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Everything posted by Artaniz

  1. Can we get a dev response on this please ? Are you guys even listening to the feedback or are you going to leave comps in this pathetic state ?
  2. They are hardly working their asses off , and after this debacle i dont think any of us care that a few people still want to stand up and say that BW does nothing wrong. This expansions supposed focus on story , focus on solo mode , focus on companions , then we get awesome companions for a month , then tactical nuclear nerf from space. No bioware is inept at best i wont say what i actually think of them now. This could have been done in moderation over 4 patch cycles , nerf them 15 % this patch and see how it goes , if they stilkl seemed OP nerf another 15 % and so on , but nope this horribly bad inept company chooses to nerf them by as much as 75 % , no im sorry you simply cant say they are working their asses off at anything other than screwing their player base as hard as they can as often as they can.
  3. No it is not a l2p issue , yes i can solo them still but now they take twice as long , i already was doing all the heroics on 3 toons and it was taking me most of the week to get it done in my playtime. Now it will take longer and you know what im not willing nor do i have the extra time to put into the game. And why should i keep playing a game that takes away my ability to do something i was previously able to do? The simple answer is i shouldn't stand for it and i wont , and have unsubbed as a result as have many others and our time is valuable and this is certainly not a l2p issue.
  4. Im playing heals spec jedi sage , as i have stated in many posts. It was more worth my time to put the companion away and just shield myself and aoe things as the comp just took to much damage and required constant spam heals. DPS mode couldn't kill one silver mob before i killed them all and i am no dps spec i am a lazy sorc spamming forcequake. Heals , well i couldn't even tell that the comp was healing so ill leave it at that.
  5. Forums are a microcosm of the game , while many of us will come here and say why we are displeased , many will just log in find nerfed companions , and log out and cancel and never be heard from again . You can be flippant about this all you want since you obviously dont care about the companion changes , but deluding yourself into thinking that the amount of customers unhappy over this is insignificant is well a delusion.
  6. Tested a rnk 32 lana on heroics in hoth , Results , as a helper you could not even notice she was healing , basically totally worthless. As a tank , ya this was a freaking joke wet paper bag , if i sent her into a 4 pull she got owned so fast i had to spam heals like mad on her. I actually put her away and Aoe groups while shielding myself to finish that heroic it was much easier and more efficient , so i guess the advice that used to be given to put comps away is now spot on. Then i switched to dps mode since the patch notes didnt say it was getting a nerf , i figured id be fine with a dps companion my lana was a beast before the patch. Nope she didnt kill anything , i managed to kill everything before the one silver mob she was on died. This is all as a heals spec Sage btw. I already unsubed and left them feedback in the appropriate threads , and in my exit commentary box , but im just pissed that a game i was having so much fun playing yesterday is hardly playable today.
  7. Idontbelieveyou.gif No seriously i tested this patch with a rnk 32 lana the details are in multiple posts ive made , these new companions are worthless . Now maybe your companion is rnk 50 and maybe you have all legacy and datacrons for presence i dont , but still you shouldn't need them to be rnk 50 with all presence to be moderately effective , they should be beast mode by then otherwise its just pointless to give them those ranks , just make us grind the 250 k influence to get to rnk useful so we can see we are being bent over from the start.
  8. Balancing anything in this game around the desires of open world PVP is a good way to ensure the game dies a fast death. Seriously i pvp warzones all the time , but i dont want them balancing my pve side of the game based on open world pvpers and what they think is a good time. The pvp servers are dead for a reason.
  9. Im sorry but this is a lie , from what i can only guess is a BW fanboi or paid shill. My rank 32 lana , is now a worthless healer , she does nothing cant even keep up heals on a silver elite let alone a gold. As a tank she goes down so fast it isnt even worth using her i literally put her away and just shield myself and aoe stuff and it was less work than trying to keep her alive. And worse than that in DPS mode which i thought was not getting touched , she no longer does any damage , pre patch she was a beast in dps mode and as long as i kept all the aggro she destroyed stuff , now she barely hits for any damage and i ended up killing everything. Now maybe you will say i should have her at rank 50 but , comps were more useful when i geared them pre 4.0 at rnk 10 let alone rnk 32 , shouldn't a companion that you have grinded that much influence on be at least strong enough to be noticeably efficient on heroic 2+ weekly's ? All my testing was done in heroic 2+ on Hoth as i felt it was a solid middle ground place to test this stuff.
