so we can get a better look on how all the classes are balanced, while classes that already use armor debuffs do not receive additional damage buffs. If there is not enough room in the class ships for the dummy perhaps add a toggle so that you can switch between the different dummies, like a choice for this dummy(finite hp and armor debuff), the regular dummy(infinite hp and no armor debuff), the warzone dummy and those other dummies nobody uses.
  7. Problem I find with adding SoS(and Cull) is that it goes from the "click it on CD" to "time when ya hit it" SoS and cull auto crits are much stronger then the other 3 choices, for every spec
  8. Problem is that this is a level 10 talent, so having it effect a lvl 36 ability is kinda counter intuitive tbh changing this would make lowbie pvp derp easy, nothin like a free 10k hit. But who cares about lowbies lol
  9. This go for sorc lightning as well?
  10. I would honesty really like to ask about scoundrel heals and what they think about it in the pvp survivablility question. Ya it ain't good to be asking for nerfs but let's be honest, sawbones is a bit ridiculous. As far as dps goes yeah I guess it's possible to hit that high point in scrapper but honestly how likely? It's the whole why play scrapper when there's an easier and better spec right next to ya, not even bringing up the fact that knights can put out the same but with an easier time and more survivablility+bloodthirst. All we bring is crippling heals and a dirty rez that kills our dps edit sorry for being so winey, it's just there's always been hate for scoundrel dps. If people gotta make threads asking if this class is viable shouldn't that raise some alarms?
  11. Problem is they gave that to MM already, and I doubt they want to double dip on moves.
  12. Get your accuracy as close to 100% as possible, then worry about surge. Accuracy is much more powerful of an attack the surge will be until you reach 100% accuracy
  13. I think the way to put it is DF > scrapper, but both are viable enough to do the big raids, just requires much more skill over other classes in the game. Also if u like procs u came to the right place
  14. Start in engi tree till you get to the 30s. As far as low level talents it gets quite a bit from them. After the 30s it w/e spec u want really, whatever is more apealing to ya, pew pew, kaboom zap burn, or dot dot dead. As far as survivablility as long as you keep your gear on level you should be fine. Using daily comms is a great way to upkeep your gear
  15. So OS is are big AOE that we get, similar to Smash for rage and Flamethrower for tactics. Yeah I know PP but lets be honest in pvp its only good on a door in doorstar. Problem is that OS is probably the most predictable of the major AOEs in the game. With 6 seconds before it actually does anything against a good group you ain't gonna hit anyone with it, and certainly not thru an entire duration. At least gunslinger's Flyby ticks are harder to predict. So ya, personally I think that OS is only good for clearing a spot on the floor for 9-12 sec, which is nice for the other 2 classes who don't rely on it for burst, but engi is messed up like that lol. So here's what I think would be awesome for Engi without giving it a obnoxious OP buff in pve. Stealth Strike OS has a X% change to not have a target reticle not show up for enemies Think it would be fun and give another fun gimic engi gets.
  16. Yeah... rage's burst comes from the auto-crit AOE smash... Which means when ya got entrench up then they cannot burst ya. Smash has a minimum CD of 15 seconds. Hunker down lasts 20 seconds. If you want to continue arguing how Hybrid is somehow better for killing smash please either PM me or make a thread. Sorry paowee for the off topic stuff
  17. Ah I misread what you typed. Also it looks like ima start specing flash powder
  18. That's a saboteur/engineering parse man, there on a diff ranking then the other slinger/sniper specs
  19. Been wondering this as well, generally DF is better but both are viable, I get that. What would a ballpark dps difference be for the 2 specs?
  20. If there's anything to be learned from the sorc and vanguard questions it's that the questions assumed something was wrong and asked for a fix will not be answered Take the sniper questions for example, when we asked them too look at our CDs they said they were fine but we get what you are saying about LT being weak. Tbh I think we got lucky with that question. Next was the lethality vs hybrid question. Well according to their metrics they were right and we were wrong, who woulda thought. None of us that's for sure The engi roll question. We asked Basically compare this AOE spec to the other specs, and they did! But guess what they didn't do? They didn't say what might be done to address the weaknesses! They are not going to tell us their plans to change the specs at all, and I doubt they will take suggestions(like shoot first proc). If we are going to ask a question about scrapper damage, we need to ask it in a way that's not saying "we suck, fix us like this" like how the vanguards did it, rather like how engi had it setup, give allittle background into the class and ask them how they think we look. We still can get an unsatisfactory answer, but at least it won't be L2P
  21. K so MM is bad against tanks, which is agreed upon by most people, in the sense try can be shielded and defended, not because people have heavy armor and a buffed defensive CD. As far as 1v1 goes with smashers(and ANY AOE spec for that matter, including AP) MM will always be on top. Period. Your entire scenario is flat out wrong. In fact using Lethality or hybrid is an extremely bad idea due to most of your burst deriving from Cull, and any Mara could easily shut that down by rotating CDs(awe choke stealth and saber ward are more then effective in this regard). If your going to use OS to scare a melee away, then don't waste your Entrench. Hell if u are that afraid of getting CCed during it roll before u cast. If you think you can stop a smasher from smashing for 30 sec while the buff falls then u must be up against some tards. The idea for beating a Mara is generally to counter what CDs get used against you and to try to mitigate damage when ya can, and as far as fighting smashers goes MM will dominate. P.S. NoTomorrow if u reading this update ur guide already!
  22. Cluster bombs man... Not scatter bombs. It really isn't much actually, I'd say the extra 10 energy would be a nice bonus
  23. Um just being abit nitpicky but wouldn't it only be 5 over 5 minutes, as the 6th wouldn't actually fall under the 300 seconds unless you clicked the buff before you actually started.
  24. I think the TD part is more for lethality's sake, because auto-crit cull is OP and they don't want lethality to use EP
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