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Everything posted by LifeOfMessiah

  1. I thought that each discussion and presentation was supposed to be posted so that we could watch them later if we wanted to?
  2. After obtaining about 40 champ bags through the course of a few dailies and weeklies, I finally obtained an armor token..... ....only to find out it's worthless because I already spent my champ commendations on that particular piece. Please, make the armor tokens generic, instead of piece specific, so that we can actually spend these armor tokens, instead of having them waste space in our inventory.
  3. No Cheers. This is specific ONLY to Asian/Pacific players, and not towards the US or EU players. I am stuck on a Low-Pop Server that has absolutely NO END GAME. PvP is virtually dead, and out of the 3 weeks I have been 50, I've been a part of 1 HM, and NO OPS. This is a complete drag. Either merge servers, or allow transfers soon, because this is ridiculous. I DO NOT FORESEE MYSELF RENEWING MY SUBSCRIPTION IF THE SITUATION DOES NOT IMPROVE.
  4. http://toroz.com.au/2012/03/interview-biowares-gabe-amatangelo-on-pvp-server-transfers/ Check out this excellent interview with Gabe Amatangelo about upcoming changes in PvP. Looking forward to seeing the changes myself Let's discuss this interview
  5. Man...that just stinks. Stuck with a end game character, and I can't even play end-game content, all because it's a low-pop. What a drag
  6. Any news of when they will be allowing people to transfer their accounts to a different server. I am on a low-pop server that is absolutely dead in the water. PvP is virtually non-existent, and out of the 3 weeks, that I have been lvl 50, I've done 1 HM, and no Ops. Please let me know what's going on.
  7. I know that they had an exchange in Beta, but that it was exploited heavily, so they ended up removing it. I have a solution that might keep it players from exploiting my my farming low level planets like tython and exchanging them for end game planet comms. Solution: Change the exchange ratio based on planet level. If it's a planet with the next level range, then the exchange rate can be 2:1, and it goes higher from their based on how far apart the level ranges are. Tython-Coruscant: 2:1 Tython-Taris: 3:1 Coruscant-Taris: 2:1 Coruscant-Nar Shaddaa: 3:1 and so forth and so on, so that planets with adjacent level ranges are 2:1 until by the time you get to say Belsavis, the ratio is say Tython-Belsavis: 10:1. This would allow us to get rid of our useless planet commendations and still keep them from being exploited too heavily.
  8. okay. I'm confused. Why in the world would you gear up your companions with PvP gear? Centurion gear is about as useless as Champion gear. IE, they are not useless. Both centurion and champion gear are stepping stones to help you survive PvP until you can afford the BM gear.
  9. That begs the question as to what the future of the light/dark side is going to be. Will there be the ability to switch factions? I'd like to see more in depth character stories. I think the idea of switching factions based on your choices is a good idea. The question is how that can be properly implemented.
  10. So far, this is the only one that got me laughing in this whole list
  11. that wouldn't be too bad of an idea. they could tie each tree to the form mainly associated with it ie, tie the Shi-Cho form to Focus, ataru form to combat, and Juyo form to watchman, then just use the form buttons to switch between the specs.
  12. Yes....swooping is bad oh, wait...wrong game
  13. I have to agree with the OP on this one. I even did the puzzle and had T7's lvl 50 gear, and I still had to have someone else come along and help. Soloing him as a sentinel was almost impossible. I wasl interrupting nearly everything he was throwing at me, which was really tough considering that I only had two interrupts (force stasis and force kick) and he had charges that were faster, and I still died numerous times. I think if they lowered the amount of adds just a tad, the fight would still be challenging enough, yet not impossible.
  14. haha. me too. The only boss fight I ever had a problem with and needed help with, was the final boss fight.
  15. This begs the question as to when BioWare raises the level cap, how the skill trees will advance, because the way I see it, certain classes would be overpowering if they we able to dual spec, like Sentinel. I am currently Focus Spec, which is already pretty powerful. If I were to add the watchman spec to the list, I would be virtually unstoppable.
  16. granted, I play on a low-pop server for the moment, but I have everything maxed out, and I've never had a problem with performance, and I don't really have a high-end system, only running a Core 2 Duo 2.93 GHz, 4 GB of Ram, and a 1GB GeForce GTX 460.
  17. I agree. I think this would be no different from the "sex-switch" that's been mentioned before, and has the feel of prostitution. I think the Boot/Kill companion that is also in the Dragon Age games is the best option available.
  18. Though we may disagree on homosexuality, that doesn't mean I can't treat you as a human being. Just as I am against homosexuality, I am against hate speech. We need to learn to treat each other properly, and not as if a certain group/person is beneath us.
  19. I've only played sentinel so far, and have completed the class story. There is only ONE class quest where a companion is essential, and perhaps a few others where, though not essential, make sense for the companion to be there. It would not be difficult, though, for them to become "guest stars" during these class quests.
  20. I understand what you are saying but I must politely disagree with you. Nice signature BTW
  21. No. I am asking that if they allow homosexual relationships into game, I have to option to avoid them altogether and have no homosexual companions. If someone wants homosexual relationships in the game, I am not stopping them. Why should I be forced into a situation that I don't want to be a part of? Just like you don't want to be forced into a situation you don't want to be part of? How would you like it if they forced a companion on you that spouted hatred against something that you are for? Say you are homosexual and they gave you a in-game companion that spouted insults and hatred against homosexuality? You would not like that, and you would like the option to not have that companion, as it would be extremely offensive to you. All I ask is that it become an option to have homosexual tendencies or not. Let's say, keep the same characters but have options that the comps be homosexual or heterosexual, choices you make when creating your character. In otherwords, you could have your homosexual Kira or Mako, or whoever else there is, without forcing other players into situations they don't want to be a part of. You get your SGRs, and those who are opposed to the idea get their traditional relationships, without any conflicts. They should also give an option for parents of underage kids to turn off those "homosexual/heterosexual" options from the client-side so that parents can decide what their children are exposed to.
  22. They aren't as optional as you think. You still see the flirt options, even if you don't want to. I want the option to not see the flirt options for "homosexual" characters, and I want the option to NOT have a homosexual companion. If they are going to put that in the game, they need to have that option available. I really don't see it happening anytime soon though, as this is a licensed product, so they will have to get George Lucas' permission to include something so controversial into the game. This isn't like their own babies Mass Effect or Dragon Age, where they can do whatever they want.
  23. What are your plans to resolve the lack of PvP on Low Pop servers, specifically the lvl 50 bracket? Ilum is virtually deserted, and Wz events almost never occur, and when they do, it is only 120 seconds long, and it's 12 imperials vs 1 republic, or vice versa.
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