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Everything posted by Natharon

  1. I moved over to power and surge as well. Still want to aim for 40% crit imo. That is my minimum when I am making stat adjustments. (Taking profession buff into consideration)
  2. I like Jedi Guardians Another stealth class takes away from my glory. Plus nothing beats having guard on you and dpsing the **** out of people as they spend all their time trying to tool on the tank. Heck he doesn't even have to be tank specced.
  3. Gotta love that pre 1.1 mystique the operative/scoundrel community made for themselves. Now if you break 300k damage you are magically fine. Even if it is a faceroll.
  4. I do everything in your sig OP, man I don't deserve to be here.
  5. Considering the guy described massive healing and damage it isn't a huge leap to assume it was a concealment op/scrapper scoundrel, and they talented for the ability to keep healing going. Heck before the pure frozen shock water nerf I was practically unkillable. I would end matches with over 100k healing 9k highest heal, and still have all my pretty damage numbers, higher in fact due to my ability to stay in combat longer.
  6. He also probably hit a rakata medpack or a warzone medpack. Rakata seems more likely due to the regen it also applies.
  7. I'm sorry, I may be a noob in this, cleared all the raids on all difficulties, bm, etc. But IIRC you can't help but stack endurance. So if you think you are stacking elite stacks, and you don't have 15k+ health, then no you don't even have the same dps as those other dps players.
  8. The time it takes to perform all that can be made up in the up close dps happening sooner. Not to mention huttball is about mobility.
  9. Natharon

    Pvp 1 sided

    That kind of scientific reasoning is just like me saying, blacks are cool with us using the N word, I asked them and they were like, nah dawg I don't mind.
  10. Not really, the only reason I jump through a fool is because my 2 best attacks require him to be facing away from me...
  11. lol SWG pvp was full of battered wives. The only shame is, for the most part, they came to this game as well.
  12. When you get to 100's of bags let us know. This system while in the short term sucks, in the long term is infinitely superior to getting 10+ unassembled champion covert tech implants. 8+ unassembled champion covert tech chest pieces/gloves/headgear/relic. When all you needed was pants.
  13. Yea no they didn't, there is constant proof Bioware sucks at their own game. Makes sense most devs suck compared to competitive players who are honed when it comes to finding an edge and mathematically superior way to play. Considering you can't port characters and gear to the PTS, anything they release is suspect.
  14. I used to love it for grinding mats, then they took those mats out, now people never go there, unless they want to make an event out of it.
  15. Half the reason is Ilium itself. You have a half baked planet that gives the average computer fits running with half the population the instance allows. Weird I can run BF3 on high settings no problem. System messages are one of the biggest culprits, its tells everyone where everyone is, pointless, it updates you when you have gained valor, that is something useful for a system message log, not something useful for your screen, oh and it tells you when you've killed that person too recently or whether they give you valor or not. I may be a bit old school but the beauty of world pvp was the randomness of it, and a pvp planet, one would expect there to be enemy players without having to be told. Not to mention that feature in at least a small way cuts down on communication which is an important tool to develop between factional aligned players. Size is irrelevant, current efficiencies and technologies make it completely viable for a map that size to support the population it currently can support. There is just way too much clutter. This clutter makes that grind unplayable for half the professions in the game.
  16. Jugs have guardian leap. Every class is good based on cooldowns and become bad when they used all of them. :| Powertechs/Vanguards are your only example, and when played right they are beastly. Also stealth isn't melee defense, damage from a stealth player stops when they stealth, which means the fight is briefly over, honestly if any class needed more defense during a fight it is operative/scoundrel. They have the worst out of cloak defense and offense in the game.
  17. Natharon

    Valor over 60.

    Eventually one can assume they will release more pvp gear sets higher than battlemaster, and thus logically as bm required bm to use the new sets will require higher valor levels to use.
  18. If you are going to get emergency medpack you should really pick up the triage box as well, taking a couple points from browbeater would make that possible, but considering you are using vital shot I suggest dropping element of surprise, its crit not damage, and shoot first/backblast aren't your bread and butter in this spec. You could max out street tough and pick up psych meds easily.
  19. You are arguing play style not talents. As a DF you feel more out of stealth and thus stay with the group more and fight with them more, thus feeling like you are contributing to them more, which you are. You are still limited to melee range and have less dps than scrapper. You merely associate scrapper with cloaking a lot, going for the solo kill, telling the group to **** off. If you played scrapper with the same mindset you do dirty fighter, scrapper is better.
  20. I am glad you guys are pro at reading warzone stat sheets. Damage numbers are easy to raise when you have tank healer combos, also easier to defend a door against such group, much harder to capture, they tend to take a while to die. Also, as I know all the players involved, it wasn't a premade. Don't be mad because his damage be stylin' on you.
  21. lol, I would do that but I pick the worst player on my team as the mvp, a nice ironic gesture lol. "Oh you were afk underneath center turret the entire fight cloaked, had >10k stats across the boards, you need this valor more than I do."
  22. We did this on Voss back mid december, they then nerfed our ability to do it, because it was griefing. I guess that makes me a hipster pvper.
  23. I would rather sit in a zerg fight for 2 hours than spend 16 trying to do the weekly via armaments.
  24. Anyone behind something is going to have grapple immunity. Its why I stand behind, not on, the railings in Ilium, I get harpooned like 15+ times a day, never successfully.
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