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Everything posted by Draythion

  1. well dooing a heroic without a tank or healer is like playing without using your hands, it's common knowledge that you need a tank and a healer in a mmo dungeon. This game mechaniks have been build around the trinity system and don't expect heroics to be nerfed to a point where you could do it without a tank or healer, because this would make them laughable for groups having both.
  2. I actualy had no quests left when i was half 36 and had to do all the group quests on taris to get the level up and continue to the next planet, so dooing some of them might not get you into that situation. However, you could still do pvp or spacecombat for xp if there are no sp-quests left.
  3. This ! , it makes people do something to get something done, meaning that there will be very few people who will ragequit an instance because of a wipe and instead encourage them to discuss strategys with their group, reinstalling the social aspect into a mmo after wow has destroyed it.
  4. Draythion

    Fix warzones! NOW!

    no, restricting bg's to a server has many positive aspects, you will see that in a couple of weeks when everyone on the server knows you for beeing a good or decent player or the biggest failbob ever
  5. pvp isn't balanced for 1vs1 and will never be in a mmo, if you don't like it go play a shooter.
  6. actualy i was very disapointed by how easy that boss was, my group consisted of lvl21-24 players, an assasin tank, 2 powertechs and an operative, none of us was ever in danger of beeing killed.
  7. It ain't hard, i'm still searching for the soloquest i can't do solo while eating and writing messages on my phone at the same time, l2p.
  8. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Alliance_to_Restore_the_Republic
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