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Everything posted by LifeOfMessiah

  1. I can live with this. If you are going to add homosexual relationships into the game, make them optional. Give players the choice to keep them out of the game if they don't want them, otherwise, you've lost my sub, and that's plain and simple.
  2. What are your long term goals for the Sentinel? what, if any abilities, can we see added in the future. Many players have complained about the sentinel being the weakest of the DPS classes What are you doing to resolve this? Any future plans to give them a knockback ability or a CC immunity for their resolve ability?
  3. DING! and what do we have for our winner? Yep, they really serve no purpose in game, since gear can be modded without going to it. Just Ctrl+Right Click on the piece of moddable gear, if you didn't know.
  4. Okay. So I've read quite a bit now, tried some suggestions and maneuvers that people have recommended. How about a couple things get changed around on. 1. Force Camo gets bumped to 8 seconds, instead of 4 seconds. 2. Resolute's CD gets cut in half to 1 min, plus, it gives 100% resistance to knockbacks and ALL styles of CC (snares, slows, stuns) for 8 seconds. 3. Allow our CC to work in the game. Yes, Awe works. Why not Force Sweep? Force Sweep in PvE stuns surrounding NPCs for 4 seconds. Why shouldn't that be allowed in PvP? Pacify should also be able to work. 4. Master Strike should ROOT the player you are attacking, period, unless of course, they use their version of Resolute.
  5. This would be a good idea. Add a 6-8 second CC resistance to our resolute ability, and then cut the CD down to 60 secs (I may even take 90 sec) would go a long way towards improving PvP play.
  6. 20% damage reduction for 6 seconds is useless in PvP, especially when you are getting ganged by two or more players. Make it 50% or more, and we'll talk.
  7. This is mainly geared for PvP, but I think it would go a long way towards balancing the system for Sentinels of they cut the CD down by half, and added a 4 second resistance to further CC to the resolve ability. It's ridiculous when I get CC'd, hit resolve, only to get CC'd immediately a second time. Even if I save it for the second time, there's always the third. The other issue with saving Resolute for the second CC is that the first CC is usually so long (like a knockback and freeze ability) that it gives the other player time to escape.
  8. First off, I was not insulting you. I was telling you how reality actually works. Second, this isn't just in Huttball, but also Voidstar, Civil War, and the open-world PvP areas. Third. All that you are saying sounds great in theory, but only in theory. When it comes to real world application, it doesn't work. 1. In ANY PvP, you are almost never in one-on-one situations. I can count on one finger the amount of times that I've managed to get another player in a one-on-one situation, and it amounted to nothing but a kill....FOR THE OTHER PLAYER! Why? I force leap, he just hits me with a crippling ability and starts walking away. I hit Resolute, which brings me back to normal, by that time, he's grabbed health. My force leap still in CD, I do force stasis to close the gap. I hit him a few times, before he knocks me back, which AGAIN, slows me down. I force leap to close the gap again, but i'm still slowed, so he just runs away and grabs another health. ALL THIS TIME I AM CHASING HIM, he is hitting me (since he is ranged) and there is nothing I can do, because his knockback/stun/slow ability has a shorter CD than my resolute or force leap, which make them both worthless. Any other sentinel (except you obviously) could relate to this situation. And, no, Force Camo is completely useless in PvP, even with the 100% damage decrease, BECAUSE it only lasts four seconds, which is NOT enough time to get away in any situation. Make it 10-12 seconds, and then we can talk about using Force Camo. Until then, it's a junk ability, just like Guarded by the Force and Rebuke. 2. As watchman spec, all my combos are started off with a burn and focus building abilities. Searing Saber, Zealous Strike, Cauterize usually my openers (after I force leap if I need to) 3. You can't be ready for a knockback in the heat of battle, and especially when there are MORE THAN ONE PLAYER with a knockback. Even if I position myself so that I am not knocked off a platform by the player I am chasing, it is inevitable I will be knocked back by an opponent off-screen (which happens 9 times out of 10) 4. Of course he's going to escape. What are they gonna do? stand there with there thumbs up there butt waiting for me to get out of CC so that i can kill them? You must have idiots for opponents. 5 & 6. See the situation in 1, which happened exactly that way just the other day, and it ticked me off something fierce, because finally I had someone in a one-on-one situation, and I couldn't touch him, because of all his stinking CC, and I had nothing to counter his CC with, except one ability that has a two minute CD (not sure what actual CD is, just know it's long) BTW, there is no such thing as close quarters in PvP. It's all wide open, even if it doesn't appear to be. The other player ALWAYS has a way to escape, period. Again, this is not an insult to you. Your words all sound great on paper, but fails in real-world application.