  10. Here is my feedback if you are actually reading thi still Eric which i doubt. I have unsubbed , and unless at least a sizable portion of this nerf is undone i will not be coming back , as well as i have cancelled all the accounts i was paying for for my wife and some family who cant as easily afford it as i can., Now seriously *** is wrong with you BW ? why could you not do this nerf in smaller increments over a few patch cycles ??????? You left the game this way for a month you could have nerfed these comps 15 % at a time over 4 patches to find a happy spot , but nope instead you just id it all at once and made them worthless. How can you be so dense ? How can you possibly be so stupid as to not realize that this was going to cause you a major PR issue ?? Why could you not do this incremental ? Why can you guys never seem to actually play-test anything before implementation so that instead we end up getting screwed by your ineptitude at testing the damn game before you release it to us ? You honestly deserve the crappy reputation you have in the market today , just look at the piss poor way this entire thing has been handled. I truly hope you revert part of this change and find a happy middle ground. But we all know it wont happen , hell we will be lucky to even get another word on it from anyone at BW , just stick your heads in the sand and pretend nothing happened while many of us leave the game.
  11. This is the equivalent of a child putting their fingers in their ears and saying nya nya nya i cant hear you. You can pretend that we are all not leaving over this but it isnt the case. And you are a consummate troll , you rarely if ever post anything of substance to a conversation instead you just poke fun at people for their counter opinions. You are welcome to an opinion , but pretending that we are not upset over this or the game will be better off without a large amount of subscribers is moronic.
  12. Not me , i loved the idea of lvl sync , i actually loved everything about 4.0 and would have been fine with incremental nerfs on companions to find a happy medium ground , but this high altitude tactical nuke making them worthless , is kicking sand in the face of many players , and bioware does not deserve my money anymore after that.
  13. As i said in my post that got locked , i have unsubbed my account because of this companion nerf. I also paid for the subscriptions for my wife , a close friend who is on hard times , and my sister and nieces accounts. All of them are cancelled now. I will still play until my sub runs out in dec. And if by some miracle BW decides to undo par of this nerf we might resub , but given the history with the Slot nerf among others it looks like its a lost cause. Look im not saying that any companion nerf was going to be to much , but why could we not have bnerfed them 20 % then seen how that went. Then if they needed it nerf them again. Why did they have to break out the tactical nuke and make them worthless ? I have a rank 32 lana , i dont have a lot of datacrons , or legacy presence , because only 2 of my 65s have actually completed the story quests , but my lana is worthless now. She literally heals for crap , tanks like a wet paper bag , and even DPS mode which i thought was not getting touched seems nerfed into a state of none usefulness. Biowarse , Eric , whomever is reading this why did you do this? So many of us were enjoying the game , my friends and family that are casuals actually were willing to play but not now , they can get on and just play its a horrible grind for them again. Seriously im pretty bummed about this because i was really enjoying the game and now its just not worth logging in to play. I just purchased Starcraft legacy of the void ill play that this week and see if you fix companions in next weeks patch if not , well i doubt ill log back in to give you another chance and my subs are already canceled .
  14. I wish my only problem with the game right now was as trivial as this.
  15. No dont you understand ruining our fun is more important than fixing legitimate bugs in the game that cause actual issues.
  16. So they make a huge amount of comps available and your answer is use treek , the one comp you have to buy and unlock , not very helpful to new people , nd not very helpful to anyone that does not want to use that companion.
  17. Just ran Tactical flashpoint me and the wife , my Sage , her sent a healing t7 rnk 16 and my lana as dps for trash and tank for bosses at rnk 32 . Was pretty easy if we CC all the time through the trash , and on the final boss a few times she had to put t-7 on passive and run to the other side to force him to run out of the red ring of death. If we cant do tactical like this after tom patch then im just going to stop logging in. I dont mind pugging but i refuse to put my wife through this community , they are not nice to new people , they are aggressive and intolerant , and they generally have no patience for someone learning an instance. Now currently that is irrelevant because we can do the tacticals with us and 2 comps. If that does not change great ill resub , if we cant then i made the right call canceling my sub as soon as this information broke.
  18. Did you bother to read the posts here , or did you just assume this is a crying thread and come in and try to sound like you are mr above the fray on the forums ? I think we all know which it was. I plainly stated that my sub alone is irrelevant however this is how you take issue with a product you are no longer happy with in the modern world. You voice the displeasure and you stop spending money on the item until its fixed or you move on. So thats why im here , why are you ? To mock those of us that are unhappy with the change ? If so ok you mocked us move along now so we can get back to debating the merits of a reasonable companion nerf vs making the companions unplayable( 50 % decrease in healing ext) and why we will or will not be paying to play the game in such a state.
  19. enjoy the game with fewer people playing it then , and btw those casuals you are being so flippant about are the ones that pay the bills for these games.
