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Everything posted by DarylMusashi

  1. I can't give you a valid reason. I can't even give myself one any more with this game and all the problems in every area of game play. The terrible customer service doesn't help matters either.
  2. We need a reply to this matter Bioware. Lie to us even if you have to, but do something to acknowledge it. Subscriptions do hang in the balance.
  3. That is your opinion only. In my opinion the changes by Lucas destroy the films.
  4. I think Lucas needs to go even further with his insanity. Go ahead and change Han's blaster pistol into a walkie-talkie. You know you want to so just do it and get it over with Lucas. P.S. - Lucas likes the war with the fanboys. He can't get enough of it. It is his sole purpose in life now. He may claim otherwise, but his actions betray his motives.
  5. I can guarantee you that I won't be seeing one of the worst big budget movies of all time even if it is in 3d this time around. I'll bet money on the fact that I won't go see it.
  6. The level 10 player has a far greater chance against the twinked 49 than the fresh 50 does versus the geared 50s.
  7. Translation: "I'm too scared to drop the gear advantage. I NEED IT or I can't win."
  8. I'm right there with you. I am nearing the end of my patience on this issue. If Bioware does not at least acknowledge the issue then my subscription will soon be ending.
  9. Bioware should at least respond to this issue. Tell us you are in fact working on cleaning this up. If its not a priority then let us know that so we can make better informed decisions on whether or not to continue subscribing. You've tweaked raids, and been trying to fix PvP, which is great, but the codex is a vast area of game play that is being neglected. Give us some sort of heads up.
  10. I've also seen a player with it. My theory is that the title has been disabled, but not removed. The code is still in the game, and a player or two has gotten a glitch in their favor that gave them the title.
  11. Once again, the simple solution is to use bolster so that no gear of any kind gives an advantage whether its raid gear or dancing twi'lek slave gear. Easy to program, easy to do.
  12. Sidious was basically the devil incarnate in the flesh of the SW universe.
  13. I still have my WoW sub because two things keep me going - * I am in a guild with friends and we raid 3 nights a week. We progress and clear new content. I still find this fun. * I have put so much time and effort into my main, more than any other game of any genre I have ever played. I have issues letting go of that. If I didn't I would have quit long ago. If I could somehow port my WoW main into other games I would be a happy camper. I generally like ToR, but there are problems that really bother me. I plan to stick around for the first six months, but Bioware really needs to show me something to keep getting my dollars beyond that.
  14. There would be an explosion of PvP participation if they removed all gear advantages and just simply bolstered everyone to a standard level. People who are truly good at PvP will still dominate. The only ones who would quit are those players who simply must hide behind a gear advantage, and that isn't a very large group at all.
  15. I've been playing Warcraft since 2005. There was never any major problems with the achievement system. I have nearly 13000 achievement points, been working on them since they debuted in Lich King, and have never had one I couldn't attain, nor one that was bugged and didn't activate. Even if there was no comparison to WoW the horrible state of the codex in ToR is inexcusable.
  16. Yep, the OP just needs a trip to Kragga's Palace.
  17. He's over rated. The Anakin that beat Dooku would have beaten Windu. Also, Palp let Windu "win" in order to turn Anakin. Why would Palp keep shooting his force lightning if it was really hurting him by being reflected? He would just simply stop doing it if he were in any real danger. That was obviously all show in order to convince Anakin that the Jedi were the true evil.
  18. Me too. Its actually good news. Some years down the road perhaps someone other than Lucas will be allowed. If not no big deal. The original, unaltered versions of the original trilogy are complete in themselves.
  19. There is no scientific theory which can tell you what, who, or how the universe was made. Both Relativity and Quantum Physics cannot explain even the exact moment of the Big Bang. They nudge up to about 10^-43 seconds after, but we simply have no working theory prior to that. No theory that can be tested that is. Science is as much in the dark as religion when it comes to knowing where the universe truly came from. There are paradoxes in both an infinite and finite universe. We can't even resolve that dilemma.
  20. After the idiocy that Lucas has provided in the ruining of the OT (plus throwing the original versions down the memory hole), and the insult your intelligence new trilogy, yes, I expect the worst with Lucas. The more outlandish and insulting the rumor the more likely its true in Lucas' case. The South Park episode from a few years back regarding Indiana Jones and Lucas sums it up best.
  21. Bumping till this issue is either fixed or at least acknowledged by Bioware.
  22. In my opinion it is a lack of communication between dev teams just like the datacrons that require players to squeeze through tight spots that body types 3 and 4 can't get through. Its so obvious in that case that the team designing the datacron puzzles didn't communicate with the team creating the body type designs and thus you have datacrons that certain body types cannot normally get. Its sophomoric, and amateur. I expect better from a company like Bioware.
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