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Everything posted by Darkwords

  1. Only way to get back from the "bait and switch" is to open UI, move the gold button behind something else (out of sight, out of mind), and play the game as it SHOULD be.
  2. I like the machine for many reasons but the one I found most pleasing was the ability to learn and make the purple droid parts for HK who was sitting for over a year unused. HK says "Shall we continue liquidating the undesireables?"
  3. To the behavior specialist that has some connection to Ea/Bioware: Good timing thowing the slot machine into the mix...it had the desired effect compadre *wink*
  4. Amazing to watch the goings-on in this forum. You people would Bit** if you were hung with a new rope. Enjoy something nice when it is given and thank Bioware! So sick of you all whining about every little thing. I am not a fan of some things that they have done in the past (and continue to do) however, this time they put some thought into a nice item...thanks Bioware!
  5. Love the machine! Fun times and something useful...TY Bioware
  6. Beta testers in my guild said they reported the exploit before release. it was released anyway. A simple blanket email sent to players in game, (like the repedative announcement one Bioware sent this morning) warning people not to participate might of been the better choice. I know the exploit had been around and used by many many people before the info got to me a week and a half ago. I couldn't figure out why the first couple days after release a few players were selling barrels and hilts...silly me. Also, it is not just a few people. While standing on Fleet this am for about 5 min in one area, I saw about 18-20 people run by me and inspected them...surprise!! Well Que'sera sera...the exploiters better hold off on buying CCs till this is sorted out.
  7. These so called 'exploits" (bugs) happen in games and should be hotfixed by the game or the instance shut down immediately rather than letting them go on for 3+ weeks and then threatening 3/4+ of the pop with action. They could of "ajusted" the loot tables until they got it fixed like they fixed the game breaking too quick spawn/too many credits Rishi chests with utmost speed, um hmm.. The Nefra *bug* went on for many months before they threw in a fix. It's just too tempting to have your guild ask you to partake an then see hundreds of people running in and out of the instance doing the deed without joining in. They should just fix it and learn from previous mistakes. And yes, I did complete the instance with my group before I heard of this bug. Bosses down legally hehe. I did see naked and lower geared 60s running into Rav by the droves while waiting for my group to get together and thought...huh? WoW this place is popular lol. Then I find out from beta friends that this was reported IN BETA and left to proceed. Interesting to see that this has been going on since 3.0 and now they are forced to respond a week later *after most of the subs have paid for the month*. Just in case
  8. Don't feel bad, one of our raid members hates it so bad (and never said a word) that she left the raid group and we couldn't do TOS/Rav that night as we were short a dps hehe. Personally I'd boot her *** but her hubby is in our group also....heck, if it were me..I'd just replace them *shrug*
  9. Once I get my new Rep maxed I am never touching the new dailies again...back to the old for me for better or same creds lol
  10. You have 2 kinds of beta testers. The average players that do turn in bug reports as they go but their trivial quest-bug reports (to Biofail) mostly go unheeded with Biofail figuring they can fix later. Then you have the Butt-buddy-always-get-in-beta-testing-coz-I'm-in-a-leet-guild players who fly through beta to get to the end game Ops and ONLY care about reporting bugs for those, (well after they try and kill bosses) they may as an afterthought do a bit of beta reporting. Seen it many times as a tester. BTW if Bioware thinks their oh so secret beta testers don't spill the beans in guild, they are sadly mistaken lol. TS, Mumble,Vent are full of info pre-release
  11. No it's not exclusive to place as the mount I got for refer-a-friend is in the mix on every char and cannot be moved atm from my DK garage. Tat is also bugged but just on some items same as DK. I sent a ticket on Tues 12/4 and nothing has been done. Other games I played did emergency hot fixes. This was a big week for Biofail but we were the beta testers for the non-preoder week coming up lolol.
  12. Do you have a lot of nodes? I had that issue and a few used nodes for a while till I screamed at the person in invis mode and sent a tic in. At that time, I had not given out one silver key either...hmmm
  13. LOL I laughed because I thought the same thing when I bought one for 125ik and set it down in a room. I was like: *** is that?? I did write a tic to BF but as yet, no fix.
  14. laugh it off bud, no more Op heals to carry your sorry a** in raid...now you'll have to quit being lazy
  15. When WoW hit healing druids with the nerf bat, I quit shortly after and even though they eventually changed them, I never went back. Hope Biofail misses my CC purchases. I started by boycotting their Black friday sale No, I am not pleased.
  16. I find sorc heals easier that Op and except for the Op mobility, they are more OP to me. Yeah, I don't like the way they stated the OP changes...they will surely miss my CC moolah hehe. Also while you sorcs are hand-clapping remember. now you will have to pay more attention to healing or your group will fail..no more carried by the Ops in your group so it affects everyone
  17. I see they are blantantly nerfing OP heals as stated in the new info for 3.0. WoW nerfed druid heals also...needless to say, I quit WoW End of rant.
  18. After I saw yours a while back I played around some with my lights and trophies. You can guess in secret who i am ( you just love my Tat SH) hehe. I love you Gaytastic! The lights look awesome!
  19. As the title says, I am looking for an active, inclusive guild for the new content. I would prefer 16 man, however, I would make the switch for the right people. I also have other well-geared chars to bring in if needed. Post here if interested with a name to contact. I am available to raid any night but Sat. Thanks
  20. 180/186 Merc lf a friendly, non-elitest raid guild that does 16/hm and will do the new content in 3.0. I heal on my OP in another guild on Wed/Thurs and have family night on Sat but otherwise free to raid. Thanks
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