  20. Id like to say i was really enjoying 4.0 also. I have been farming heroic 2+ weekly every day , at least 100 or more of them per week across my 5 65s, Ive been playing class quests with my wife and other friends and enjoying watching them . We have enjoyed doing flashpoints with however many of us were on and knowing we could just take my rnk 40 comp as the extra person or someone elses lower comp if only 2 of us were on and we could still win if we CC mobs and used teamwork. But now they will nerf companions and much of what i have been enjoying with my friends and wife and family ( the reason i paid for extra accounts) will be gone from the game. Prior to 4.0 i ran group finder a lot i heal mainly and i pug with other people , or i would pvp. Now i would still do that even after these changes except here is the thing. I just spent 5 x 90 day subs because the game i was playing after 4.0 was so fun i decided it was time to buy game codes for all my friends so they could play also. Now that game experience that i spent that 200 ish US dollars on is changing less than half way into the time i paid for. Now im no noob to online games i get it experience is subject to change. But what recourse do i have left , the only one is to come here say that while i was enjoying the game i cannot and will not tolerate changes to companions which were the most important pat of me spending that 200 bucks. Maybe 200 dollars is not a lot of money to you and you are willing to just let it ride with a "wait and see" attitude , i am not and i dont think i should have to act that way either. I subbed those accounts for a specific reason , it is changing , i have the right to say what i think and especially as far as i do so in an eloquent and articulate manor while not berating or belittling anyone else for their opinion , id kindly ask everyone that posts in this thread to do the same. That said calling for people to cancel their subs and to say here we are doing so is fair play since the only real power we have to control the shape of game development is through our wallets.
  21. Before i ever came to these forums to post this i first cancelled the subs , and wrote a similar message in the comments box to BW. sadly i paid for 5 90 day subs so each account has 45 days left on it . Thats plenty of time for them to fix it or implement it and for me to know the outcome. For now they know im not happy with it. You can try and make it sound like everyone that is unhappy with the company is just a lying shill , but the reality is in a free market economy this is how you let a business know you are unhappy with the direction they are taking with their product.
  22. I personally had no issue with lvl sync , and i could see how it would be great and why it was not going to cause an issue. In contrast on this issue its the opposite. a 50 % nerf to healing makes these healers less useful than they were prior to 4.0 when we geared them ourselves. Now we have no ability to gear the comp , and a weaker comp than before. Even if at rnk 50 its as strong as it was before , you now have to put far more work into it to get back to a useful comp. Also we can just look at BW track record on nerfs , they dont do subtle , they dont do mild , they dont do incremental and lets see if we can find a happy spot. They do nuclear warfare nerfs ,ill be surprised if healing companions are even useful for solo mode content when they are done with them. Which really does not matter to me , but it does matter to all the casual people i paid for subs for , my wife , my sister , a friend of ours , and my niece , none of them would spend the money but i didnt mind to since the game was in a state they could play it and enjoy it. This will no longer be the case. why would i shell out that kind of money for a game we wont enjoy anymore ? It makes no sense , ill find an indie game on steam that will cost 2 of these subs for a month for all 5 of us to play instead.
  23. I dont need to wait for the patch to know a 50 % nerf is going to ruin the fun and easy going atmosphere the game currently has. You can be a fanboi and you can wait for them to mess it up . I refuse to do so i cancelled already and i want them to know why. Messing with one of the better new parts of 4.0 to appease elitists that want us all to play a slogfest grind game is not something im willing to wait and see about.
  24. I am making this post to recommend as many of us as possible to cancel your subscriptions , based on the new information on companion Nerf. I personally have cancelled all 5 of my accounts that i paid for and will not be resubscribing , unless this companion Nerf is reascended before more than 2 weeks worth of my previously paid for subscriptions lapse. Given the unlikely nature of that request being honored i will assume my subs will stay cancelled. I would recommend anyone else that spent the last few weeks trying to argue against companion nerfs , but failing to come forward and also cancel your subs. EA BW have made it plain that they only care about what the hardcore player thinks , when it comes to basic content. I never wanted them to make OPS or NM or HM easy , i just wanted them to leave the companions and solo parts of the game alone, why is it so bad for two of us to be able to take 2 lvl 40 companions and do a tactical flashpoint ? Why is it so bad for us to not have to grind and micromanage like mad through the leveling process ? Why cant we enjoy the game that we have been playing these last few weeks. That gamer is why i paid for 3 more accounts so my friends and family could play also, not the game prior to 4.0 which we did not even sub for. Anyhow the only way to make a modern company listen is through precise metrics that show a loss to their bottom line , so if you are unhappy i recommend you go the only route a company ever listens to , Cancel that sub , stop buying CC a d let them know when you cancelled why you did and hope they make appropriate changes before whats left of our subs run out. I will keep playing and see until the last days of my sub lapse , but since we know this change is coming the rest of my friends and family wont even bother playing again.
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