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Posts posted by jackdaley

  1. Jack, really glad you are writing with some thought now instead of the pages of trolling that have been your mark till now.




    Let's assume that we are right that this is a purely financial decision.


    Considering that this is an EA game, we can also assume it is being hosted in the EA server farm for Australia.


    Now I don't like the assumption that the cost in contracting that server group is so high it isn't being paid for by the current player base on the servers, especially with the F2P markets increased revenue. What the real issue here is having to pay any Australian workers, or Australian advertising costs.


    Those Advertising costs were cut shortly after the game was even released to Australia, in April/May last year. They obviously didn't get the influx they were hoping for with a couple TV adds during sporting events, and so cut losses. I don't think anyone would begrudge them that.


    But it seems to me they obviously made the call that these servers were temporary back then. Hence why when the rest of the world got server mergers to super servers, we didn't. When the rest of the world got F2P, they got advertising for it to get people in the door, we didn't.


    They choked us off, and have continued to do so, because of a decision pretty clearly made nearly a year ago.


    You are dead right that it is unlikely that EA will change thier minds based of a decision no one has questioned for that long. But there is a window for this change, in that they still have to transfer us with this aweful incomplete character transfer system. As long as it will cost them man hours (=$) to transfer us, we have a window to try and reach someone to re-evaluate the call.


    EA does listen to the market enough that if we show on Sunday there was enough of us for our own server, that had they advertised there was money they have cast away on a bad business practices, they may look at alternatives rather than have more bad press.


    Sunday is a positive action we can take that may be for naught, but declaring it will 'never work' because big business can't move quickly just absolves the business of ever moving quickly on any issue.


    It would likely bring more negative press on EA to show up to PAX Melbourne and heckle thier booth and hinder thier presentations. It would likely hurt EA a few manhours by each making accounts and new characters on these current servers just to increase load on the transfer and destination servers. But those are just negative reactions, that will be forgotten well before the memory of a day we showed them what we could make if they had let us try.


    That is what Sunday is, Jack.


    Yeah I get what where you're coming from but you can't honestly think it will change anything?

  2. No apparently a couple of people were here on the forums whining about population, the rest of us were never even asked (and totally unaware some people felt there was a problem). It would be far better if they allowed transfer off and onto APAC servers for those who wanted to and consolidated the rest of us.


    Personally I think we can do without attitudes like yours on our servers


    Im not happy about it and agree with you that it would be better to transfer off to what ever server we wanted but they've made their decision and that's bottom line.


    No amount of forum posting, petitions or server gatherings is going to change that

  3. Fine, if you don't want to fight this but leave this thread to ppl who do want to fight this. U are just helping BW with ur attitude.


    Sorry dude I've just never seen so much tear sheddery over a postive action.


    It's like we were complaining about APAC population issues..then they bring in a fix so now we're complaing about ping/ primetime?..we can't have our cake and eat it too


    Because we just look like entitled gamers with unwarranted self importance and unrealistic expectations with the petitions and server gatherings etc.

  4. That is just the kind of defeatist attitude that will see us on US servers with our community destroyed! In the end it may not help but we still need to fight this, show them how wrong they are!


    Shame on you!


    But there's no point in fighting a losing battle.


    No matter how large our outcry is nothing is going to change as we are a minority and not worth EAWARES time


    It's just the reality of it

  5. Jack i think you are the the one who didn't want to transfer to US server the most, yea? you talk this and that, is actually directed to yourself isnt it? c'mon man you could've just said so lol


    I don't follow what you're saying :confused:


    anyway why are you still here if you're unsubbed in protest?


    Are you planning on playing the game when we get merged?



    Please check your server forum (Gav Daragon/Dalborra/Master Dar'Nala) for your dedicated thread. I have made one for each community.


    I will copy and paste the text below.




    Dear APAC Community,


    This is Scorpio,

    For those of you who don’t know me I’m a Master Dar’Nala gamer. I also happen to host, commentate and stream SWTOR first and (currently) only eSport tournament – The R.A.W (Ranked APAC Warzone) Championships. This tournament has brought out the absolute best in the Master Dar’Nala community and so myself and my co-host EsKy (Resk/Fresk/Gresk/Dresk/Zersk/Sandee…seriously *** man) were DEVESTATED when we heard what was happening to our beloved servers.


    We have spent the last few days talking about it and our disgust for what Bioware are doing to us has only grown stronger.


    Eric Musco says a Unified APAC Server isn’t viable. That the numbers don’t add up. I’ve told him this is a lie and he is yet to come back and say otherwise. So we would like to prove it.


