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10 Good
  1. Add in that titles that should pop aren't. If you start on Koriban, and don't immediately go around everything to get to the academy, you don't get the Sith Academy. It's just plain stupid. Small, easily missed datapads that can be found later, that's one thing. But, this is just play annoying.
  2. Not sure how obessive compulsive others are but, story and lore's a big part of the game experience for me and I've noticed that a lot of obvious lore pieces that should pop don't making folks who are a bit OCD a little nuts. For instance, the Revanites organization Codex entry doesn't pop during the Revenite quest line. Sure, this could be because the pop is keyed to very specific answers in the dialog of the quest, which frankly seems really stupid since it narrows down who can or can't finish all of the DK codex entries to a very narrow few who get very, very lucky. And it leaves others wondering ***? I ran everything, where's the stupid codex entry? It deminishes the game experience.
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