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Posts posted by jackdaley

  1. I personally will stop subscribing and buying cartel coins if this happens, I am not paying good money to go on a US server where as an aussie I will lag and the US players have a distinct advantage over me in PVP, no way I'm subscribing for that. Just merge the current aussie servers I am willing to give up pvp and pay for aussie servers.


    Newsflash there's more to do than PVP. if you wanted only PVP shoulda played GW 2 :rolleyes:

  2. Why are you lobbying so hard on this thread? We understand your views. You like the server merge, you don't like reading from other people who don't like it.


    We get that. Thanks, its understood.


    Are you afraid they might just change their minds?


    Well I feel it's my job as a human being to bring realistic views to people with unrealistic expectations

  3. Had a quick look at some of the comments on the petition... even the few Americans who have signed it say they prefer APAC servers because the North American one's are full of Jerks


    A Canadian prefers APAC because we speak English... not Yank








    This will be EAWARES respone

  4. first time playing MMO? lmao what do you know having a bad ping? you prolly just some random **** who knows nothing about latency and such or EA just hired you?


    if ping is not important, people would already played in US server and there would be no APAC server in the first place. you're statement just reveal how much of a ******* you are. srsly dude, might wanna think again before you post something as stupid as this


    have toons on both MDN and The Bastion


    Ping doesnt affect me at all, LOL you have no choice dude EAWARE have made their decision either play on the US servers or QQ either way your protests wont do anything buddy :rolleyes:

  5. To all the people who say the harbinger numbers arn't that good during our prime time.


    I literally just checked and the pub fleet (the least popular out of the two fleets) has 180


    Meanwhile on dalborra it has 80 hahaha and that's our primetime!! :rolleyes:


    Stats and Numbers don't lie people :D


    R.I.P ghost town APAC Servers...Hello HEALTHY POPULATED SERVERS!

  6. The trade-off EA has given us is population vs performance. People's loyalties are with both and that's why we want a merger!


    Planetside 2 is F2P and has localised servers! I don't think the APAC servers are running at a loss but they are taking an opportunity to sacrifice the quality of our performance (ping/latency) to cost cut and increase revenues.


    Now you're getting it!


    EA is a buisness..they need to make money!


    They may have the biggest scumbag reputation amongst the gaming community but they know how to nickle and dime us better than any other publisher

  7. wel quite obviously your a troll..but you can keep waiting because the consesus in gen chat on fleet is you'll be lucky to even get 10% of those numbers..oh you'll get the characters which will take up disk space on the server, but you wont get the players.


    Meh the harbinger will be running fine without them..a pity you can't say the same for the APAC servers :rolleyes:

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