  9. No, you cannot. It is not an interrupt ability.
  10. I was using it, when I was specced for Combat, but as I have learned the ins & outs of the Sentinel, I respecced to Watchman and haven't used transcendence at all. I am currently running a 26/7/0 mix in the skill tree, and it seems to be the most effective at DPS, and it adds a little more protection.
  11. The forcefield preventing players from leaving the spawn area is also very glitchy or even takes TOO long to drop. Twice, it took longer than normal to drop, allowing the other team free access to plant the bomb and allow it to go off uncontested. One time, that happened at the beginning of a round. What's the point of not allowing players to leave the spawn area anyways. Remove that feature. Sometimes, I get stuck in the spawn area, only to be booted as a deserter, because I spawn just as the forcefield reset itself
  12. Game Time incentive seems like a good idea, but it wouldn't be fair to only those on the PTS. I don't play PTS, but I have worked with the developers on NUMEROUS bugs that I have reported, and I am on a regular server. Why shouldn't that incentive, or any incentive revolving around effective bug reporting, go towards the regular players as well as the PTS players.
  13. Haha. Sorry. I was responding as I was reading the thread.
  14. You obviously don't play sentinel. Force Camo only lasts for four seconds, so it's worthless as a sneak attack. You also cannot use force leap during a knockback. It never works. Resolute has a LONG cooldown, so in PvP, they stun you, you use resolute, then they use something that lowers your speed, then you can't catch them until your force leap comes back, and by that time, their stun is ready again, and your resolute is STILL on Cooldown.
  15. We need something that helps us escape tight situations, especially in PvP, where Sentinels are picked off left and right. An AoE knockback, or giving us a longer Force Camo that actually drops aggro, allowing us to escape, is desperately needed.
  16. I agree. Our Force Leap should have a shorter cool down so it becomes effective at becoming a good counter for a knockback. As it is though, it's as Lomerell said Force Leap takes so long to cooldown, that while chasing a guy today in Huttball, he was able to grab TWO heals then kill me. DPS is worthless if you can't get to the guy.
  17. I think I experienced that 1000 times today while playing huttball
  18. oh yeah..wow...force camo....whoopdeedoo. 4 seconds sure is a lot of time. I probably wouldn't complain if it was bumped up to 12 seconds, and dropped aggro, like some other stealth abilities, but Force Camo in its current state is worthless.
  19. Okay, I've never really cared for this style of PvP. The attack/defense is a great concept, but I have always hated its system, no matter what multiplayer game I am playing. 95% of the time, the winner is decided based on who attacks last, and that is totally absurd. Solution: Have the winner also be based on who made it to the end faster. If both attacking parties succeed in recovering the data, it should be based on who makes it there the fastest, not who attacks last.
  20. Thank you for proving my point. Jedi Guardian and Sith Warrior are a melee class and they HAVE knockback. Either give Sentinel a knockback, or lower the amount of classes that have a knockback. I can't stand constantly playing PvP, and being knocked around like some ping pong ball.
  21. I approve of this thread. That's all I can say. compared to other classes, even non-DPS classes, the Jedi Sentinel is VERY weak. Animations need to be tighter, and there definitely needs to be some consolidation of abilities. I am a watchman spec, currently running a 25/7/0 mix, and it works pretty well, but I still feel very underpowered when facing other players, especially in PvP, where sentinels get picked apart real quickly because everyone knows how squishy we are compared to other classes. We don't even have a knockback ability, while every other class has one. We seriously need a knockback ability.
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