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Everything posted by sjwho

  1. Gonna take a break from pvp till the 50 que gets sorted out. Just played a Huttball with 8 level 50's on the enemy side, while my side had none. This is now not a rare occurance a more than half my matches have lvl 4-5 50's in them. ------------------------ *sigh* just ridiculous how BW dropped the ball here. Started from playing with 1-2 50's, which was ok even if they were the obvious OP player, to having entire teams just farming mine. -Got to the point where the level 50's were jumpin in the huttball poison to get their healing/protection medals. Yeah, i'll take a break from all this sad stuff. If this last more than another week, i'm unsubscribing and taking this game off my pc.
  2. because having a random drop rate is such a good idea for endgame items in pvp. You won________ wz's, hope you get a prize.
  3. Bioware should stick to Mass effect.......
  4. or just give similar gear for both *shrugs* brackets are fine, primarily a lvl 50 one is the most needed. But then all the lvl 50's will come in here day after day how they can't fight lvl 10's and faceroll anymore.
  5. Hi there, i'd like to suggest this but before I do, please note this is NOT a complain topic, this is not meant for "this is overpowered" or "L2P noob" spam. This is meant for actual suggestions that would benefit the player base. My suggestion: Take out expertise. -now before you get all befuddled, let me explain my reasons. 1. Expertise gives: Damage boost, damage reduction, and healing boost. Its a stat that basically makes your character that much better by a percentage. 2. Experience with expertise: In WoW, the game this little stat copied it from, its called resilience. Resilience, makes all the difference in pvp really. A non-pvp(no res) geared dps will do less and take more damage from enemies. This leaves a huge gap in non-pvp vs. pvp geared people for battlegrounds. This essentially means that non-pvp gears have to farm, which isn't too much fun. It makes the whole 85 pvp bracket really just a chore even in arena's. 3. RPG playstyle: Rpg's for the majority are 50% gear, and 50% skill. There is a cap though on this skill. It usually caps at cc usage, since dps is primarily a rotation. 4. Lack of expertise. No armour outside of 50 contains it. Meaning at 50, outside of stat increase in armour, outside of skills in the tree, outside of the level 50 skill. You obtain a % of more damage, and more reduction.(or healing.) Let me explain how this goes: For every 1% of dmg reduction/dealing, your character has a 2% advantage against another character without expertise(49 and below). So if someone gets expertise of hypothetically 25%: his character is by default, 50% better than your character, just from expertise.(not including armour stats and the like). 5. The conflict with expertise. Say you shoot a normal person for 1k damage. Say you shoot a pvp geared person with 25% expertise with the same shot. - You now do 750. This isn't too big, but then lets take the flip side: Say a normal guy hits you for 1k. A pvp geared would hit you for 1.25k. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my suggestion. It would essentially eliminate the biggest obstacle for lower levels while at the same time rewarding the higher levels with a game that is more about skill than gear.
  6. stealth/ambush classes shouldn't have high burst. Because shut up.
  7. Huttball for range(3/4 of the classes): AWESOME Huttbal for melee: **** THIS ****** KNOCKBACK.
  8. ^hasn't run into a lvl 50 4man premade.^.
  9. Your point is that level 50's have enough advantage it takes teamwork to kill just one. and lets not mention the elitist point you have: Get a 50 yourself. Oh i'm sorry, that makes it balanced? If I own a 50 and steamroll level 10's thats fair? Stop being subjective already. ^guy above me: don't forget the level 50 pvp gear with expertise, a stat unavailable earlier^
  10. Your suggestion is to quit pvp altogether. *squints eyes* can't tell if trolling, or just really really dumb.
  11. Your excuse is "gang up on 1 guy". Good one, except that you can have 4 level 50's in one wz que. --------------------------------------------------------------- Or better yet, you are suggesting 1v1 in 50 is impossible, good job.
  12. Note: this is an rpg. highest lvl vs. lowest lvl. which will win?
  13. que times are more important than balance to the 50 population. I wonder why........steamrolling a level 10 won't get any complaints from the lvl 50 will it? Derp.
  14. so the 10% of the population ruins pvp for the 90% occupy bioware in progress.
  15. Endgame class put in same bracket as absolute begginner class. Anyone who does not see what is wrong with this, shouldn't make post regarding balance. ----------------------------------- Also, comparing this game(rpg) to an fps, is fail on every level imaginable.
  16. You are comparing two totally different classes and playstyles. BH =/= warrior. *facepalm* Might as well say "hey its easier to play with a disadvantage" too, derp.
  17. Bolstering a class =/= giving them a fair fight. Expertise = pvp advantage. Who has expertise? Level 50's.
  18. Now not saying nothing needs changes but..... operatives are different from other classes in that they focus on primarily BURST damage. Their energy regen is extremely low, if you don't have a droid on CD(2min) then you are most likely to get maybe 1-3 attacks at most in the next 30 seconds. --------- Operatives do all their dmg then have to hope thats enough, because if they can't get the regen up they can't do any dmg. Unlike other classes with high regen or rage building.
  19. sjwho

    Trauma Debuff?

    well then you have to deal with "out of combat" Being whenever the game feels like it, and not a set time after you've been hit last.
  20. You can cc anyone pretty easily with any class except maybe maurauder, for however long you want, or until they are dead(not including tanks). I'm sorry, you are right. You can't cc someone forever, just more than enough for it to be overkill. (infinite legshots).
  21. ..............can't tell if bad, or just really REALLY bad. Because I don't even take that much dmg and i'm a sniper......
  22. sjwho

    Trauma Debuff?

    Healing is OP? LOL. Yeah, outside of low levels healing the only lvl 50 in the room who is also a tank, no. 1 dps should not be able to kill a healer, nuff said.
  23. Lol, you must be new to pvp. Try versing a ranged class on the 2nd or 3rd tear catwalk and see how "good" you are because of it. Yeah, i can jump to them! oh 1 knockback and they win any fight 1v1. --------------------- Thats how bad it is, 1 knockback and you have no chance of winning at all.
  24. no, you are right. This isn't JUST operative. Almost ALL classes have some great ability thats not able to be used in pvp. Why? Because bioware is fail.
  25. i hate the pvp 50 gear with more passion than mel gibson, but i'd still use it in pvp. i mean cmon, the lvl 50 sniper gear looks like they weren't even trying.
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