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Everything posted by RynZelara

  1. .............................*facepalm* Bravo. I commend you.
  2. This is not a good idea. People may make stupid comments and have things shoved far too much up their....well anyway, despite the glaring flaws that the community has as a whole (and really it isn't uncommon, it IS the internet after all), people are honest when it comes to stuff like this, because it's a matter of pride. Anyone who tries to cheat their way to the top of an achievement list doesn't appreciate the value of what it takes to get there, and by association, they in turn don't appreciate the achievement itself. =) In less words, requiring video proof for any boss fight is cumbersome, distrustful, and will only make people turn on yet another progression thread owner. The game is supposed to be fun, let's try and keep it that way. ^_^ Healthy, friendly competition.
  3. Ah, that's a shame to hear. =( I did notice you seem to be getting quite busy though. We certainly appreciate all the hard work you've done in keeping the thread going Falver, and providing various players across all servers the opportunity to have not only a spirit of healthy competition, but a place to calmly discuss various specs and rotations that furthers everyone's knowledge and ability in their respective classes, as well as even other classes they may not have taken a close look at before. Many thanks. I'll be sad to see you hand the thread over (though I'm sure it doesn't mean much coming from a random person xD)
  4. Wut about me? =< I wanna blow people away....(guess I need a mainhand first huh? xD)
  5. The 5 minute mark is the one that counts, according to torparse it's 2951. Pretty respectable, keep perfecting the rotation and driving that APM up. You'll be hitting 3k consistently in no time. As a push in the right direction though, if I may point out two things that will help your DPS: - Cut out Shock entirely. Lightning Strike, on average, will do more damage than the same amount of Shocks, and it also reduces the cooldown of Polarity Shift if it double hits. Which brings me to... - With the lessened CD on Polarity Shift from Lightning Strike, Chain Lightning, Thundering Blast, and Crushing Darkness double hits, you should be able to fit 5 Polarity shift activations into one 5 minute parse. That will boost your DPS by a bit as well. Hope that will help. I love to see Sages and Sorcs hitting higher numbers. Some people consider us underpowered...>.>
  6. Considering the fact that we all knew it would eventually be fixed, it would be up to your discretion to decide if those parses are now considered "fair" in relation to what can be used now, especially parses from people who are already in full 78s that have gotten fantastic RNG parses with a double SA. I think it would level the playing field a bit more, but those who used it religiously might not agree, and as it has already been pointed out to me in this thread once before, this thread's only purpose is for the highest number. In my opinion though, they should be archived. BW never intended them to be used together, and anyone who purposely used it anyway should've known full well that it would be fixed eventually, thus retroactively invalidating any parse that uses them since others who are still gearing up cannot use the same setup to achieve high numbers now. The same could be said of the Mainstat relic, but again, that's up to the choice of the parser since that hasn't been fixed yet.
  7. As much as I'd like for this number to be beatable by myself currently, I feel obligated to point out that your best number was actually 3226.29, right at the 5 minute mark. =) Great parse. I'm still looking for a 40%+ crit chance on Disturbance in my parses....I'll get it eventually.
  8. As far as I see it odawgg, you have no way of completely disproving the legitimacy of the parse. The odds could be 1 in 6, the odds could be 1 in 6,000,000. There is still a chance it could happen. And as long as that chance remains, unless you have definitive proof that the parse was doctored (from the log), then there's no basis for your claim other than a blind leap of faith, so to speak. Don't get me wrong, I more than understand where you're coming from. Those odds are hard to swallow. But every time I think about odds, I think about all the years I've been playing pokemon. And how many hours I've pumped into each and every game that's been released since Gold, Silver, and Crystal. And I have NEVER once encountered a shiny pokemon. Ever. In several games where I've logged more than 300-400 hours. I know people that encounter a shiny pokemon in the first few hours of their pokemon playthrough. It's all chance. Besides, at the end of the day, that's all it is: A lucky parse. The top spot on these leaderboards really comes down to, not who has the most optimal rotation (because most people posting on this board know optimal rotations), or even who can execute their rotation the most flawless. It comes down to: Who has more time? Because all the high numbers on this board are a result of lucky parses that go above the standard, average parse one would normally get when taking into account their gear and rotation, and execution of that rotation. I guess the long and short of it is, unless it is statistically impossible, it can't be disproved without definitive proof of doctoring. That's the bottom line. =) Does that suck for a board like this? Sure. After all the purpose is to get the highest number. But if the planets align for that one good parse for one person, then that person very well could hold the top spot for a while, until the planets align again for someone else, or until the gear cap changes again.
  9. ............Aha......ahahahahahahaha........................ Good times...good times.
  10. As far as the FR relic......my "equal footing" mindset and potential failure of the relic to work as intended makes me want to say no. Yet....the ICD being 20 seconds makes perfect sense in my mind, and it isn't so horridly overpowered that it can justifiably be marked as an "exploit". But then, we don't know that for sure... I think....I think we should probably let it be used. It's not as OP as a second SA relic was, and if it turns out it ISN'T working as intended, it shouldn't be too hard for people to put the BA back into their rotation. That being said, I think perhaps, if it's going to be allowed, we should wait just a bit longer to see if BW releases any statements about it. If not, then we could go ahead with allowing it. Either way the decision is yours Tam. I'm just giving my input (not like I'll get a relic anytime soon anyway =P).