    This isn’t going to be easy and it is going to rely on as many people as possible: from Gav Daragon, Dalborra and Master Dar’nala combined. But the one thing I’ve learnt from R.A.W is that the APAC Community are passionate, loyal and dedicated gamers.


    Simply put, on Sunday 7th April 2013 (weekend after Easter) we are going to be streaming, all day, from DALBORRA.



    Before Sunday 7th, create a character on DALBORRA and level it to level 10. With double xp weekend this weekend PLUS double xp on the following Saturday, you can do it in absolutely no time at all. Republic or Imperial or both – it’s up to you.


    From 5:00pm – 9:00pm AEDT, the UNIFIED APAC COMMUNITY will be streamed LIVE from Dalborra.


    This is your – our – opportunity to prove that we have the numbers to hold a population on a single server: but it will only work if everyone can come together on this.


    I am going to put together a streaming itinerary – a list of activities, destinations, faction swaps and communications – for the four hour stint. This will include:


    - Interviews with Guilds/Guildmasters from ALL Apac Servers

    - PvP Tournaments on Outlaws Den

    - Warzones with players from different servers

    - Flashpoints with players from different servers

    - Fleet Parties

    - Faction:Wide Planet Treasure Hunts

    - Cantina Crawls (it's exactly what you think it is)


    I want to work with players/guilds from ALL Apac Servers to create this event and that is why I have created a singular thread on each of the server forums for this. I would like anyone and everyone to add their suggestions, contacts, guild names, player names etc. to these individual threads. I am going to do my best to pull everything together and put together the biggest event these servers have ever seen.


    The purpose of this event is to change the current fate of our servers - HOWEVER - it is also an opportunity to enjoy this game as a single community, something almost all of us wanted and have been asking for, for so long.


    I would ask everyone who is going to participate in this event to use this signature.



    7th April 2013, 5PM AEDT Dalborra - www.zer0ping.com


    Typeface Info: White (Bold for first line), link to http://www.zer0ping.com at end. Centered.


    Get the word out to everyone on your server and get involved.

    zer0ping is the home of the R.A.W Championships, you can find us on YouTube (zer0pingtv), Twitter (zer0pingtv) and Facebook (zer0ping).


    APAC Servers Forever.


    And do you honestly expect that to make a difference?


    You just posted in the forums pretty much giving yourself away.


    The fleet might be packed but u just shot yourself in the foot, if they read your post they kinda expect players to be on the fleet at that specific time, but what about after it?


    Once the little dog and pony show of 100+ lvl 10s and cool actuivities like outlaws den PVP etc is over it will fall back into obscurity and EAWARE are just going to reinforce the idea of a merge because really these activites shouldnt have to be organised first hand just to save a dying server (it looks like you're just holding onto that life support cord until they decided to pull it), they should be running regularly in a healthy populated server, I don't want to rain on your parade but that the harsh reality of it.


    Yeah it sucks we're going to lose our ping and communities back that's just the way it is, and there's not one thing we can really do about no stupid little petitions or server gathering isnt' going to change anything. :(


    Once a gaming company as big as EA makes a decision it's final, I've never heard of a company as big as EA doing a 180 on a decision because a minority of players are upset about it.


    Look at ME3 and the backlash about the ending and how illogical/riddled with plotholes it was , it was the biggest outcry over any game in gaming history literally thousands of upset players jumped online and voiced their disgust, signed petitions, sent letters in and reported them to the government for false advertisement..did that make EAWARE reverse their decision and change the ending? Nope they slapped a band-aid on just threw in a few extra cut scenes providing closure.


    That's just an example..


    This thread was made by chippy to address the population issues that the APAC are facing right now not ping, not timezones or prime times or playstyle POPULATION ISSUES!, and EAWARE have stalled and used scumbag leave us in the dark tactics in which really it was about local server contracts that most likely were up for renewal and EAWARE decided to pull out but they've finally revealed their solution.


    I know it's not the best solution and I know Dalborra is doing okish but EAWARE have evaluated it and determined the population isnt good enough to keep the servers running.


    So I get why people are upset and angry but really if you enjoy the game just play it because 180-220 ping isnt that bad at all it's actually quite playable. And if you want to QQ go away please stop whinging on the forums and go play another MMO or any other game for that matter

  7. If you're so aware of that then what reason do you have for continuing to harass/basically laugh in the faces of the people who are venting their anger over the way they've been treated? Other than being a sad troll or an EA fanboi who wants to bury his face in some executives crotch for a pat on the head.





    Having an opinion is fine, pissing on people when they're kicked and down is another matter.


    Welcome to the Internet :rolleyes:

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