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Posts posted by jackdaley

  1. And you are spamming the opposite! Same coin different side.


    Well I am the unamed narrator


    And he is tyler durden


    He is the mirror image of what I aspire to be in life.


    If you watched Fight Club youu would understand.


    But until then keep your ear to the ground or else you'll never hear the buffalo coming - Ben Afleck!

  2. Sorry sir, I made a mistake please forgive me. Hear hear*


    No quite obviously we are just two people who have similar opinions on what's happening to these servers.

    Don't start with the conspiracy theories haha.

    Just have fun in dalb while you can friend.


    Oh gawd u dun goofed.


    How dare you make a grammar/spelling mistake on the internet! You have no credibility please stop posting or quit life.

  3. Hi Everyone!


    How was everyone's easter holiday? Mine was good I spent the weekend with family, eating chocolate and playing on dalborra enjoying the X2 xp weekend and low ping during pvp matches


    It really does make me upset as our servers are going to get the shaft and dismantled because at the end of the day EAWARE have made their decision and it's final, and there's not anything we can do about it i.e signing a peition with unrealistic expectations or organising server events just for the sake of proving to EAWARE one server can be populated and healthy! (little do we know once said event is over the server pop will fade back into obscurity) :(



  4. Not true, take a frequent poster like soneil and a few others in this thread. They give valid reasoning in a respectful manner and are not deemed trolls and he supports the solution by Bioware. People like him are more than welcome to give their opinion on the subject. It's when people like you who flame others for their views in a disrespectful manner that brings nothing constructive to the conversation - and you wonder why you are called a troll?


    Most of us are more than happy to hear other APAC stories on why they think this move is the best for them and their community.


    So have I, if you look back at my posts but people sadly flamed me and called me a troll, same with Elysiah, So in return I flamed them back!


    What is wrong with that?

  5. Yet you're the one saying most of Dalborra is for it when anyone who has actually visited our server since the announcement would know that it couldn't be further from the truth.


    Sorry but no you're wrong.


    You're pretty much saying the Dalborra server players are retarded by not supporting the solution to fix the APAC population issues (which btw contrary to popular belief is far more important than ping and timezones buddy). Which couldnt be further from the truth


    Because anyone who is against the solution is either just plain stupid and/or mentally challenged.

  6. We don't disagree with your opinion, we are just sick of you forcing it down our throats.

    We get your happy, we get you don't care about our opinion and we also get you think we are wasting our time but calling us idiots and constantly antagonizing us is not in the least bit helping but rather angering the majority of us returning to see if any more of are expressing our concerns or an acknowledgement from BW so hence we are calling you a troll because you refuse to leave the thread and continue on with the same argument over and over.


    Well firstly welcome to the internet.


    And secondly I'm just rebutting everyone's argument against the server merges/ Char xfers and it may seem like the same thing over and over again but There are people who lurk these forums and don't post and I dont want their opinion/decision to be affected by illogical posts that make no sense at all because all it has been so far is "PING and TIMEZONE MORE IMPORTANT THAN POPULATION" that hold as much logic as the people who used to argue that the earth was flat.


    Really if you're against the merges and you want to post on the forums either block me or don't post at all because I wont stand to have you affect the population of our new US servers with your illogical propaganda and lies!

  7. It applies due to the fact you're telling someone who wants to be a customer to go away, when here they are trying to be a happy player if they possibly can.


    But yet this customer has intentions to QQ because they're not happy with the game developers decision? and voicing there opinions on the forum to which I rebutted says i'm not a fan of the game?


    Sorry it doesnt make sense...not in any way, shape or form

  8. Clearly we play on different Dalborra servers.


    A few of people are for it but they are definitely the minority most of the large guilds and hordes of players want an APAC super server which is a comprise to salvage our great ping and still have a healthy population.


    Dont listen to psudeoscience,,Obvious Troll is Obvious. he's just lying trying to rustle peoples jimmies!


    Seems to be the trend around here so i might aswell call people trolls when they disagree with my opinion :rolleyes:

  9. Merging the servers will not solve the population problem.


    As an example, it is 7pm in Eastern Australia right now so the start of peak time and about when I usually log in. I went to each of the 3 APAC servers and did a head count on the republic side.


    The results are as follows.



    Vanguard = 48

    Commando = 62

    Gunslinger = 47

    Scoundrel = 27

    Sage = 74

    Shadow = 79

    Guardian = 73

    Sentinel = 100


    Master Dar'nala

    Vanguard = 12

    Commando = 17

    Gunslinger = 15

    Scoundrel = 12

    Sage = 22

    Shadow = 20

    Guardian = 23

    Sentinel = 29


    Grav Garagon

    Vanguard = 17

    Commando = 20

    Gunslinger = 20

    Scoundrel = 14

    Sage = 29

    Shadow = 24

    Guardian = 28

    Sentinel = 52


    So all up around 900 people playing across all 3 servers.


    Now I went back to my US server (The Harbinger) and did the same count. The results are below.

    The Harbinger

    Vanguard = 100+

    Commando = 100+

    Gunslinger = 100+

    Scoundrel = 100+

    Sage = 100+

    Shadow = 100+

    Guardian = 100+

    Sentinel = 100+


    So there are more people playing on The Harbinger right now than there are on all the APAC servers combined.


    It is time to face up to the fact that not enough people are playing on these servers to make it viable to keep them open.


    This ^ great post mate. :)


    But sadly QQers gunna QQ.

  10. Unlike the rubbish that Jack keeps sprewing out. That is actually a fairly large number of signings protesting a decision that has only been spread by word of mouth. We're less than 3 days after a post was made on pg 250-odd in a thread General forum... and that many people are already showing their disappointment with EAs decision.


    Just imagine how things will explode when they actually make an announcement to all of the player base. Is that why nothing has been sent out to APAC players? Since this post you've sent out another email advertising the upcoming expansion and encouraging people to pay for. But there is no mention that you plan on degrading their play experience soon afterwards.


    This is disgusting bait and switch advertising, and it is illegal within the market that you are mainly doing this too.



    Forums are used by a minority of players. Sticking a post on pg 250 of a thread in General discussion is not an announcement to the entire APAC player base.


    ahahaha you can't be serious can you?


    The server merges/ char transfers are talked about nearly every hour on both dalborra fleets..and the majority are all for it.


    the only people having a cry about it are the forum lurkers/posters like yourself :rolleyes:


    And no 600+ is nothing in the eyes of EAWARE you would need like 10,000 sigs for them to even take a glance. So GLHF trying to get anywhere with it. :rolleyes:


    If you dont like the solution...don't play the game :tran_eek:

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