  11. You know dude, if you don't like the DPS thread, don't post in it. =/ No one is forcing you to post on the board. If there are so many people complaining, please go find them and have them post their concerns on the thread. From what I've seen overall, everyone seems pretty content with the DPS thread. You are the only one that so utterly fails to see why the rules that are in place, are in place. To address your comments here, I'll go one by one. 1) There is no fourth place. There's a 1st-3rd place and an honorable mentions for specs that did not make the top three. If there is a Carnage parse in the top three and you post another one that isn't good enough for top 3, it does not get put in honorable mentions. However, if a parse was put up in Focus spec, but isn't good enough for top 3, it would get put in honorable mentions because it isn't a spec on the top 3. 2) Let me see if I can explain this clearer for you. Double SAs are not allowed because they are BUGGED. Bioware has confirmed this to be true, and if it will eventually see a fix (which it is, albeit far too late), what is the point of filling the leaderboards with double SA parses when it will no longer work in the future? Better to keep the leaderboards full of parses using gear configurations that will continue to be usable. This is a discretionary decision, and since KBN runs the thread, he has the right to make that decision. If you don't like it, again, don't post here, or make your own DPS board. As for the speccing into self-heals, this is not allowed because not every AC has self heals to spec into. This means that only certain classes can benefit from the double proc on the SA. The ONLY exemptions to that are Balance Sage (and Shadow? I can't remember) and Watchmen Sentinel, because they cannot reach the top of their tree without taking a self-heal talent. If you think that is unfair, go cry to Bioware for designing a flawed relic. The point is, you are speccing into Hungering to give yourself an advantage in competitive parsing that not all other classes can have. And that goes against the balanced competition KBN is aiming to provide. It isn't like Balance and Watchmen are horridly OP either (if at all), so it doesn't make sense to penalize people who play those specs. Again, if you think this is unfair, make your own thread or don't post here. 3) The rest of your comments show a complete misunderstanding of the rules as set out in the thread, and are nothing but personal attacks against KBN and those associated with him. Please, if you're going to attempt to change anything, first of all you need to change your attitude about it. Hurling personal attacks at people (for what reason, I don't know) and talking in a condescending manner is not going to get you anywhere. Not online, and not in life. If that's how you talk to people all the time, I feel bad for your family and friends, and people in general who interact with you. I sincerely hope, for your sake, that that isn't the case. Like I said, if you have so much issue with the thread, rally people behind your thinking, give convincing evidence that something needs to be changed, and present it. If not, don't post on the thread, or go make your own. That's the end of the matter. That's the bottom line. Quit making a fool of yourself, quit arguing points that are unsubstantiated by solid evidence and testimony, and just either deal with it or make your own thread. As a final point, it is important to remember that this thread is not a leaderboard in the complete strictest sense, in that it has a secondary purpose. The board is presented as such that people can compare their DPS with others of their same spec and those of other specs and ACs and try to improve themselves as a whole. It isn't like Falver's board where the ONLY objective is the highest number possible. Even on his thread there are things done that people don't agree with. But they deal with it and post anyway, because no one system is perfect. Once more for emphasis, if you think you can do a better job, make your own thread. Otherwise, stop being conceited and accept the thread as it is, or don't post.
  12. That would be disappointing since I was going to use one because of it's brokenness atm. But if BioWare says it's unintended, then I suppose my next relic will be a damage-proc relic. SA is a bit too random for my class I think.
  13. Fair enough. I was under the impression most DPS leaderboards had a secondary purpose besides just a high number (like getting better at rotation and such). If that isn't the case with this board, I rescind my previous statement and will go back to trying to get 3200 =P
  14. I second this. I have no real feelings of negativity or positivity towards the late AM, but it would be respectful to include that server first for them. =)
  15. Calphayus hits like a truck in HM if you aren't a Tank. We tried having a mDPS on him and I think they were taking somewhere between 2100-2400 DPS to the face. Which pretty much requires an almost-full time healer, something that can't be afforded in HM. I do agree that the crystal mechanic will be present in NiM mode though. Has anyone pushed Calphayus down below 15% AFTER doing the crystals? Can Calphayus even trigger the soft enrage?
  16. .......Dude. It'a a game. I know he cheated, and that's not right, but is it really so important to have the best parse that you even want him to remove his from TORParse? I'm as much an advocate of friendly competition towards the goal of improving everyone as a whole as the next guy, but the actual parse number means very little. Having a top parse usually just means you got the luckiest string of crits. It doesn't definitively determine who is better at their rotation, or even how they perform on bosses. I dunno. This is the internet. Opinions abound, and that's what this is: an opinion. Take it with a grain of salt. It just seems a bit too much of an overreaction considering what parsing is all about. =) Also KTap, y u so far ahead? *cry*
  17. http://www.torparse.com/a/482078/time/1383633568/1383633869/0/Overview 3163.59 AMR: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/02604c31-2999-4fd1-908d-74d39a646924 Character: Ros'alyn | Class: Sage | Spec: Telekinetics (3/36/7)
  18. http://www.torparse.com/a/482078/16/0/Damage+Dealt 3150.42 Character: Ros'alyn | Class: Sage | Spec: Telekinetics (3/36/7)
  19. ..................People modeled their gear after mine? O_o Never knew I was even known to be a good healer. =D
  20. wut. ..........No seriously, wut. Lol. That's a ridiculous Disturbance crit...insane. Well, there's always 2nd place...=P
  21. http://www.torparse.com/a/475257/4/0/Damage+Dealt 3064.73 Character: Ros'alyn | Class: Sage | Spec: Telekinetics (3/36/7)
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